Fact Check : FREE Petronas Petrol This February?

A picture claiming that Petronas is giving away FREE petrol this February has gone viral!

Take a look at the viral picture, and find out why it’s just a joke!


Fact Check : FREE Petronas Petrol This February?

This is the picture that has gone viral on WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter.

It claims that Petronas is giving away FREE petrol on 29 and 30 February at all of their petrol stations!


FREE Petronas Petrol This February? It’s Just A Joke!

As we pointed out recently, February 2021 is not unique. However, this is just an Internet joke.

There is no 29 February or 30 February. There are only 28 days in February 2021.

It looks like many people do not realise that, considering the number of times we received this picture from people who are excited about getting free petrol!

Sadly, this is yet another Internet joke / hoax. Petronas is NOT giving away free petrol.

And consider this for a second – why would Petronas give away petrol? And why in February?


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