Tag Archives: Pfizer

Why Steve Kirsch Is Wrong That Taylor Hawkins Died From Vaccine

Tech millionaire Steve Kirsch challenged me to a debate, claiming to have “the inside story” on how Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins died from vaccine-induced myocarditis.

So let’s take a look at his “inside” information, and see what the facts really are!


Steve Kirsch : Taylor Hawkins Most Likely Died From Vaccine!

Tech millionaire Steve Kirsch has been actively creating misinformation about COVID-19 and the vaccines.

In his latest effort, he claimed to have “the inside story” on how Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins died from vaccine-induced myocarditis.

He even called me out, and challenged me to a debate, for fact checking that false claim earlier. Hilarious!

I would love to debate Dr. Wong on this, but he doesn’t seem anxious to engage with me or Peter McCullough. I’ve posted the link to this story on his “fact check” but it has to be approved by him to appear.

So I’m going to publicly expose the truth about what Steve Kirsch shared, because facts aren’t subject to a debate. They remain true, irrespective of our opinions.


Why Steve Kirsch Is Wrong About Taylor Hawkins Dying From Vaccine

In case you guys don’t know him, Steve Kirsch is a tech millionaire who made his money as one of two people who independently invented the optical mouse.

So he’s definitely a smart guy… when it comes to tech. But let’s see if Steve Kirsch is correct in any of his claims…

I will go through the list of “facts” that Steve Kirsch posted, and tell you what the facts really are.

Claim : He was found dead in his hotel room… after complaining about chest pains.
Fact : Hawkins called the hotel front desk for help, complaining of chest pain. He was treated by a health professional (doctor) hired by EMI, who failed to revive him.

Claim : Press reported he died of cardiac arrest. The vaccine causes death by cardiac arrest.
Fact : There is ZERO evidence that any COVID-19 vaccine causes death by cardiac arrest.

Claim : Marijuana and heroin and the other drugs aren’t consistent with the symptoms observed before he died.
Fact : No one actually observed his symptoms that we are aware of. Hawkins only reported chest pain, so what other symptoms is Kirsch alluding to?
Fact : A cardiac arrest is pretty much consistent with opioid overdose, and less commonly, marijuana use. Even if we discount marijuana, Hawkins had heroin and other opioids in his urine.

Claim : Taylor Hawkins was all about the music and his fans. He was just a great guy.
Fact : Unless his passion for music was a trigger for the vaccine to kill him, it is completely irrelevant and is just Kirsch name dropping his “inside source”.

Members of the Technical Investigation Corps (CTI) remove the lifeless body of the drummer of the rock band Foo Fighters, Taylor Hawkins, at the Casa Medina hotel, in Bogota, Colomia

Claim : He was married for 17 years and had three kids. He had everything to live for.
Fact : People with everything to live for can still partake in drugs. A strong desire to live does not prevent a drug overdose either. Does Kirsch really believe that being married for XX years and having X number of kids precludes death from opioid overdose? Seriously?

Claim : There was no mention of the amount of each substance (in the toxicology report).
Fact : This is true, probably because the forensic team would have to first corroborate the urine test results, with the blood test results. It does not change the fact that the 10 types of substances in his urine included marijuana, antidepressants, benzodiazepines and opioids.

Claim : People have mentioned that drug reports from Columbian sources can be unreliable.
Fact : Not only is that incredibly condescending, it is an opinion that is not backed by facts. Where is the evidence that a simple urine test that any laboratory in the world can perform is unreliable because it was conducted in Colombia?

Claim : Columbian authorities claim … Columbian sources…
Fact :
The demonym of Colombia is Colombian, not Columbian. Hawkins died in the country of Colombia, not Columbia, South Carolina or the District of Columbia.

Claim : COVID vaccine can cause a heart to double in size and then kill you.
Fact : Vaccine-induced myocarditis can cause the heart to enlarge (but not necessarily so), and in rare cases, it can be fatal. However, you are many times more likely to get myocarditis from a COVID-19 infection, than from any COVID-19 vaccine. If you are worried about myocarditis, you will want to get vaccinated.
Read more : Vaccine Myocarditis Risk Less Than 1 In Million!

Claim : It seems unlikely that he just decided on a spontaneous heroin / benzo / cocaine bender right before a show.
Fact : Unlikely? The fact is the preliminary toxicology test showed that he had 10 different substances in his urine, and a police officer reportedly told prosecutors that he saw a “cocaine-like powder” in Hawkins’ room. Does Kirsch have any “inside” facts to share? Or was he just pontificating?

Claim : He still smoked weed. This was well known [Insider].
Opinion : I’ll take his insider’s word for that, and point out it refutes Kirsch’s point that Hawkins learned his lesson in 2001 (when he almost died from an overdose). If he can still smoke weed, he certainly can still partake in cocaine and heroin.

Claim : Hawkins made it very clear he was against masks, lockdowns and the COVID vaccines.
Opinion : While plausible, there is no public record of Hawkins saying that he was against masks, lockdowns and the COVID vaccines.

Claim : Hawkins was under pressure from both Dave Grohl and the band manager to take the vaccine.
Opinion : While plausible, there is no public record of Hawkins being forced to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Claim : Hawkins’ heart was likely already somewhat damaged from an earlier vaccine dose when … his doctor said he had a “big heart”.
Fact : That is a baseless opinion by Kirsch, unless he is willing to share with us evidence that Hawkins’ “big heart” was related to any vaccine he took.

Claim : So the timing on this suggests that Hawkins had his first and/or second dose before the medical exam.
Fact : This is complete bullshit. Kirsch is doing a logic pretzel – claiming (without evidence) that Hawkins’ cardiomegaly in June 2021 was definitely due to the vaccine, and then using that as “evidence” that Hawkins must have been vaccinated before that.
Opinion : If Kirsch really spoke to insiders who knew Hawkins on a personal basis, they would have told him when Hawkins got his vaccine doses. Kirsch doesn’t even know what vaccine Hawkins took. It may not even have been an mRNA vaccine, for all we know.

Claim : So this is all consistent with a damaged heart on an earlier vaccine shot.
Fact : Kirsch conspiciously “forgot” to point out that Hawkins’ doctor told him that he was “in amazing shape“. If Hawkins had vaccine-induced myocarditis, he would have had noticeable symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath and heart palpitations. His doctor certainly would not have told him that he was in great health.

Claim : Hawkins got a booster on Feb. 26, 2022 [Insider], just a month before he died.
Fact : There is no way to confirm this insider claim, but I should point out that none of the countries that the Foo Fighters were going to play at required a booster dose. They only required travellers to be fully-vaccinated, so it would not have been necessary for Hawkins to get a booster dose before flying to Australia – the first overseas stop.
Opinion : Assuming that his insider source was correct, it actually PROVES that Hawkins did not suffer from vaccine-induced myocarditis – an acute condition that occurs within a few days of receiving an mRNA vaccine. It wouldn’t crop up a month later, and Hawkins would not have been able to undertake strenuous activities like playing with the Foo Fighters in Australia, Chile and Argentina.

Claim : Large study in JAMA said most heart problems surfaced 3 weeks after the vaccine
Fact : Kirsch interestingly did not reference the JAMA study, so we will never know which study he was referring to. In any case, vaccine-induced myocarditis surfaces WITHIN DAYS of receiving an mRNA vaccine.

Claim : Those involved in physically demanding activities are … more likely to get myocarditis due to catecholamine release interaction with the vaccine.
Fact : There is currently no evidence that individuals who participate in physically demanding activities are more likely to get myocarditis. The paper Kirsch quoted to back up that claim is a literature review (not an actual clinical study) by his friend, that has not been peer-reviewed.
Fact : The paper Kirsch quoted mentioned that “vaccine-induced myocarditis … and increase in sudden deaths” are “overrepresented in young males“. That kind of proves Kirsch wrong – Hawkins was 50 years old when he died. The risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis for his age group is practically non-existent.

Age Group Vaccine Myocarditis
Male Rate
(per million doses)
Classic Myocarditis
Male Baseline
(per million doses)
12-17 32.4 2.0
18-24 30.7 1.8
25-29 12.2 1.9
30-39 6.9 1.9
40-49 3.5 1.9
50-64 1.9 1.9

Claim : Their stage manager Andy Pollard died suddenly as well.
Fact : That’s true, but Kirsch does not tell us why that is pertinent information. Bob Saget also died suddenly. Is that equally relevant to Hawkins’ death? Or is he suggesting some kind of Foo Fighters curse?

Claim : [Vaccine-induced myocarditis] fits all the facts like a glove
Opinion : Those must be really weird gloves for aliens with 8 fingers, because Kirsch offered ZERO EVIDENCE that vaccine-induced myocarditis was the cause of Hawkins’ death.

Claim : Hawkins was boosted 30 days before he died, giving his heart plenty of time to double in size
Fact : Hawkins already said he had a “big” heart a year ago… MONTHS before he received that [alleged] booster dose in February 2022.

Claim : Hawkins was observed shortly before his death and appeared not under the influence of drugs.
Fact : Kirsch hilariously used this photo of Hawkins with band members Pat Smear and Samantha Sidley taken TWO DAYS prior to his death as proof. How does the photo prove that Hawkins did not partake in any drugs two days LATER? Let me help him with this analogy – if I post a picture of myself eating a salad today, it does not mean I won’t be eating a steak tomorrow.

Taylor Hawkins (back) on a plane with band member Pat Smear (left) and Samantha Sidley (right) on Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Steve, thank you for helping to invent the optical mouse, but please stop creating and sharing misinformation.

Why not join me in fighting fake news instead? Let your legacy be the unerring pursuit of the truth.


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Booster Deadline For Seniors + Sinovac Extended… Again!

The deadline for ALL senior citizens and Sinovac vaccine recipients to receive a booster dose in Malaysia has been extended… AGAIN!


Booster Deadline For Seniors + Sinovac Recipients Extended Again!

On 7 February 2022, Malaysia Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin announced that these individuals will be required to get a booster dose by 28 February 2022.

  • 60 years and older who were fully-vaccinated with any COVID-19 vaccine
  • 18 years and older who were fully-vaccinated with the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine

On 24 February 2022, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin announced that the deadline has been extended, and both groups will have until the 31 March 2022 to get their booster dose.

On 1 April 2022, the Malaysia Health Ministry (KKM) extended the deadline again, this time by three (3) months.

This means individuals in both groups who do not get their booster dose will lose their fully-vaccinated status only on 1 July 2022, .

To be clear – this is not a vaccine mandate. You are free to refuse the booster dose. However, your MySejahtera will show that you are not fully-vaccinated.


KKM Still Offers Sinovac Booster Dose

On 7 February, the Health Minister also shared that 3.5 million people who were fully-vaccinated with the Sinovac vaccine still have not received their booster dose.

To encourage them to get their booster dose, the Malaysia Ministry of Health (KKM) is now offering Sinovac recipients the option of a Sinovac booster dose.

KKM however strongly recommends that Sinovac recipients receive either the Pfizer or AstraZeneca booster dose, because they offer much better protection.

They are only offering the Sinovac booster dose, because it is better than not taking one at all. As Khairy quipped, “If you are going to travel to a cold country and refuse the coat that KKM offers, it’s better that we give you a t-shirt than let you go naked“.

That’s quite an apt description, as recent studies (here, here and here) have shown that the Sinovac booster dose is about as useful as a t-shirt in winter.

That said, Khairy also said that there are currently no plans for a 4th shot for Sinovac recipients.

Read more : Why Sinovac Recipients May Need Two Pfizer Booster Doses!

That is why I completely agree with KKM, and highly recommend that Sinovac recipients opt for the much better Pfizer or AstraZeneca booster dose.

If you prefer a Chinese vaccine for work or geopolitical reasons, then opt for the Sinopharm vaccine, which is at least slightly better than the Sinovac vaccine.

But no matter what you choose – please get the booster dose ASAP.

You can walk-in for your booster dose at any Mega PPV or Offsite PPV, or get an appointment at a GP PPV. So it’s really convenient.

Read more : Walk-In Booster Dose Available At All PPVs Across Malaysia!


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Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Hollywood Celebrities Start Vax-A-Thon To Fight Antivaxxers!

Hollywood celebrities are angry at antivaxxers, and have started a Vax-A-Thon to fight back!


Hollywood Celebrities To Antivaxxers : Piss Off!

Hollywood celebrities aren’t the brightest bulbs in America, but even they have finally gotten angry at antivaxxers for constantly claiming that they were being killed or injured by the vaccine.

No one was spared – Betty White, Louie Anderson, Bob Saget, Taylor Hawkins, and the great Bruce Willis!

Even worse – antivaxxers went after their own, claiming that stridently antivax Meat Loaf died from his booster dose!

That led antivax Jessica Biel to tearfully plead in a recent Rolling Stone interview :

What they did to Meat Loaf was wrong. So unfair! We did so much for them and they turned on us!

I’m all natural, 100% Pure Blood detoxed a thousand times! If I die, it’s not because of the vaccine!

Read more : Did Bruce Willis Get Aphasia From COVID-19 Vaccine?!


Hollywood Celebrities Start Vax-A-Thon To Fight Antivaxxers!

When antivaxxers started going after Bruce Willis, something broke. Not a dam. Maybe the rose-tinted glasses they have been wearing in the past two years.

So they got together for some mimosas and decided to do something about it – A Vax-A-Thon, with a twist.

For every $1000 donation to the FDA, you will get an autographed card of your favourite pharmaceutical executive. Pfizer’s Albert Bourla was reportedly 2:1 as popular as Moderna’s Stéphane Bancel. But Johnson & Johnson will give out cards signed by Ye, since they have no one famous on their team.

But here’s the kicker – if you can cough up a cool $1 million, you can get your favourite Hollywood celebrity to either receive or consume an ENTIRE COVID-19 vaccine vial of your choice!

Deadpool actor Ryan Reynolds and beloved country songstress Dolly Parton were amongst the first celebrities to get a full vial “the traditional way” this morning, and say that they have never felt better in their lives!

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow declined to get the shot in her Pure Blood body, but will prepare and drink a delicious Moderna sorbet (recipe to be shared on Goop) on YouTube Live next week.

Jim Carrey reportedly wanted to reprise his 1997 “man kiss” of Alicia Silverstone with Paltrow on her YouTube Live stream, and slurp the Moderna sorbet from her mouth.

That Paltrow-Carrey livestream will certainly be interesting… if it happens! Brad Falchuk allegedly told Carrey to keep his super-big mouth out of his wife’s mouth.

Nicki Minaj, unfortunately, is not in the list of participating celebrities. Her spokesperson, however, issued a statement saying that she would be open to getting the full vial if Pfizer comes out with a version that gives her nails like Wolverine.

Oddball celebrity Steven Seagal asked to participate, but wished to gift the vial to his good friend, Vladimir Putin, who is forced to sit at really long tables because he was only vaccinated with Sputnik V. No word yet on whether his request was taken seriously, or laughed out of Tinseltown…

But if you are a Putin fan and want to keep him alive for another invasion of Georgia or the Baltic states, make sure you have $1 million handy!


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Was Bruce Willis Forced To Get COVID-19 Vaccine?!

Was Bruce Willis forced to get his COVID-19 vaccine?

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Bruce Willis Was Forced To Get COVID-19 Vaccine!

People are sharing messages and articles claiming that Bruce Willis was forced to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

All of them revolve around this quote from an interview that Willis allegedly gave in 2021.

“Yes, I am vaccinated. But I must say, if I could be kind enough to say, I didn’t do it willingly”, Willis had said during an interview in 2021.


Truth : Bruce Willis Was NOT Forced To Get COVID-19 Vaccine!

This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS about Bruce Willis and the COVID-19 vaccine, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : No General Vaccine Mandate In The United States

This fake news is at least partially based on the false perception that there is a general vaccine mandate in the United States.

The Biden Administration ordered a vaccine mandate for selected groups in 2021 :

  • Healthcare workers : except those with medical / religious exemptions
  • Military personnel : except those with medical / religious exemptions
  • Non-citizen air travellers : except certain exceptions – under 18, airplane crews, diplomats, permanent residents, special exemptions, etc.
  • Federal employees : Suspended
  • Federal contractors : Suspended
  • Private sector employees : Withdrawn on 25 January 2022

Various state authorities have also enacted their own vaccine mandates, but only for selected sectors. For example :

  • California : state employees, healthcare workers, educational workers
  • New York : state employees and healthcare workers
  • Washington : state employees, healthcare workers, educational workers

Other than certain selected groups, no one else in the United States is required to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Read more : Did US Supreme Court Just Cancel Universal Vaccination?!

Fact #2 : Bruce Willis Likely Fully-Vaccinated In Early 2021

Bruce Willis has never spoken about his COVID-19 vaccination status. However, it is highly likely that he was vaccinated against COVID-19 by early 2021.

While there is no general vaccine mandate in the United States, many film productions insist that all actors and crews must be fully-vaccinated to avoid expensive halts if an outbreak occurs on set.

Willis was extremely prolific in the last year or so, participating in 15 films since 2021. He would need to be fully-vaccinated to participate in most, if not all of them.

However, he would not have been “forced” to do it. He would have to willingly choose to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Fact #3 : Interview Quote Belonged To Mike Tyson

The interview quote that claimed to show that Willis was forced to get vaccinated was WRONGLY ATTRIBUTED.

Willis never gave a 2021 interview in which he spoke about being forced to get his COVID-19 vaccine.

All those websites that used this quote did not identify who interviewed Willis, or provide a link to the interview. That’s because it never happened.

The quote was lifted – word for word – from Mike Tyson’s interview with USA TODAY on 6 October 2021.

Yes, I am vaccinated. But I must say, if I could be kind enough to say, I didn’t do it willingly.

As you can see in this clip of the USA Today interview, it was Mike Tyson who said them, not Bruce Willis.

Fact #4 : Bruce Willis’ Aphasia Had Nothing To Do With Vaccine

This new fake claim is being peddled as a cautionary tale of what happens when people are “forced” to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

They are indirectly suggesting that, if you are forced to get the COVID-19 vaccine, you may end up with aphasia like Bruce Willis.

The truth is – COVID-19 vaccines do NOT cause aphasia. That is misinformation based on :

Also, Bruce Willis had been suffering from cognitive issues long before COVID-19 vaccines were invented.

The most common causes of aphasia are stroke, head injuries, brain tumours and progressive neurological conditions.

And globally, strokes alone are responsible for 5 million new cases of aphasia every year, before the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, and long before the COVID-19 vaccines were invented.

Read more : Did Bruce Willis Get Aphasia From COVID-19 Vaccine?!
Read more : Why Adverse Events of Special Interest Are NOT Side Effects!

Don’t risk your life, or your family’s lives, on bad science and fake news.

Protect your family and yourself by vaccinating against COVID-19!

Please help me fight fake news, and SHARE this fact check with your family and friends!


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Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Did Bruce Willis Get Aphasia From COVID-19 Vaccine?!

Did Bruce Willis get aphasia seven days after receiving the second dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine?!

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Bruce Willis Got Aphasia From COVID-19 Vaccine!

Almost immediately after news broke that Bruce Willis was retiring after his aphasia diagnosis, people started claiming that he got his aphasia from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine!

Here are a few examples circulating on social media. Please head to the next section for the facts.

General Thomas McInerney : Actor Bruce Willis has sudden health condition issues. Vaccine strikes again?

Hmmm… Bruce Willis’ retirement…🤡🤡🙏🏻🙏🏻

Aphasia seven days after second dose of an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine – PMC

Aphasia which Bruce Willis is suffering can be caused by a stroke, blood clot, brain tumour all adverse reactions from the vaccines.

Bruce Willis is stepping away from acting because of Aphasia. FYI Aphasia is one of the side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Read more : Did Bruce Willis Get FT Dementia From Vaccine?!


Truth : Bruce Willis Did NOT Get Aphasia From COVID-19 Vaccine!

It’s becoming a tradition for anti-vaccination activists to immediately blame a celebrity’s death or malady on the COVID-19 vaccine.

Yet again, these antivaxxers are wrong, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : No Evidence Bruce Willis’ Aphasia Was Caused By Vaccine

First, let me start by simply pointing out that there is ZERO EVIDENCE that Bruce Willis’ aphasia was caused by the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, or any vaccine for the matter.

The Willis family did not make that claim, stating simply that “Bruce has been experiencing some health issues and has recently been diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities“.

Those making the claim are simply conjuring it out of thin air, without evidence.

Fact #2 : COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Cause Aphasia

Aphasia is not a disease, but a symptom of damage to the part of the brain that handles speech and language.

There are many causes of aphasia, but the most common cause is a stroke (cerebrovascular accident) on the left side of the brain.

It is also commonly seen with severe head injury, a brain tumour or progressive neurological conditions like dementia.

However, COVID-19 vaccines do not cause aphasia, because they do NOT damage the brain.

Read more : Did Bob Saget Die From COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose?
Read more : Did Foo Fighters Drummer Taylor Hawkins Die From Vaccine?!

Fact #3 : No Evidence Willis Got His Second Dose Recently

The claim that he received his second dose just 7 days before his aphasia diagnosis does not appear to be backed by any evidence.

While Bruce has not revealed his vaccination status, he has been extremely prolific, participating in 15 films since 2021.

There is no vaccine mandate for actors, but producers can mandate vaccinations as a condition for participating in their movies.

As acting in at least some of these movies will require him to be fully-vaccinated, he was very likely fully-vaccinated since early 2021.

Fact #4 : Pfizer AESI List Are Not Side Effects

Many antivaxxers point out that aphasia is in the 9-page AESI list that they claim is evidence of side effects caused by the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The truth is – the “List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” is actually just a generic list of adverse events that Pfizer look for when vaccinated people send in their reports through VAERS or the Yellow Card systems.

These adverse events are NOT vaccine side effects, because they include COVID-19, other communicable diseases, as well as manufacturing and lab testing issues.

Even though Pfizer investigated all reported adverse events in the list, they found no new safety concerns / risks.

Read more : Why Adverse Events of Special Interest Are NOT Side Effects!

Fact #5 : mRNA Vaccine Did Not Cause Aphasia After 7 Days

Anti-vaccination activists are quoting a 2021 paper (Aphasia seven days after second dose of an mRNA based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine) as evidence that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines cause aphasia after 7 days.

It looks like they either did not read the paper, or they intentionally chose to mislead you on what it said.

The paper reported on a SINGLE case of a man who developed aphasia 7 days after receiving the second dose of his mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

The cause of his aphasia was not the vaccine, but intracerebral bleeding. The man suffered a haemorrhagic stroke – a common cause of aphasia.

Not only is it just a single case, there is no evidence the mRNA vaccine caused the stroke, thereby leading to the aphasia.

The paper also noted that the man’s aphasia “resolved almost completely within a few days“.

Fact #6 : Millions Of People Develop Aphasia Every Year

Aphasia is not a new disorder. It is as old as mankind itself, affecting people long before COVID-19 vaccines were invented.

Globally, millions of people suffer from aphasia, with strokes alone responsible for 5 million new cases of aphasia every year.

Bruce Willis joins about a million other Americans who currently suffer from aphasia in the United States.

Read more : Was Bruce Willis Forced To Get COVID-19 Vaccine?!

Rumer Willis, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore and Tallulah Belle Willis. Photo credit : Phil Faraone for Comedy Central

Fact #7 : Willis Had Cognitive Issues Long Before COVID-19 Vaccines

Directors, producers and actors who worked with him, Bruce Willis, have come out to say that they noticed his cognitive issues since at least June 2020 – long before COVID-19 vaccines were approved, or made available.

During the production of the movie, Out of Death, director Mike Burns relayed instructions to his screenwriter to cut “about 5 pages” off Willis’ script in a June 2020 email, and realised why when he met Willis for the first time.

I could see it firsthand and I realized that there was a bigger issue at stake here and why I had been asked to shorten his lines.

Then in October 2021, Burns would meet Willis again on the set of Wrong Place. Despite being told that Willis was “way better” and “a whole different person”, he noted :

I didn’t think he was better; I thought he was worse. After we finished, I said: ‘I’m done. I’m not going to do any other Bruce Willis movies.’ I am relieved that he is taking time off.

Bruce Willis had cognitive issues while filming Out of Death

Other industry insiders claimed that Willis began using an earpiece with another actor, Adam Huel Potter feeding him his lines.

Sometimes, Bruce Willis “looked so lost” and had difficulty understanding why he was on set. Once, he asked the crew on set :

I know why you’re here, and I know why you’re here, but why am I here?

Willis’ assistant Stephen J. Eads would advise filmmakers to finish shooting his scenes by lunch, and let him leave early.

All that happened in 2020 – long before the first COVID-19 vaccine was approved, and certainly long before COVID-19 vaccinations began.

Fact #8 : Willis Had Cognitive Issues Long Before COVID-19 Pandemic

Producer and writer, Joe Russo also stated that Bruce Willis had been suffering quietly (from aphasia) for years, including during the filming of his movie, Hard Kill, which was in production SIX WEEKS before the pandemic.

In fact, Bruce was already suffering from cognitive issues as far back as the movie, Glass – which was filmed from 2017-2018.

Bruce seemed a little confused at times and needed a little more help with his lines. This was the first time that I had heard anything about his health.

At that point it seemed that he was a little off. We thought it could be anything from aging to maybe even being a little drunk — common mistakes that people make when seeing the first signs of anything like dementia — to just not wanting to be there.

In reflection, Bruce may have been struggling with all of this back then.

As many Hollywood insiders have revealed, Willis had been suffering from cognitive issues which got progressively worse for at least 5 years, if not longer. It is therefore absurd to blame the COVID-19 vaccine for his aphasia, or underlying condition.

Don’t risk your life, or your family’s lives, on the bad science and misinformation promoted by these anti-vaccination activists.

Protect your family and yourself by vaccinating against COVID-19!

Please help me fight fake news, and SHARE this fact check with your family and friends!


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Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Did Taylor Hawkins Die From Vaccine Myocarditis?!

Did Foo Fighters drummer, Taylor Hawkins, die from COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis?!

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Taylor Hawkins Died From Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis!

Just three days after Foo Fighters drummer, Taylor Hawkins, was found dead in his hotel room in Colombia, The COVID Blog claimed that he died from vaccine-induced myocarditis.

They wrote a long rambling post about him, so let me share the relevant part with you. It’s long, so feel free to skip to the next section for the facts.

Witnesses said Mr. Hawkins called the front desk complaining of chest pains right before he passed away. An ambulance arrived, but could not revive him. That means his heart stopped beating.


Truth : Taylor Hawkins Did NOT Die From Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis!

It’s becoming a tradition for anti-vaccination activists to immediately blame all celebrity deaths on the COVID-19 vaccine.

And The COVID Blog (TCB) has peddling COVID-19 fake news and misinformation for a long, long time. So it’s no surprise that they would jump on the bandwagon.

Here are the reasons why TCB is not only wrong, they are intentionally abusing Taylor Hawkins’ death  to push their anti-vaccine beliefs.

Fact #1 : No Evidence Hawkins Had Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis

First, let me start by simply pointing out that The COVID Blog has ZERO EVIDENCE that Hawkins had vaccine-induced myocarditis.

They did not perform the autopsy on Hawkins, or run any laboratory test on his blood or urine samples. They did not even base their opinions on publicly-released information.

They concocted that claim out of thin air, without even an ounce of evidence.

Fact #2 : Colombian Authorities Released Urine Toxicology Report

After Hawkins died, the Colombian authorities took his body for an autopsy, and a urine test found 10 different kinds of drugs in his system.

The Colombia Attorney General’s Office issued this statement on the initial autopsy findings :

Colombia’s Attorney General’s Office can confirm the following after the initial autopsy on the body of Taylor Hawkins.

That in the toxicology test on Taylor Hawkins’ urine 10 types of substances were preliminarily found, including marijuana, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and opioids.

The National Institute of Forensic Medicine is continuing its medical studies to be able to completely clarify the facts that led to Taylor Hawkins death.

Colombia’s Attorney General’s Office will continue with the investigation and reveal the results obtained as part of this investigation as appropriate.

Members of the Technical Investigation Corps (CTI) remove the lifeless body of the drummer of the rock band Foo Fighters, Taylor Hawkins, at the Casa Medina hotel, in Bogota, Colomia

Fact #3 : Urine Toxicology Does Not Take Weeks To Complete

TCB claimed that the Hawkins toxicology report cannot possibly be genuine because it typically takes 4-6 weeks to complete, and shared a link to WebMD as evidence.

That’s misleading, because the WebMD article was talking about how long it takes for a complete forensic toxicology report. The 4-6 week time is required because :

  • the investigation may reveal additional drugs being taken, thus requiring new tests, and/or
  • the initial results may require additional testing to confirm, and/or
  • there may be a backlog of cases at one or more laboratories.

It’s also misleading because the Colombian authorities only released the urine toxicology report, not the complete forensic toxicology report.

They basically tested his urine sample for common drugs – a test that is quick to perform. In fact, most laboratories can complete the tests within a few hours.

Fact #4 : Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Is Rare

TCB misleads you into thinking that vaccine-induced myocarditis is common, by saying that it is “the second-most common adverse reaction” … “covered on this blog“.

In other words, vaccine-induced myocarditis is not the second-most common side effect of the vaccines, it is merely the second-most common adverse reaction they like to write about!

The truth is studies like SAFECOVAC have shown that vaccine-induced myocarditis is extremely rare – less than 1 in a million doses!

In fact, you are hundreds of times more likely to get myocarditis from COVID-19 than from three doses of any COVID-19 vaccine!

Read more : Vaccine Myocarditis Risk Less Than 1 In Million!

Fact #5 : Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Occurs Mostly In Young Males

Vaccine-induced myocarditis occurs mainly in young adults and adolescent males 12 to 39 years in age.

Hawkins was 50 years old when he died, and in his age group – the risk is practically non-existent.

To help you understand that, I created this table to show you the risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis for different age groups.

Note : Baseline refers to the typical number of myocarditis cases expected in the unvaccinated population.

Age Group Male Rate
(per million doses)
(per million doses)
12-17 32.4 2.0
18-24 30.7 1.8
25-29 12.2 1.9
30-39 6.9 1.9
40-49 3.5 1.9
50-64 1.9 1.9

Fact #6 : Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Mild + Resolves Quickly

Vaccine-induced myocarditis is not only rare, most cases resolve quickly, compared to non-vaccine myocarditis.

As Dr. Matthew Elias, M.D., a cardiologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) explained :

In classic myocarditis, there are a wide range of presentations, from very mild symptoms to extremely serious, or even fatal, cases.

Overall, this does not seem to be happening in post-vaccine myocarditis. In the patients seen at CHOP and at other hospitals, symptoms are generally mild and self-resolving, and heart function is less affected, if affected at all.

Fact #7 : Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Occurs Acutely

Vaccine-induced myocarditis is an acute condition that occurs within a few days of receiving an mRNA-based vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna.

Individuals who develop vaccine-induced myocarditis will experience symptoms like :

  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • heart palpitations

If Hawkins was suffering from vaccine-induced myocarditis, he would not have been able to fly around to play with the Foo Fighters at various concerts around the world :

  • Feb 26-27 : Innings Festival 2022, Tempe, Arizona, United States
  • Mar 4 : Foo Fights / Amyl and the Sniffers / The Meanies, Geelong, Australia
  • Mar 18 : Lollapalooza Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • Mar 20 : Lollapalooza Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Taylor Hawkins (back) on a plane with band member Pat Smear (left) and Samantha Sidley (right) on Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Fact #8 : Cardiomegaly Takes Time To Develop

The initial autopsy report stated that his heart weighed “at least 600 grams” – twice the average for a man his age.

This finding of cardiomegaly (enlarged heart) suggests that he had a longstanding heart condition like heart failure, or cardiomyopathy.

TCB claimed that was evidence of vaccine-induced myocarditis, because the Myocarditis Foundation says that myocarditis enlarges the heart.

It is true that myocarditis can enlarge the heart by weakening the heart muscle, but that process takes time – weeks, if not months, to develop.

Fact #9 : Hawkins Discovered Enlarged Heart In 2021

Interestingly, Hawkins himself may have discovered that he had an enlarged heart (cardiomegaly) in 2021.

On 15 June 2021, he did a Rolling Stone interview with Brian Hiatt, where he revealed that his doctor recently told him that he had a “big” heart.

I just found out from my doctor, got all my blood tests and my heart everything checked and he goes, “Dude, you’re in amazing shape. Your heart’s big, because you exercise a lot. It’s like a runner’s heart.”

Fact #10 : His Cardiomegaly May Be Due To Sleep Apnea

In the same Rolling Stone interview, Hawkins also revealed an interesting detail that many people missed – he was likely suffering from sleep apnea.

The only thing is, he said, “I think you have sleep apnea.” And my wife’s always saying you snore and you fucking make weird noises while you’re sleeping and stuff.

Untreated sleep apnea increases cardiovascular stress, which elevates blood pressure and forces the heart to work harder. This can result in an enlarged heart (cardiomegaly) over time.

Fact #11 : Hawkins Almost Died From Drug Overdose In 2001

Hawkins had a long history of drug use, and almost died from a heroin overdose in 2001. He recounted the incident in 2018 :

I was partying a lot. I wasn’t a junkie per se, but I was partying. There was a year where the partying just got a little too heavy.

Thank God on some level this guy gave me the wrong line with the wrong thing one night and I woke up going, ‘What the f**k happened?’ That was a real changing point for me.

Tragically, it appears that Hawkins overdosed again, but was not able to recover this time, due to his existing heart condition.

For certain, his COVID-19 vaccination played no role in his death.

Don’t risk your life, or your family’s lives, on the bad science and misinformation promoted by The COVID Blog.

Please help me fight fake news, and SHARE this fact check with your family and friends!


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Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Alert : COVID-19 Vaccination Status Changes On 1 April 2022!

Please note that your COVID-19 vaccination status in Malaysia will change on 1 April 2022, depending on the vaccine and number of doses you received.

Take a look at the finalised schedule of COVID-19 vaccination status changes that will take effect very soon!


Vaccination Status Changes For Seniors, Sinovac + Sinopharm Recipients

On 24 February 2022, Malaysia Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin announced that these individuals will be required to get a booster dose by 31 March 2022.

  • 60 years and older who were fully-vaccinated with any COVID-19 vaccine
  • 18 years and older who were fully-vaccinated with the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine

That was extended on 24 March 2022, to include individuals 18 years and older who were fully vaccinated with the Sinopharm vaccine as well.

Starting 1 April 2022, individuals in all three groups who do not get their booster dose will lose their fully-vaccinated status.

To be clear – this is not a vaccine mandate. You are free to refuse the booster dose. However, your MySejahtera will show that you are not fully-vaccinated.


COVID-19 Vaccination Status Changes On 1 April 2022!

On 24 March 2021, the Malaysia Ministry of Health also announced changes to the COVID-19 vaccination status, adding a new Booster status.

From 1 April 2022 onwards, there will be four possible vaccination status in MySejahtera (from best to worst) :

  • Boosted
  • Fully Vaccinated
  • Partially Vaccinated
  • Unvaccinated

For your convenience, here is a table summarising the COVID-19 vaccination status changes that will kick in on 1 April 2022 :

COVID-19 Vaccine No. of Doses 18-59
Years Old
60 Years Old
& Above
2 Doses Partially Vaccinated
3 Doses Fully Vaccinated
Sputnik V
2 Doses Fully Vaccinated Partially Vaccinated
3 Doses Boosted Fully Vaccinated
Sputnik Light
1 Dose Fully Vaccinated Partially Vaccinated
2 Doses Boosted Fully Vaccinated

Please note that the Malaysia Ministry of Health is offering four different booster doses for FREE.

They are also allowing you to walk-into the nearest PPV (COVID-19 vaccination centre) for your booster dose.

So take this opportunity to get a boost in your protection against COVID-19!

Read more : Malaysia COVID-19 Booster Dose Policy : 22 March Edition!

Primary Series
Timing After
Primary Series
Pfizer Pfizer or AstraZeneca After 3 months
AstraZeneca Pfizer or AstraZeneca
Sinovac Pfizer, AstraZeneca,
CanSino or Sinovac
Sinopharm Pfizer or AstraZeneca
Moderna Pfizer or AstraZeneca
CanSino Pfizer, AstraZeneca
or CanSino
Sputnik V Pfizer or AstraZeneca
Janssen Pfizer or AstraZeneca After 2 months


Please Support My Work!

Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Did Pfizer Pay $2.8 Million Bribe For FDA Vaccine Approval?!

Did Pfizer pay a US$2.8 million bribe to the FDA for the approval of their COVID-19 vaccine?!

Take a look at the new viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Pfizer Paid $2.8 Million Bribe For FDA Vaccine Approval!

People are sharing a screenshot of a Pfizer document, calling it evidence that they paid the FDA a US$2.8 million bribe for the approval of their COVID-19 vaccine!

Here’s proof of the $2.8 Million “donation” that Pfizer made to the FDA to get their 💉 approved. Do they really care about your health or is it about money?

$2.8 million bribe payment from Pfizer to FDA for their Bioweapon “approval”. You’re not supposed to know that. Look the other way.
Pfizer was required to declassify the documents …
So now we know that they made a payment of $2.8 million to the FDA for the “approval” of the vaccine against Covid-19
Pfizer/FDA Corruption: 2.8 Million Was Transferred from Pfizer to the FDA for “Priority Licensing” of Comirnaty


Truth : Pfizer Did Not Pay $2.8 Million Bribe For FDA Vaccine Approval!

This is yet another piece of anti-vaccination FAKE NEWS based on the Pfizer documents released by the FDA, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : It Was A Cover Letter

First of all, you should read the entire letter in full. You can download the copy provided to PHMPT on 1 March 2022.

You will note that it is a 6-page cover letter for the Rolling Biologics License Application (BLA) request for Priority Review Designation submission.

Fact #2 : Sentence Was Truncated

Instead of posting the entire letter so you can read it, they shared the first page, with a single truncated sentence highlighted.

A wire transfer for $2,875,842.00 was made to the U.S. Department of Treasury (TREAS

If they posted the complete sentence, you would have read that the $2.8 million dollars was for “the user fee for this application“.

No wonder they cut off that part…

Fact #3 : $2.8 Million Was Standard FDA Application Fee, Not Bribe

What these anti-vaccination activists don’t want you to know is that the $2.8 million was not to bribe the FDA into approving their COVID-19 vaccine.

The truth is – Pfizer was paying the standard FDA user fee of $2.8 million for a “human drug application” with clinical data required.

When Pfizer submitted their application in May 2021, the FDA user fee was $2,875,842 – the exact amount stated in their cover letter. That actually increased to $3.1 million in 2022.

On top of that, pharmaceutical companies have to pay an additional Program Fee, which was $336 thousand in 2021, and just under $370 thousand in 2022.

FDA User Fee 2021 2022
Application Fee (With Clinical Data) $2,875,842 $3,117,218
Application Fee (No Clinical Data) $1,437,921 $1,558,609
Program Fee $336,432 $369,413

Fact #4 : $2.8 Million Fee Was Required By Law

The $2.8 million fee was actually required by law, specifically the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), that the US Congress enacted in 1992.

The PDUFA provides that the FDA is entitled to collect the application fee from pharmaceutical companies that submit a New Drug Application (NDA) or Biologics License Application (BLA) application.

PDUFA levies a user fee on certain human drug applications. Under PDUFA, the term human drug application means an application for

  • approval of a new drug submitted under section 505(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), or
  • licensure of certain biological products under section 351(a) of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act).

Each person that submits a human drug application is assessed an application fee as follows:

  •  A human drug application for which clinical data (other than bioavailability or bioequivalence studies) with respect to safety or effectiveness are required for approval is assessed a full application fee.
  •  A human drug application for which clinical data with respect to safety or effectiveness are not required for approval is assessed one-half of a full fee.

Human drug application fees are due when the application is submitted.

Read more : Is Pfizer Delisting Itself On Nasdaq + NYSE?!

Fact #5 : FDA Fee Only Used For Review + Approval

The funds is designated to be used only for the review and approval process of the NDA or BLA applications.

Since it was enacted in 1992, PDUFA funds have allowed the FDA to greatly increase staffing to expedite the time it takes to review each new drug or vaccine.

In fact, the FDA is required to meet certain performance benchmarks, in order to continue collecting these fees.

In other words, Pfizer did not pay the FDA to approve their vaccine. They paid the Congress-mandated fee, to fund the expedited review of their COVID-19 vaccine… just like all other pharmaceutical company applying for FDA approval.

Fact #6 : FDA Fee Had Nothing To Do With Priority Review

Under the Prescription Drug User Act (PDUFA), the FDA has a two-tiered review system – Standard Review and Priority Review.

The payment of the PDUFA user fee does not grant any application a Priority Review designation. All NDA / BLA submissions to the FDA incur the same user application fee.

Pharmaceutical companies can request for priority review, but it is up to the FDA to review and designate whether an application should receive a Standard Review, or a Priority Review.

Fact #7 : Priority Review Based On Need + Urgency

The FDA decides which application gets a Priority Review, based on whether the drug / vaccine could potentially offer “significant improvements in the safety or effectiveness of the treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of serious conditions when compared to standard applications“.

Based on that criteria, the FDA granted the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine a Priority Review on 16 July 2021 – just over 2 months after they applied for the Priority Review.

This had nothing to do with the payment of the application fee, which was paid in advanced more than two months earlier.

Don’t risk your life, or your family’s lives, on the bad science and misinformation promoted by anti-vaccination activists.

Please help me fight fake news, by sharing this fact check with your family and friends!


Please Support My Work!

Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Malaysia COVID-19 Booster Dose Policy : 22 Mar 2022!

Here is our LATEST summary of the COVID-19 vaccine booster dose policy in Malaysia, as of 21 March 2022!


Malaysia Ramping Up COVID-19 Booster Dose Program!

Malaysia started the COVID-19 vaccine booster dose programme on 13 October 2021, targeting those who received the Pfizer vaccine more than 6 months ago.

It was then expanded to those who received the Sinovac vaccine more than 3 months ago, on 22 October 2021.

On 9 November 2021, the Malaysia Ministry of Health (KKM) announced that it would be made available to younger adults.

On 24 November 2021, KKM announced that it will be open to anyone above 18, including those who received AstraZeneca, Cansino, Sinopharm and Janssen vaccines.

On 16 December 2021, KKM made it mandatory for vulnerable individuals to receive the booster shot, to be considered as fully-vaccinated.

On 28 December 2021, KKM halved the booster dose interval for most COVID-19 vaccines!

On 21 March 2022, KKM added the CanSino booster dose to the PICK vaccination programme, and updated its booster dose recommendations.


Latest COVID-19 Booster Dose Policy In Malaysia Explained!

Here is our summary of Malaysia’s COVID-19 vaccine booster dose policy!

Why Should We Get It?

It is recommended that you get the booster dose to better protect against more contagious COVID-19 variants like the Delta variant, and the new Omicron variant.

The primary series of COVID-19 vaccines continues to protect you against hospitalisation and death. However, the Delta and Omicron variants are partially-resistant to the vaccines, and will cause more breakthrough infections.

While most of these breakthrough infections will be mild or moderate, it puts vulnerable people – the elderly and people with co-morbidities – at risk. That’s why they are being given the booster shot first, over everyone else.

In addition, antibody protection from COVID-19 vaccines has been shown to wane over 2-6 months, so booster doses are necessary to restore optimal protection.

Read more : Sinovac Vaccine Efficacy Rapidly Drops After 2 Months!
Read more : Why The Delta Variant Causes MORE Breakthrough Infections!

What Vaccines Have Been Approved As Booster Dose?

The Malaysia Drug Control Authority (DCA) approved the Pfizer booster dose on 8 October 2021.

Only on 17 November 2021 did they also approve the AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines as booster doses.

Then on 6 January 2022, they approved the CanSino vaccine as a booster dose.

How Soon Can You Get The Booster Dose?

You can now get your booster dose as early as THREE (3) months after completing your primary series for most vaccines, or TWO (2) months for the Janssen vaccine.

Here is a table I created to summarise the booster options and when you can get one :

Primary Series
Timing After
Primary Series
Pfizer Pfizer or AstraZeneca After 3 months
AstraZeneca Pfizer or AstraZeneca
Sinovac Pfizer, AstraZeneca,
CanSino or Sinovac
Sinopharm Pfizer or AstraZeneca
Moderna Pfizer or AstraZeneca
CanSino Pfizer, AstraZeneca
or CanSino
Sputnik V Pfizer or AstraZeneca
Janssen Pfizer or AstraZeneca After 2 months

Pfizer Recipients : What Vaccine Can You Use?

Those who received the Pfizer vaccine can receive their booster shot 3 months after Dose 2.

  • Recommended : Pfizer booster shot
  • Alternative : AstraZeneca booster shot

AstraZeneca Recipients : What Vaccine Can You Use?

Those who received the AstraZeneca vaccine can receive their booster shot 3 months after Dose 2.

  • Recommended : Pfizer booster shot
  • Alternative : AstraZeneca booster shot

Sinovac Recipients : What Vaccine Can You Use?

Those who received the Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine can receive their booster shot 3 months after Dose 2.

  • Recommended : Pfizer booster shot
  • Alternative : AstraZeneca / CanSino / Sinovac booster shot

If you are not comfortable with the Pfizer vaccine, please consider the AstraZeneca booster shot instead, because it is far superior to the Sinovac booster shot.

If you must have a Chinese vaccine, then consider the CanSino booster shot, which is superior to the Sinovac booster shot.

Read more : Can You And Should You Get A Sinovac Booster Dose?
Read more : Sinovac Vaccine Efficacy Rapidly Drops After 2 Months!

Sinopharm Recipients : What Vaccine Can You Use?

Those who received the Sinopharm vaccine can receive their booster shot 3 months after Dose 2.

  • Recommended : Pfizer booster shot
  • Alternative : AstraZeneca booster shot

Note : CITF-B originally allowed a third dose of Sinopharm as a booster shot, but it has NOT been approved by the NPRA, and is therefore not available at the moment.

Moderna Recipients : What Vaccine Can You Use?

Those who received the Moderna vaccine can receive their booster shot 3 months after Dose 2.

  • Recommended : Pfizer booster shot
  • Alternative : AstraZeneca booster shot

Sputnik V Recipients : What Vaccine Can You Use?

Those who received the Sputnik V vaccine can receive their booster shot 3 months after Dose 2.

  • Recommended : Pfizer booster shot
  • Alternative : AstraZeneca booster shot

CanSino Recipients : What Vaccine Can You Use?

Those who received the CanSino vaccine can receive their booster shot 3 months after vaccination.

  • Recommended : Pfizer booster shot
  • Alternative : AstraZeneca or CanSino booster shot

If you are not comfortable with the Pfizer vaccine, please consider the AstraZeneca booster shot, because it is superior to the CanSino booster shot.

Opt for the CanSino booster shot, if you must have a Chinese vaccine.

Janssen Recipients : What Vaccine Can You Use?

Those who received the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine can receive their booster shot 2 months after vaccination.

  • Recommended : Pfizer booster shot
  • Alternative : AstraZeneca booster shot

Who Can Receive It?

On 24 November 2021, the Ministry of Health announced that the COVID-19 booster doses will be available to all individuals 18 years and above.

However, the appointments will be prioritised using the age step down approach, with priority for frontliners, individuals with co-morbidities, pregnant mothers, and those who have to travel overseas.

Is COVID-19 Booster Dose Mandatory?

Like the COVID-19 vaccine, the booster shot is NOT mandatory.

Is It Necessary To Be Fully-Vaccinated?

Yes, for certain vulnerable groups.

On 16 December 2021, the Ministry of Health (KKM) announced that these individuals MUST receive a booster shot by end of February 2022, to be considered as fully-vaccinated.

On 7 February 2022, this was extended to end of March 2022.

  • Individuals who received two doses of the Sinovac vaccine, and
  • Individuals 60 years and older who completed other COVID-19 vaccines,

Those who do not meet these requirements by end of March 2022 will lose their “fully-vaccinated” status in MySejahtera.

They will only regain their fully-vaccinated status once they receive the booster dose.

Read more : Booster Deadline for Seniors + Sinovac Recipients Extended!

Is It A Good Idea To Mix COVID-19 Vaccines?

Yes, studies have shown that it is not only safe to mix COVID-19 vaccines, such heterologous vaccinations will greatly increase your protection against the coronavirus.

Many countries are now giving heterologous booster shots, and the JKJAV expert committee has also recommended to proceed with heterologous vaccinations.

Heterologous vaccination is like learning different martial arts. By learning different ways to handle the coronavirus, your immune system is better able to beat COVID-19.

The Malaysia Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, who was vaccinated with two doses of the Sinovac vaccine, also received a Pfizer heterologous booster shot :

Do We Need To Pay?

Like the COVID-19 vaccine, the booster shot is provided for FREE under the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK).

How To Apply For COVID-19 Booster Dose?

You do NOT need to apply for the COVID-19 booster dose.

Once you are eligible, you will be given an appointment notification in MySejahtera to go to a GP / government clinic or hospital for your booster dose.

If you do not have MySejahtera, you will be informed by SMS. So please keep an eye out for your appointment!

You can also put yourself on the COVID-19 vaccine standby list at nearby clinics.

Read more : How To Register For The COVID-19 Vaccine Standby List?


Please Support My Work!

Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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You Can Soon Get CanSino Booster Dose For FREE!

You can soon get the CanSino booster dose for FREE under the PICK vaccination programme!

Here is what you need to know…


You Can Soon Get CanSino Booster Dose For FREE!

The Malaysia Ministry of Health (KKM) conditionally approved the CanSino Convidecia vaccine as a booster dose on 6 January 2022.

This conditional approval allows the CanSino Convidecia booster dose to be given to individuals 18 years and older, after 3 to 6 months from getting the single-dose vaccine.

On 21 March 2022, KKM announced that they will make the CanSino booster dose available for FREE under the PICK vaccination programme.

It will mainly be used as a booster dose for existing Chinese vaccines.

You will be able to apply for the CanSino booster dose in MySejahtera shortly.

Primary Series
Timing After
Primary Series
Pfizer Pfizer or AstraZeneca After 3 months
AstraZeneca Pfizer or AstraZeneca
Sinovac Pfizer, AstraZeneca,
CanSino or Sinovac
Sinopharm Pfizer or AstraZeneca
Moderna Pfizer or AstraZeneca
CanSino Pfizer, AstraZeneca
or CanSino
Sputnik V Pfizer or AstraZeneca
Janssen Pfizer or AstraZeneca After 2 months


CanSino Convidecia Booster Dose : A Quick Primer

The CanSino Convidecia vaccine works similarly to other viral vector vaccines, like the AstraZeneca AZD1222 and Gamaleya Sputnik V vaccines.

It uses a modified Ad5 virus containing the DNA instructions for the SARS-CoV-2 protein spike, which are then created by your own cells and presented on their surfaces.

These “foreign” protein spikes triggers the body’s immune system, which then makes antigens to target these spikes.

The Convidecia is a single-dose vaccine, so its booster dose is its “second” dose. It works by triggering the immune system a second time, greatly boosting the amount of antibodies.

Recommended : CanSino COVID-19 Vaccine : What You Need To Know!


CanSino Convidecia Booster Dose : Should You Get It?

The Sinovac primary dose vaccine had a 65.7% efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19, so its booster dose will certainly be superior to the Sinovac booster dose (50.4% efficacy).

It is likely that KKM is offering the CanSino booster dose as a superior alternative to the Sinovac booster dose, to those who must absolutely receive only a Chinese vaccine.

That said, its efficacy is not as good as the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine. That is why KKM is still recommending the Pfizer or AstraZeneca booster dose.

If you want the best possible booster dose, get the Pfizer vaccine. Alternatively, get the AstraZeneca vaccine if you have an allergic reaction or strong side effects from an earlier Pfizer vaccination.

But opt for the CanSino booster dose, if you need a Chinese vaccine for easier travel to China. It is certainly a superior vaccine to the other option – Sinovac.

Hopefully, the introduction of the CanSino booster dose will see the Sinovac vaccine phased out for good.


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Pfizer vs. Sinovac Vaccine : Which Is Better For Your Child?

Now that both the Pfizer and Sinovac vaccines are approved for 5-11 year old kids, some parents are wondering – which is the better vaccine for their child?

Here is a quick summary of both vaccines, as well as their safety and their efficacy against COVID-19!


Pfizer vs. Sinovac Child Vaccine : Different From Adult Vaccines?

One of the first questions parents ask me is if the Pfizer and/or Sinovac vaccine for 5-11 year-old children are the same, as the adult vaccines.

The Pfizer vaccine for 5-11 year old children is an improved formulation based on the adult vaccine, while the Sinovac vaccine is exactly the same for both adult and children.

Here is a simple and quick comparison :

Characteristics Pfizer Vaccine
for Kids
Sinovac Vaccine
for Kids
Formulation Improved with Tris buffer
More stable, longer storage
No change
No. of Doses 2 Doses
No change
2 Doses
No change
Dosage 10 micrograms
1/3 of adult dose
3 micrograms
Same as adult dose
Volume 0.2 ml
2/3 of adult vaccine
0.5 ml
Same as adult vaccine
Dose Interval 8 Weeks *
5 weeks longer
4 weeks
Same as adult vaccine

* In some countries only, Pfizer still recommends the original 3-week dose interval


Pfizer vs. Sinovac Vaccine : Which Is Better For Your Child?

Pfizer Child Vaccine Efficacy : 90.7%

The Pfizer bridging study showed that their lower-dose paediatric vaccine was 90.7% efficacious in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infection.

Their study also showed that the Pfizer paediatric vaccine produced high neutralising antibody titres against the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant at 1 month after Dose 2.

One Month
After Dose 2
Geometric Mean Titres
USA-WA1/2020 (Reference) 365.3 +36.5X
B.1.617.2 (Delta) 294.9 +29.5X
Unvaccinated 10 Baseline

Sinovac Child Vaccine Efficacy : Unknown

Back in October 2021, the Malaysia Ministry of Health (KKM) ran a Phase 3 clinical trial to determine the efficacy of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine for children 3-11 years in age.

However, they did not reveal what was the efficacy of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine for the 5-11 year old age group, or how it performed against the Omicron variant.

We do know that the adult dose was only 50.4% efficacious in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, and that it has zero efficacy against the Omicron variant (see link and table below).

It seems very improbable that the same vaccine would impart better efficacy in children, more so against the Delta or Omicron variants.

Read more : What HKU Study Revealed About Pfizer / Sinovac vs. Omicron

Seropositive Rate MN Titer (GMT)
Pfizer Sinovac Pfizer Sinovac
HKU691 Omicron 20% 0% 5.43 Min.
24% 0% 6.42 Min.
Delta 100% 68% 124.7 10.3
Beta 100% 0% 25.7 Min.
Alpha 100% 100% 229.4 21.7

Pfizer Is Definitely Better Than Sinovac For Your Child

Until there are good peer-reviewed Phase 3 results of the Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine for 5-11 year-old children, I believe it is far more prudent to vaccinate your child with the Pfizer COMIRNATY paediatric vaccine.

At least the Pfizer paediatric COVID-19 vaccine has been proven in a Phase 3 trial to be 90.7% efficacious in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infections in 5-11 year-old children.

It is highly unlikely that even the adult dose of the Sinovac vaccine can impart anything close to its original 50.4% efficacy against the ancestral COVID-19 virus, and it seems very likely to perform poorly against the Delta and Omicron variants.

If you want the best protection for your child, get the new Pfizer vaccine for kids. Only consider the Sinovac vaccine if your child has an adverse reaction to the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

Read more : Sinovac Vaccine for 5-11 Yo Kids : What You Need To Know!
Read more : Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids : What You Need To Know!


Pfizer vs. Sinovac Vaccine : Which Is Safer For Your Child?

This is also another question that many parents are asking. Everyone is worried about COVID-19, but no one wants their child to be “injured” by a vaccine.

There isn’t a straight answer, because safety has to be balanced against the risk of injury from a breakthrough infection – getting COVID-19 despite being vaccinated.

Sinovac Vaccine : Fewer Side Effects But Low Efficacy

The Sinovac vaccine is no doubt a very safe vaccine, with fewer complaints of side effects. Generally, they include pain and swelling at the injection site, fever, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, joint pain, cough, chills, sore throat and runny nose.

While parents will be relieved to hear that, I must point out that this is because the Sinovac vaccine generates a much weaker immune response. Even with an aluminium hydroxide adjuvant to boost the immune response, its efficacy is relatively poor at 50.4% against the original COVID-19 virus.

Pfizer Vaccine : More Side Effects But Much Higher Efficacy

The Pfizer vaccine is also a very safe vaccine, with rare risks of anaphylaxis and myocarditis in young adults and adolescents. The risk is not much higher than with other vaccines, as my table of data from the massive SAFECOVAC study shows :

  • Pfizer : 1 in every 1.11 million doses
  • AstraZeneca : 1 in every 1.43 million doses
  • Sinovac : 1 in every 2 million doses
Age Groups Myocarditis Events
(Per Million Doses)
Pfizer AstraZeneca Sinovac
Overall 0.9 0.7 0.5
Over 30 Years 1.0 NA 0.6
30 Years + Younger 0.87 NA 0.49

We must also remember that myocarditis is a condition that can affect anyone who suffers a viral infection, and is also seen with a COVID-19 infection.

In fact, you are far more likely to get myocarditis from a COVID-19 infection than either the Pfizer or Sinovac vaccine.

Here is my comparison of the myocarditis risk of triple vaccination (two doses + booster) versus a single COVID-19 infection.

Per Million
COVID-19 450 +300x +214x +167x
3x Pfizer 2.7 +1.8x +1.3x Baseline
3x AstraZeneca 2.1 +1.4x Baseline -0.2x
3x Sinovac 1.5 Baseline -0.3x -0.4x

No matter how you slice and dice the results, it is very clear that the risk of myocarditis is GREATEST with a single COVID-19 infection, than it is with THREE doses of the Pfizer, AstraZeneca or Sinovac vaccines.

If you are worried about your child getting myocarditis, you should definitely protect him/her using the best COVID-19 vaccine you can get, and that would be the Pfizer paediatric vaccine.


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Did Pfizer Try To Hide 158K Vax Adverse Events For 75 Years?!

Did Pfizer try to hide 158K adverse events from their COVID-19 vaccine for 75 years?!

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Pfizer Tried To Hide 158K Vaccine Adverse Events For 75 Years!

People are sharing messages and articles claiming that Pfizer tried to hide 158K adverse events from the public, for 75 years!

One notable example is this article by The Daily Express – a tabloid newspaper in the United Kingdom.

It’s a long read, so feel free to skip to the next section for the facts!

Pfizer vaccine: New documents uncover a shocking 158,000 adverse events
by Jessica Knibbs

PFIZER have included the common gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue and brain fog as potential adverse events of the jab. New documents have been released after a federal judge ordered the data to be made public.


Truth : Pfizer Did NOT Try To Hide Vaccine Adverse Events For 75 Years!

The truth is tabloid newspapers, and fake news media, created this fake story to get more page views and clicks… for the money.

Here are the reasons why this is FAKE NEWS, and you are being taken for fools by these fake news creators.

Fact #1 : Judge Did Not Order Release Of Pfizer Documents

The PHMPT (Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency) group filed a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to receive the documents that the FDA used to licence the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA duly processed their request, asking them to prioritise what they wanted released first, as the process could take years.

The PHMPT then sued the FDA in a Texas court to force them to release all 329,000 pages in just 108 days.

The lawsuit was not about the release of the Pfizer documents, but the SPEED at which the FDA should process and release them.

The judge most definitely did NOT order the release of the Pfizer documents.

Read more : Pfizer Forced To Release 9 Pages Of Vaccine Side Effects?!

Fact #2 : FDA Started Release Pfizer Documents Months Ago

These false claims are based on a Pfizer document called “5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf“, which is one of first documents the FDA released to the PHMPT:

  • 17 November 2021 : 5 documents
  • 1 December 2021 : 2 documents
  • 13 December 2021 : 14 documents
  • 22 December : 1 document
  • 30 December : 1 document

23 documents were released in the months before US District Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA to speed up their processing of those documents on 6 January 2022.

Fact #3 : Pfizer Did Not Ask For Documents To Be Sealed For 75 Years

Pfizer did not ask for their documents to be sealed for 75 years. Once they submitted those documents to the FDA, the FDA has custody of those documents.

It was up to the FDA to process and release those Pfizer documents, which they had already started as early as 17 November 2021, as shared above.

By 31 January 2022, the FDA released more than 12,000 additional pages of the requested 329,000 pages, and was on track to deliver the remaining documents over the next 5 years.

The time frame of 55 years or 75 years was never mentioned by anyone but the PHMPT. There were also NO ATTEMPTS to seal the documents for 55 years, or 75 years.

Read more : Did FDA Ask For 75 Years To Release Pfizer Vaccine Data?

Fact #4 : Pfizer Document Did Not Reveal 1,291 Side Effects

The “List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” (AESI) is NOT a list of side effects caused by the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.

Rather, that was a list of 1,291 potential adverse events that Pfizer was specifically looking for when vaccinated people send in their reports through VAERS or the Yellow Card systems.

Think of it as a shopping list of generic adverse events that Pfizer wanted their post-authorisation safety teams to look out for.

Even if these adverse events did occur, researchers still need to find out if they actually occurred because of the vaccine, or some other causes.

Read more : Did Pfizer Vaccine Documents Reveal 1,291 Side Effects?!

Fact #5 : Adverse Events Are Not Side Effects

I should now point out that adverse events are not side effects.

Adverse events are “unfavourable” or “unintended” events that happen after vaccination or taking a drug, like having an anaphylactic reaction or getting into a car accident.

All reported adverse events have to be investigated to find out if they are related (anaphylactic reaction) or not (getting into a car accident) to the vaccine or drug that was taken.

Even if an adverse event was “possibly caused” by the vaccine, it must still be confirmed that the vaccine directly caused it, because an anaphylactic reaction (for example) can also occur from a bee sting, or an existing peanut allergy.

Only once an adverse event is confirmed to be caused by the vaccine, is it then a vaccine side effect. Otherwise, it is merely an adverse event, not a side effect.

Fact #6 : AESI List Not Specific To Pfizer Vaccine

The Adverse Events of Special Interest list is not specific to the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. It’s actually stated on Page 16 of the document.

The company’s AESI list takes into consideration the lists of AESIs from the following expert groups and regulatory authorities: Brighton Collaboration (SPEAC), ACCESS protocol, US CDC (preliminary list of AESI for VAERS surveillance), MHRA (unpublished guideline).

The AESI terms are incorporated into a TME list and include events of interest due to their association with severe COVID-19 and events of interest for vaccines in general.

These AESIs are usually specified before clinical trials even begin, although new ones may be added later. Hence, a generic list is used.

Read more : Why Adverse Events of Special Interest Are NOT Side Effects!

Fact #7 : AESI List Includes Irrelevant Adverse Events

We know that this is a generic AESI list, because it included diseases involving other viruses – Herpes, MERS, Varicella; as well as “exposure to SARS-CoV-2” and other “communicable disease”.

The list also included manufacturing and lab test issues, like “Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, Manufacturing materials issue, Manufacturing production issue“.

Even product supply issues were included – “Product availability issue, Product distribution issue, Product supply issue“.

Fact #8 : Pfizer Document Showed No New Safety Concerns

The document actually showed that despite monitoring for 1,291 adverse events of special interest, Pfizer found no new risks from the vaccine.

If you read the Discussion and Summary + Conclusion sections, you will see that the data :

  • did not reveal any “novel safety concerns or risks”
  • support “a favourable benefit risk profile” of the vaccine

In other words – Pfizer looked for “1,291 potential dangers” associated with vaccines in general, and found NO NEW SAFETY CONCERNS / RISKS.

Don’t risk your life or your family’s lives on the bad science and misinformation promoted by anti-vaccination activists.

Please help me fight fake news, by sharing this fact check with your family and friends!


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Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Why Adverse Events of Special Interest Are NOT Side Effects!

Pfizer looked out for 1,291 Adverse Events of Special Interest after their COVID-19 vaccine was approved and used to vaccinate billions of people around the world.

Find out why these Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) are not actual vaccine side effects!


Claim : Adverse Events of Special Interest Are Vaccine Side Effects!

People keep sharing a list of 1,291 adverse events in 9 pages of a Pfizer document that was recently released by the FDA.

They are claiming that these are actual side effects of the Pfizer vaccine. Some claimed that this is proof that Pfizer was fully-aware that their vaccine caused those 1,291 side effects.

Some also claimed that these Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) are the reason why Pfizer tried to block the release of those documents for 75 years!

Read more : Pfizer Forced To Release 9 Pages Of Vaccine Side Effects?!
Read more : Did Pfizer Vaccine Documents Reveal 1,291 Side Effects?!


Truth : Adverse Events of Special Interest Are Not Vaccine Side Effects!

The truth is those 1,291 adverse events of special interest (AESI) are not side effects of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

People making these false claims are accidentally misinterpreting OR intentionally misrepresenting what the document said.

And here are the facts you need to know…

Fact #1 : Pfizer Document Was Released Months Ago

These false claims are based on a Pfizer document called “5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf“, which the US FDA released to the PHMPT on 17 November 2021.

It apparently took them more than 3 months to read that document, and “discover” the 9 pages of 1,291 adverse events of special interest.

This not only proves that the FDA was right about how much time it takes to read (and redact) 329,000 Pfizer documents, it also shows that the PHMPT does not really need all 329,000 documents within 108 days.

After all, it took anti-vaccination activists almost that long just to read 5 documents! At this rate, it will take them some 16,450 years to read all 329,000 pages related to the Pfizer vaccine approval…

Read more : Did FDA Ask For 75 Years To Release Pfizer Vaccine Data?

Fact #2 : Pfizer Document Did Not Reveal 1,291 Side Effects

The “List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” (AESI) is NOT a list of side effects caused by the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.

Rather, that was a list of 1,291 potential adverse events that Pfizer was specifically looking for when vaccinated people send in their reports through VAERS or the Yellow Card systems.

Think of it as a shopping list of adverse events that Pfizer wanted their post-authorisation safety teams to look out for.

Even if these adverse events did occur, researchers still need to find out if they actually occurred because of the vaccine, or some other causes.

Fact #3 : Adverse Events Are Not Side Effects

I should now point out that adverse events are not side effects.

Adverse events are “unfavourable” or “unintended” events that happen after vaccination or taking a drug, like having an anaphylactic reaction or getting into a car accident.

All reported adverse events have to be investigated to find out if they are related (anaphylactic reaction) or not (getting into a car accident) to the vaccine or drug that was taken.

Even if an adverse event was “possibly caused” by the vaccine, it must still be confirmed that the vaccine directly caused it, because an anaphylactic reaction (for example) can also occur from a bee sting, or an existing peanut allergy.

Only once an adverse event is confirmed to be caused by the vaccine, is it then a vaccine side effect. Otherwise, it is merely an adverse event, not a side effect.

Fact #4 : AESI List Not Specific To Pfizer Vaccine

The Adverse Events of Special Interest list is not specific to the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. It’s actually stated on Page 16 of the document.

The company’s AESI list takes into consideration the lists of AESIs from the following expert groups and regulatory authorities: Brighton Collaboration (SPEAC), ACCESS protocol, US CDC (preliminary list of AESI for VAERS surveillance), MHRA (unpublished guideline).

The AESI terms are incorporated into a TME list and include events of interest due to their association with severe COVID-19 and events of interest for vaccines in general.

These AESIs are usually specified before clinical trials even begin, although new ones may be added later. Hence, a generic list is used.

Fact #5 : AESI List Includes Irrelevant Adverse Events

We know that this is a generic AESI list, because it included diseases involving other viruses – Herpes, MERS, Varicella; as well as “exposure to SARS-CoV-2” and other “communicable disease”.

The list also included manufacturing and lab test issues, like “Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, Manufacturing materials issue, Manufacturing production issue“.

Even product supply issues were included – “Product availability issue, Product distribution issue, Product supply issue“.

They are obviously not vaccine side effects, nor related in any way to the performance or safety of the vaccine.

Fact #6 : Pfizer Document Showed No New Safety Concerns

The document actually showed that despite monitoring for 1,291 adverse events of special interest, Pfizer found no new risks from the vaccine.

If you read the Discussion and Summary + Conclusion sections, you will see that the data :

  • did not reveal any “novel safety concerns or risks”
  • support “a favourable benefit risk profile” of the vaccine

In other words – Pfizer looked for “1,291 potential dangers” associated with vaccines in general, and found NO NEW SAFETY CONCERNS / RISKS.

Don’t risk your life or your family’s lives on the bad science and misinformation promoted by anti-vaccination activists.

Please help me fight fake news, by sharing this fact check with your family and friends!


Please Support My Work!

Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Is Pfizer Vaccine Causing Japanese Encephalitis In Australia?!

Is the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine causing a major outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in Australia?!

Take a look at the new viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Pfizer Vaccine Caused Japanese Encephalitis In Australia!

People are claiming that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is causing the major outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in Australia.

Their evidence? The recent release of Pfizer documents with 9 pages showing a list of 1,291 side effects allegedly caused by their COVID-19 vaccine.

Media reports Japanese encephalitis from mosquitos…

Symptoms; “rapid onset of high fever, headache, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, seizures, spastic paralysis and ultimately death”. WHO

A search of the Pfizer trials of Adverse Events, is filled with Encephalitis. 💉💉


Truth : Pfizer Vaccine Does NOT Cause Japanese Encephalitis At All!

This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created by anti-vaccination activists, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Does Not Contain Any Virus

The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, not an inactivated virus vaccine, or attenuated virus vaccine.

It does not contain a live or deactivated virus, and therefore cannot possibly cause any viral infection.

Fact #2 : Japanese Encephalitis Is Caused By JEV

Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a viral infection that causes inflammation of the brain.

It is caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) – a Flavivirus, which is not remotely related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Fact #3 : Japanese Encephalitis Spreads Through Mosquitoes

The Japanese Encephalitis Virus primarily spreads through mosquitoes, especially of the Culex type.

Mosquitoes become infected if they bite an infected animal, like birds or mammals. Infected pigs, in particular, are a high-risk, because they have very high levels of the virus in their blood.

However, humans cannot get directly infected by JEV-infected pigs, or by eating pork even from infected pigs. We can only get infected if we are bitten by mosquitoes infected with JEV.

This is quite different from COVID-19, which mainly spreads through respiratory droplets from infected humans.

Fact #4 : Japanese Encephalitis Was First Documented In 1871

Japanese encephalitis is not a new disease. It was first documented in Japan, in 1871. Hence, its name.

Fact #5 : Japanese Encephalitis Is Mainly Limited To Asia

Since it spread from Japan in the 1870s, Japanese encephalitis regularly causes outbreaks in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific.

It has also caused infections in Australia – a risk that increases with climate change that allows propagation of mosquitoes into formerly temperate climates.

So it is not surprising if Australia is currently suffering an outbreak of Japanese encephalitis.

Fact #6 : Pfizer Vaccine Was Administered Worldwide

I should now point out that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has been, and continues to be, administered worldwide.

If the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine causes Japanese encephalitis, these cases would be found worldwide, not just restricted to Australia and Southeast Asia.

Fact #7 : Pfizer Documents Do Not Show Vaccine Side Effects

These fake news are based on the accidental / intentional misinterpretation of Pfizer documents that were recently released by the US FDA.

Specifically, people are pointing to the nine pages of potential “adverse events” listed in the “List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” (AESI).

However, that was NOT a list of side effects caused by the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.

Rather, that was a list of 1,291 potential side effects that Pfizer was specifically looking for in the reports of adverse events.

Think of it as a shopping list of adverse events that everyone agreed that Pfizer should be looking out for.

Even if these adverse events did occur, scientists still need to find out if they actually occurred because of the vaccine, or some other causes.

Fact #8 : AESI List Not Specific To Pfizer Vaccine

The Adverse Events of Special Interest list is not specific to the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. It’s actually stated on Page 16 of the document.

The company’s AESI list takes into consideration the lists of AESIs from the following expert groups and regulatory authorities: Brighton Collaboration (SPEAC), ACCESS protocol, US CDC (preliminary list of AESI for VAERS surveillance), MHRA (unpublished guideline).

The AESI terms are incorporated into a TME list and include events of interest due to their association with severe COVID-19 and events of interest for vaccines in general.

That’s why the list includes diseases involving other viruses – Herpes, MERS, Varicella; as well as “exposure to SARS-CoV-2” and other “communicable disease”.

These AESIs are usually specified before clinical trials even begin, although new ones may be added later.

Fact #9 : Pfizer Document Showed No New Safety Concerns

The fake news creators also

falsely claimed that the document showed that the Pfizer vaccine caused 1,200 deaths.

If you read the Discussion and Summary + Conclusion sections, you will see that the data :

  • did not reveal any “novel safety concerns or risks”
  • support “a favourable benefit risk profile” of the vaccine

In other words – the Pfizer document pointed out that despite looking for 1,291 potential dangers, they found no new risks from the vaccine.

Don’t risk your life or your family’s lives on the bad science and misinformation promoted by anti-vaccination activists.

Please help me fight fake news, by sharing this fact check with your family and friends!


Please Support My Work!

Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Fact Check : Pfizer Delisting Itself On Nasdaq + NYSE?!

Is Pfizer really delisting itself on the Nasdaq and NYSE?! Was it due to the recent release of their COVID-19 vaccine documents?!

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Pfizer Is Delisting Itself On Nasdaq + NYSE!

People are excitedly sharing messages and articles claiming that Pfizer is delisting itself on both the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)!

According to these messages and articles, Pfizer is delisting itself in both stock exchanges over the recent release of their COVID-19 vaccine documents with 9 pages that allegedly listed 1,291 side effects.

This example of what’s being shared is long, so feel free to skip to the next section for the facts!

Arena Pharma moved higher after Nasdaq announced a delisting notice for Pfizer Inc, U.S. investment research platform Seeking Alpha reported on March 8.


Truth : Pfizer Is NOT Delisting Itself On Nasdaq / NYSE!

This is yet another example of anti-Pfizer, anti-vaccine FAKE NEWS being created and propagated by anti-vaccination activists. Here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : Pfizer Is Not Delisting Itself On Nasdaq / NYSE

I had already addressed this earlier, when they claimed that the NYSE delisted Pfizer.

Now they are claiming that Pfizer is delisting itself on Nasdaq or NYSE, but that is also complete nonsense.

Anyone who takes just 2 seconds to look at the NYSE or Nasdaq website, or even Google, would realise that Pfizer Inc. (PFE) is still listed on both stock exchanges.

Not only is Pfizer still on Nasdaq and NYSE, its stock price actually went up by 2.17% on 11 March 2022!

Read more : Did NYSE Just Delist Pfizer Over Vaccine Scandal?!

Fact #2 : Pfizer Delisted Its 0.250% Note From NYSE

This new fake news is based on two recent Pfizer announcements. The first is a Form 25 submission that Pfizer filed with the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) on 7 March 2022.

Pfizer submitted that Form 25 to delist its euro-denominated 0.250% notes – basically debt with a payable interest of 0.25% that matured on 7 March 2022.

In short, Pfizer paid off that matured debt with interest, and consequently removed the notes from the NYSE. It’s even stated in the description of their 7 March 2022 SEC filing on the Pfizer website.

Notification filed by National Security Exchange to report the removal from listing and registration of matured, redeemed or retired securities Initial Filing Amendments

The Pfizer common stock (PFE) remains on the NYSE and Nasdaq, and is being actively traded as we speak.

Fact #3 : Companies Can’t Go Private By Simply Delisting

Public-listed companies can go private, but not by simply notifying the stock exchange.

They have to first purchase shares from a majority of the shareholders, before they can even think of going private.

Even if that happens, the process can take four to six months to complete. It doesn’t just happen over a few days, with a simple notification to the stock exchange.

Fact #4 : Pfizer Delisted Arena Pharmaceuticals

The second Pfizer news that this fake story is based on is their delisting of Arena Pharmaceuticals from the Nasdaq Global Select Market.

Pfizer announced that it completed its acquisition of Arena Pharmaceuticals on 11 March 2022, and so Arena’s shares of common stock were delisted that day.

Again, Pfizer was not delisting itself, it was delisting the common stock of its (now) wholly owned subsidiary, Arena Pharmaceuticals.

Fact #3 : G-Times News Is Infamous For Fake News

This fake story appears to be created by G-Times News, a website owned by Guo Media – a company associated with Guo Wengui (also known as Miles Guo) and Steve Bannon.

Guo is an exiled Chinese businessman, and both Guo and Bannon are infamous for creating and spreading misinformation.

Naturally, both Guo and Bannon are often featured in G-Times News coverage. It doesn’t make them prescient, just pretentious.

Please help us fight fake news, by sharing this fact check with your family and friends!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Can Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Change Our DNA?!

Did Swedish scientists just prove that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine changes our DNA?!

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Changes Our DNA!

Anti-vaccination and ivermectin proponents have gone bananas over the new study from the Lund University in Sweden.

They are sharing it as evidence (finally!) of the Pfizer COVIDS-19 vaccine actually integrating with our DNA, and changing our genome, as they had always claimed.

Let that shock and horror sink in for a minute… and then let me explain to you what the facts really are in the next section…

Recommended : Are Residual DNA In mRNA Vaccines Dangerous?!


Truth : Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Did NOT Change DNA At All!

This is yet another example of vaccine fake news based on accidental / intentional misinterpretation of a single scientific study.

Here is what you really need to know about the Lund University study that went viral…

Fact #1 : Study Did NOT Say Pfizer Vaccine Alters Our DNA

First things first – the Lund University study is called Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line, and you can read it in its entirety here.

In the study’s Discussion section, the authors actually pointed out that their study does NOT show that the Pfizer vaccine integrates with the liver cell DNA, or alters it in any way.

At this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome.

To be clear, the study does NOT show that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine changes our DNA in any way or form.

Fact #2 : It Was A Laboratory Study

I should also point out the salient fact that it was an in-vitro study – a laboratory study, not a clinical study.

In-vitro studies are important, but they cannot be extrapolated to make any conclusion about what actually happens in a human body.

For example, laboratory studies do show that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have an inhibitory effect on the SARS-CoV-2 virus; but once tested in actual human beings – they are shown to have no clinical benefit.

In other words – what works in a laboratory, may not work in an actual human being.

Read more : Study Shows 10X Ivermectin Can’t Prevent Severe COVID-19!

Fact #3 : Study Was Based On Liver Cancer Cells

The casual reader of the Lund University study will not realise that Huh7 (or Huh-7) cells are not ordinary liver cells that you or I have.

Huh7 cells were derived from the liver tumour of a 57 year-old Japanese man, and are special because :

  • they are immortal liver cancer cells that can keep multiplying
  • they are highly-susceptible to Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection
  • they are genetically different, with an abnormal number of chromosomes (between 55 and 63, normal human cells have 46)

The Huh7 cell line is useful for the study of liver cancer and Hepatitis C, as well as drugs that may combat HCV; but it is important to understand that Huh7 cells are not representative of normal human cells.

Fact #4 : Huh7 Liver Cells Were Cultured In Plates

For a “more physiologically relevant study of viruses“, these Huh7 cells have to be cultured in a NASA-designed 3D Rotating Wall Vessel (RWV) bioreactor.

These RWV bioreactors create 3D aggregates of Huh7 cells that are more “similar in structure and function” to their in vivo counterparts, with “completely altered gene expression and differentiation patterns“.

In other words, these RWV-grown Huh7 cells look and behave differently, more like regular human cells compared to plate-cultured Huh7 cells.

For the record, the Lund University study used plate-cultured Huh7 cells, and not RWV-grown Huh7 cells.

There is nothing wrong with that, but we should keep in mind that these cells are not an ideal representation of human cells.

Recommended : Are mRNA Vaccines Contaminated With SV40 DNA?!

This is what a 24-cell culture plate looks like

Fact #5 : Normal Human Cells Don’t Produce LINE-1 Enzyme

The scientists chose to use these Huh7 cells because like many cancerous cells, they express (produce) the LINE-1 enzyme.

LINE-1 is a reverse transcriptase that converts mRNA into DNA, so it is not surprising that the study would show it converting mRNA from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine into DNA. That is literally what it is meant to do.

Normal human cells have the LINE-1 gene, but it is not expressed. Normal human cells do not produce the LINE-1 enzyme, which is why they could not use regular human cells in this study.

That is also why it is inappropriate to use the Huh7 cell culture to evaluate how mRNA vaccines would actually work or behave in humans.

Fact #6 : Transcribed DNA Did Not Enter Nucleus

The study only looked at whether mRNA from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine can be transcribed into DNA by the LINE-1 enzyme.

As the study showed – yes, it can… because that’s what the LINE-1 enzyme does. But the study does not show that the transcribed DNA entered the cell nucleus and changed human DNA.

While that is plausible, it would require another enzyme called integrase, that viruses produce, to move that DNA into the cell nucleus itself.

Without the integrase enzyme, the DNA transcribed by the LINE-1 enzyme will only float outside, and will never integrate with the DNA inside the cell nucleus.

Recommended : New Study Proves Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Causes Turbo Cancer?!

Did Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Combine With DNA In Liver Cells?!

Fact #7 : mRNA Vaccines Do Not Modify Our Genes

An mRNA vaccine only contains a limited number of lipid nanoparticles containing those delicate mRNA instructions. So only a limited number of cells are involved in the vaccination process.

Even if it is somehow possible for the mRNA instructions from the vaccine to enter the cell nucleus and integrate with the DNA inside, it will only affect those cells.

Our cells die and are replaced by new cells all the time, so even if hypothetically the vaccine “infects” and modifies the DNA of a few hundred thousand cells, those cells will eventually die and be replaced by new cells without the modified DNA.

It is simply not possible for mRNA vaccines to modify our genes.

Fact #8 : Viruses Integrate With Cell DNA

Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 (diagram below) integrate their genes with the host cell DNA, to hijack the cell and use it to produce copies of itself.

You can see how a typical RNA virus would infect a host cell, convert its RNA into DNA which is moved into the cell nucleus using the integrase enzyme.

Recommended : Did New Study Show Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Causes Autism?!

HIV-1 virus cell infection, credit : Günther Witzany

Once inside, the viral DNA integrates with the host cell DNA, which gets transcribed into instructions for the cell to produce copies of the virus.

This is the same way how the SARS-CoV-2 virus infects our cells, to produce copies of itself to infect even more cells.

If you are truly worried about anything modifying your cell’s DNA, you should try to avoid viral infections like COVID-19. Better still – vaccinate yourself, and get protected against COVID-19!

Now that you know the truth, please help us fight fake news by SHARING this article out!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Did NYSE Just Delist Pfizer Over Vaccine Scandal?!

Did the NYSE just delist Pfizer over the recent release of their COVID-19 vaccine documents?!

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : NYSE Just Delisted Pfizer Over Vaccine Scandal!

People are excitedly sharing messages and articles claiming that the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) just delisted Pfizer over the recent release of their COVID-19 vaccine documents.

Allegedly, this delisting was over 9 pages of Pfizer documents that listed 1,291 side effects from their COMIRNATY mRNA vaccine.

This example of what’s being shared is long, so feel free to skip to the next section for the facts!

Coronavirus was officially declared a pandemic two years ago today (11 March 2020). Ironically today marks the day that Pfizer has been delisted from the New York Stock Exchange.


Truth : NYSE Did NOT Delist Pfizer Over Vaccine Scandal!

This is yet another example of anti-Pfizer, anti-vaccine FAKE NEWS being created and propagated by anti-vaccination activists. Here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : NYSE Did Not Delist Pfizer

It’s really silly, but let me just say it out straight – the New York Stock Exchange did NOT delist Pfizer.

Anyone who takes just 2 seconds to look at the NYSE website, or even Google, would realise that Pfizer Inc. (PFE) is still listed on the New York Stock Exchange!

Not only is Pfizer still on the NYSE, its stock price actually went up by 2.17% on 11 March 2022!

Read more : Was Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Proven To Change Our DNA?!

Fact #2 : Pfizer Delisted Its 0.250% Note From NYSE

People are sharing this Form 25 document filed with the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) on 7 March 2022, as evidence that Pfizer was delisted from the NYSE.

The trouble is the Form 25 does not say what they think it said. The Form 25 was not filed to delist Pfizer from the NYSE.

Instead, Pfizer filed that Form 25 to delist its euro-denominated 0.250% notes – basically debt with a payable interest of 0.25% that matured on 7 March 2022.

In short, Pfizer paid off that matured debt with interest, and consequently removed the notes from the NYSE.

It’s even stated in the description of their 7 March 2022 SEC filing on the Pfizer website.

Notification filed by National Security Exchange to report the removal from listing and registration of matured, redeemed or retired securities Initial Filing Amendments

With the delisting of the 0.250% note, only the Pfizer common stock (PFE) and their 1.000% Note are still listed on the NYSE.

Fact #3 : Pfizer Vaccine Not Linked To 1,291 Adverse Events

The articles and messages falsely claimed that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was linked to 1,291 adverse events in the recently-released documents.

That is a gross / intentional misunderstanding of the “List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” (AESI) in one of the documents released by the FDA.

That was a list of potential adverse events that Pfizer would looking out for in their post-vaccination surveillance.

Think of it as a shopping list of adverse events that everyone agreed that Pfizer should be looking out for.

Even if these adverse events did occur, scientists still need to find out if they actually occurred because of the vaccine, or some other causes.

Read more : Did Pfizer Vaccine Documents Reveal 1,291 Side Effects?!

Fact #4 : BioNTech Is Much Smaller Than Pfizer

Whoever wrote that piece is an idiot. A 5 second search would have shown the writer that BioNTech is much… MUCH smaller than Pfizer.

As of 13 March 2022, BioNTech has a market capitalisation of 32.9 billion dollars, while Pfizer is valued at 282.7 billion dollars. In other words, Pfizer is 8.6X “larger” than BioNTech.

While it is technically possible for BioNTech to buy out Pfizer, it would require A LOT of funds, many times more than it is worth. It is far more likely for Pfizer to buy BioNTech.

Fact #5 : Pfizer Acquired Arena Pharmaceuticals That Day

Ironically, Pfizer completed its acquisition of Arena Pharmaceuticals on 11 March 2022 – the day it was claimed that Pfizer was delisted from the NYSE.

Instead of Pfizer being delisted from the NYSE, it was Arena Pharmaceuticals that was delisted from the NASDAQ Global Select Market.

Incidentally, Pfizer purchased Arena for approximately $6.7 billion. While that’s a huge amount of money to most of us, it’s just 2.37% of Pfizer’s market capitalisation.

Fact #6 : Company Acquisitions Do Not Necessarily Change Products

The writer wonders what (vaccine) formula will BioNTech use after they acquire Pfizer. That’s an incredibly stupid comment.

First of all, the COMIRNATY vaccine was developed by BioNTech, not Pfizer. Pfizer is merely their manufacturing and marketing partner, just like Fosun Pharma in China. The vaccine technology and rights belong to BioNTech, not Pfizer.

Secondly, just because a company is acquired does not mean the new owners have to change product formulas, especially if it’s a winner like the COMIRNATY vaccine.

Fact #7 : Vaccines Are Highly Regulated

Unlike consumer products like Coca-Cola, vaccines are highly-regulated.

While you can buy over The Coca-Cola Company, and change the drink’s formula on a whim; changing the vaccine formula will mean new clinical trials and a new approval process.

And consider the absurdity of BioNTech buying over Pfizer, merely to change its own formula? This logic pretzel is simply astounding.

Don’t risk your life or your family’s lives on the bad science and misinformation.

Please help me fight fake news, by sharing this fact check with your family and friends!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Did Pfizer Vaccine Documents Reveal 1,291 Side Effects?!

Did recently released Pfizer documents reveal that their COVID-19 vaccine has 1,291 side effects?!

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Pfizer Vaccine Documents Reveal 1,291 Side Effects!

People are sharing a Children’s Health Defense (CHD) press release, which went viral after it was posted by Yahoo.

It’s a long read, so feel free to skip to the next section for the facts…

In a 55,000-page set of documents released on Tuesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is for the first time allowing the public to access data Pfizer submitted to FDA from its clinical trials in support of a Covid-19 vaccine license.

This follows U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman’s decision on January 6 to deny the request from the FDA to suppress the data for the next 75 years, which the agency claimed was necessary, in part, because of its “limited resources.”


Truth : Pfizer Vaccine Documents Did NOT Reveal 1,291 Side Effects!

This is yet another example of vaccine fake news being created and propagated by the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : It Was A Children’s Health Defense Article

The “news” that was published on Yahoo News was really an article by Children’s Health Defense (CHD), an organisation well-known for creating and propagating COVID-19 and vaccine misinformation.

Yahoo News irresponsibly posted the statement, without fact checking it first, or clearly pointing out that it was a CHD statement, and not an actual news report.

They have since removed it, but the Yahoo News links and screenshots continue to circulate on social media, lending it credence.

Fact #2 : FDA Did Not Ask To Suppress Data For 75 Years

This is a completely bogus claim, which I fact checked last year. The FDA did not ask to suppress data from the Pfizer mRNA vaccine trial.

That was the “interpretation” of Aaron Siri, the lawyer working for PHMPT (Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency) – the group requesting the data that the FDA used to licence the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The truth is – the FDA had already released more than 12,000 pages of the requested 329,000 pages by end of January 2022, and would have completed the delivery of all documents in about 5.5 years at that rate.

Read more : Did FDA Ask For 75 Years To Release Pfizer Vaccine Data?

Fact #3 : Pfizer Document Was Released In November 2021

The Pfizer document that CHD was referring to is called “CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021“.

This document was released to the PHMPT, which promptly released it publicly on 17 November 2021.

It apparently took Children’s Health Defense more than 3 months to read through those 5 documents, and “discover” the 9 pages listing some 1,291 adverse events of special interest.

It not only proves that the FDA was right about how much time it takes to read these documents, it also shows that the PHMPT does not really need all 329,000 documents within 108 days.

It took the CHD almost that long just to read 5 documents! At this rate, it will take them some 16,450 years to read all 329,000 pages related to the Pfizer vaccine approval…

Read more : Pfizer Forced To Release 9 Pages Of Vaccine Side Effects?!

Fact #4 : Pfizer Document Did Not Reveal 1,291 Side Effects

The “bombshell” Pfizer document lists the adverse event reports, mainly from the US VAERS and UK Yellow Card systems, as part of the post-authorisation safety monitoring requirement.

CHD’s claim that the Pfizer vaccine has 1,291 side effects is based on a “List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” (AESI) on pages 30-38 of the document.

The truth is – that was NOT a list of side effects caused by the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Rather, that was just a list of adverse events that Pfizer was specifically looking for in the post-vaccination reports.

As the Pfizer document noted on Page 16 (with my emphasis in bold) :

The AESI terms are incorporated into a TME list and include events of interest due to their association with severe COVID-19 and events of interest for vaccines in general.

Pfizer also pointed out, on the same page, that this adverse event evaluation is different (distinct) from the safety evaluation of the vaccine.

This is distinct from safety signal evaluations which are conducted and included, as appropriate, in the Summary Monthly Safety Reports submitted regularly to the FDA and other Health Authorities.

Claiming that these are vaccine side effects is like pointing to a list of prosecutable crimes in a legislation, and calling it a list of crimes the government actually committed. That’s how stupid it really is.

Fact #5 : Adverse Events Are Not Side Effects

I should now point out that adverse events are not side effects.

Adverse events are “unfavourable” or “unintended” events that happen after vaccination or taking a drug, like having an anaphylactic reaction or getting into a car accident.

All reported adverse events have to be investigated to find out if they are related (anaphylactic reaction) or not (getting into a car accident) to the vaccine or drug that was taken.

Even if an adverse event was “possibly caused” by the vaccine, it must still be confirmed that the vaccine directly caused it, because an anaphylactic reaction (for example) can also occur from a bee sting, or an existing peanut allergy.

Only once an adverse event is confirmed to be caused by the vaccine, is it then a vaccine side effect. Otherwise, it is merely an adverse event, not a side effect.

Fact #6 : AESI List Not Specific To Pfizer Vaccine

The Adverse Events of Special Interest list is not specific to the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. That was actually made clear on Page 16 of the document.

The company’s AESI list takes into consideration the lists of AESIs from the following expert groups and regulatory authorities: Brighton Collaboration (SPEAC), ACCESS protocol, US CDC (preliminary list of AESI for VAERS surveillance), MHRA (unpublished guideline).

The AESI terms are incorporated into a TME list and include events of interest due to their association with severe COVID-19 and events of interest for vaccines in general.

This was a catch-all AESI list that was specified before the Pfizer clinical trial even began.

Fact #7 : AESI List Included Irrelevant Adverse Events

We know that this is a catch-all AESI list, because it included diseases involving other viruses – Herpes, MERS, Varicella; as well as “exposure to SARS-CoV-2” and other “communicable disease”.

The list also included manufacturing and lab test issues, like “Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, Manufacturing materials issue, Manufacturing production issue“.

Even product supply issues were included – “Product availability issue, Product distribution issue, Product supply issue“.

They are obviously not vaccine side effects, nor related in any way to the performance or safety of the vaccine.

Read more : Why Adverse Events of Special Interest Are NOT Side Effects!

Fact #8 : Pfizer Document Showed No New Safety Concerns

Instead of reading the document, CHD appeared to have to spent their time counting the number of side effects Pfizer was looking out for.

If they read the Discussion and Summary + Conclusion sections, they would have noted that the data :

  • did not reveal any “novel safety concerns or risks”
  • support “a favourable benefit risk profile” of the vaccine

In other words – the Pfizer document pointed out that despite looking for 1,291 adverse events, they found no new risks from the vaccine.

Don’t risk your life or your family’s lives on the bad science and misinformation promoted by Children’s Health Defense.

Please help me fight fake news, by sharing this fact check with your family and friends!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Why MAECC Is Wrong About Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Study!

The MAECC is at it again, calling for a pause on the COVID-19 vaccine mandate because of a recent Swedish study on the Pfizer mRNA vaccine!

Let’s take a look at their claims, and find out what the facts really are!


MAECC : Pause Vaccine Mandate Over Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Study!

The MAECC (Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control) has issued yet another call for the Malaysia Health Ministry to pause the “vaccine mandate”.

This time, they are using the recently-released Swedish study that allegedly shows the Pfizer mRNA vaccine being converted into DNA.

Their press release is very long, so feel free to skip it and head over to the next section for the facts.


Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control (MAECC) would like to highlight a recently published study that has confirmed the messenger RNA (mRNA) from the Pfizer Covid vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and convert into DNA. From the outset MAECC has been very concerned for the potential long-term adverse effect of the mRNA Covid vaccine, and this includes DNA change. Our fear is now confirmed.


Here’s Why MAECC Is Wrong About Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Study!

The MAECC has stridently promoted ivermectin, despite the lack of evidence, and came out strongly against vaccination even though COVID-19 vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective.

Here are the reasons why they are, yet again, wrong about the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

Fact #1 : There Is No Vaccine Mandate In Malaysia

First, let me address their title – there is no COVID-19 vaccine mandate in Malaysia.

No one is forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine in Malaysia. Any claim that there is a COVID-19 vaccine mandate is undeniably false.

Heck, Malaysia has no vaccine mandate, period. That’s why children of antivax parents remain unvaccinated, despite the risks to their health.

If they start off with a factually false title, what hope is there that their press release is actually based on facts?

Fact #2 : Swedish Study Did Not Show Pfizer Vaccine Changed DNA

The crux of their new press release is the recently-released Pfizer mRNA vaccine study by the Lund University of Sweden.

The MAECC claimed that their fear that the mRNA vaccine can change our DNA “is now confirmed“. That’s nonsense.

The Swedish researchers themselves pointed out in their study, that :

At this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome.

To be clear, the study does not show that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine altered our DNA in any way or form.

The study does not even show that the transcribed DNA entered the cell nucleus!

Read more : Did Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Combine With DNA In Liver Cells?!

Fact #3 : Study Findings Did Not Shock Scientists / Physicians

The MAECC claims that the Swedish study findings has “shocked scientists and physicians throughout the world“. That is utter nonsense, unless they mean the few who did not read the study, or actually understand what it stated.

You don’t see health authorities ordering the immediate cessation or pause of mRNA vaccination, as some have done when some real adverse effect was discovered, like the risk of pericarditis / myocarditis.

Instead, the only people calling for mRNA vaccines to be stopped based on this laboratory study are fringe groups like the MAECC.

That’s because everyone else spent their time reading and understanding what the study meant, instead of “accidentally” or intentionally misinterpreting its results to push their own agenda.

If you are interested to know more about what the results of this Swedish study actually mean, please read my article – Did Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Combine With DNA In Liver Cells?!

Fact #4 : Waning Immunity Is Indirect Evidence Of No DNA Change

The waning immunity of COVID-19 vaccines is actually indirect evidence that mRNA vaccines do NOT change our DNA. Here’s why…

mRNA vaccines work by instructing some of our cells to manufacture the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike proteins, and put them on the cell surface to trigger the immune system into action.

If the mRNA vaccine actually integrates into our human DNA, all of our cells would display those spikes and continuously trigger the immune system for lifetime protection. That is not simply not the case.

In fact, it is now known that our COVID-19 antibody levels gradually drop after we are fully-vaccinated, which is why a booster dose is required to boost antibody levels after a few months.

Booster doses would not be necessary if the mRNA vaccine actually integrates with our DNA, making all our cells produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein forever.

Read more : Sinovac Vaccine Efficacy Rapidly Drops After 2 Months!

Fact #5 : mRNA Vaccine Proven Safe + Effective

MAECC claims that bad science is “behind the promotion and coercion of the masses to get the injections“. That’s utter nonsense. They are the ones propagating bad science.

COVID-19 vaccines have undergone the world’s largest clinical trials, collectively involving over hundreds of thousands of volunteers – far more than clinical trials of vaccines and drugs in the past!

All those clinical trials have shown that the approved COVID-19 vaccines are all safe and effective. Even then, these vaccines continue to be monitored for safety issues.

Over 10 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered worldwide, and we are already able to confirm rare adverse effects like anaphylaxis and myocarditis with mRNA vaccines.

If it’s true that mRNA vaccines are able to modify our DNA, we would have seen those effects in the real world, not only in a small laboratory study of liver cancer cells.

Don’t risk your life or your family’s lives on the bad science and misinformation promoted by fringe groups like the MAECC.

Please help me fight fake news, by sharing this fact check with your family and friends!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Did Pfizer Vaccine Combine With DNA In Liver Cells?!

Did scientists prove that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine combined with the DNA of liver cells?!

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Combined With DNA In Liver Cells!

Anti-vaccination and ivermectin proponents have gone bananas over the new study from the Lund University in Sweden.

They are sharing it as evidence (finally!) of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine actually integrating with our DNA, and changing our genome, as they had always claimed.

Let that shock and horror sink in for a minute… and then let me explain to you what the facts really are in the next section…


Truth : Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Did NOT Combine With DNA In Liver Cells!

This is yet another example of vaccine fake news based on accidental / intentional misinterpretation of a single scientific study.

Here is what you really need to know about this Lund University study…

Fact #1 : Study Did NOT Say Pfizer Vaccine Alters Our DNA

First things first – the Lund University study is called Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line, and you can read it in its entirety here.

If you read just the discussion, you will note that the study authors actually pointed out that their study does NOT show that the Pfizer vaccine integrates with the liver cell DNA, or alters it in any way.

At this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome.

To be clear, the study offers no evidence that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine alters our DNA in any way or form.

Fact #2 : It Was A Laboratory Study

I should also point out the obvious fact that this was an in-vitro study – a laboratory study, not a clinical study.

In-vitro studies are important, but they cannot be extrapolated to make any conclusion about what actually happens in a human body.

For example, in-vitro studies have shown that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have an inhibitory effect on the SARS-CoV-2 virus; but once tested in actual human beings – they are shown to have no clinical benefit.

In other words – what works in a laboratory, may not work in an actual human being.

Read more : Study Shows 10X Ivermectin Can’t Prevent Severe COVID-19!

Fact #3 : Study Was Based On Liver Cancer Cells

The casual reader of the Lund University study will not realise that Huh7 (or Huh-7) cells are not ordinary liver cells that you or I have.

Huh7 cells were derived from the liver tumour of a 57 year-old Japanese man, and are special because :

  • they are immortal liver cancer cells that can keep multiplying
  • they are highly-susceptible to Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection
  • they are genetically different, with an abnormal number of chromosomes (between 55 and 63, normal human cells have 46)

The Huh7 cell line is useful for the study of liver cancer and Hepatitis C, as well as drugs that may combat HCV; but it is important to understand that Huh7 cells are not representative of normal human cells.

Fact #4 : Huh7 Liver Cells Were Cultured In Plates

For a “more physiologically relevant study of viruses“, these Huh7 cells have to be cultured in a NASA-designed 3D Rotating Wall Vessel (RWV) bioreactor.

These RWV bioreactors create 3D aggregates of Huh7 cells that are more “similar in structure and function” to their in vivo counterparts, with “completely altered gene expression and differentiation patterns“.

In other words, these RWV-grown Huh7 cells look and behave differently, more like regular human cells compared to plate-cultured Huh7 cells.

For the record, the Lund University study used plate-cultured Huh7 cells, and not RWV-grown Huh7 cells.

There is nothing wrong with that, but we should keep in mind that these cells are not an ideal representation of human cells.

This is what a 24-cell culture plate looks like

Fact #5 : Normal Human Cells Don’t Produce LINE-1 Enzyme

The scientists chose to use these Huh7 cells because like many cancerous cells, they express (produce) the LINE-1 enzyme.

LINE-1 is a reverse transcriptase that converts mRNA into DNA, so it is not surprising that the study would show it converting mRNA from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine into DNA. That is literally what it is meant to do.

Normal human cells have the LINE-1 gene, but it is not expressed. Normal human cells do not produce the LINE-1 enzyme, which is why they could not use regular human cells in this study.

That is also why it is inappropriate to use the Huh7 cell culture to evaluate how mRNA vaccines would actually work or behave in humans.

Fact #6 : Transcribed DNA Did Not Enter Nucleus

The study only looked at whether mRNA from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine can be transcribed into DNA by the LINE-1 enzyme.

As the study showed – yes, it can… because that’s what the LINE-1 enzyme does. But the study does not show that the transcribed DNA entered the cell nucleus and altered human DNA.

While that is plausible, it would require another enzyme called integrase, that viruses produce, to move that DNA into the cell nucleus itself.

Without the integrase enzyme, the DNA transcribed by the LINE-1 enzyme will only float outside, and will never integrate with the DNA inside the cell nucleus.

Did Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Combine With DNA In Liver Cells?!

Fact #7 : mRNA Vaccines Do Not Modify Our Genes

An mRNA vaccine only contains a limited number of lipid nanoparticles containing those delicate mRNA instructions. So only a limited number of cells are involved in the vaccination process.

Even if it is somehow possible for the mRNA instructions from the vaccine to enter the cell nucleus and integrate with the DNA inside, it will only affect those cells.

Our cells die and are replaced by new cells all the time, so even if hypothetically the vaccine “infects” and modifies the DNA of a few hundred thousand cells, those cells will eventually die and be replaced by new cells without the modified DNA.

It is simply not possible for mRNA vaccines to modify our genes.

Fact #8 : Viruses Integrate With Cell DNA

Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 (diagram below) integrate their genes with the host cell DNA, to hijack the cell and use it to produce copies of itself.

You can see how a typical RNA virus would infect a host cell, convert its RNA into DNA which is moved into the cell nucleus using the integrase enzyme.

HIV-1 virus cell infection, credit : Günther Witzany

Once inside, the viral DNA integrates with the host cell DNA, which gets transcribed into instructions for the cell to produce copies of the virus.

This is the same way how the SARS-CoV-2 virus infects our cells, to produce copies of itself to infect even more cells.

If you are truly worried about anything modifying your cell’s DNA, you should try to avoid viral infections like COVID-19. Better still – vaccinate yourself, and get protected against COVID-19!

Now that you know the truth, please help us fight fake news by SHARING this article out!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Malaysia Approves Pfizer PAXLOVID Antivirals For COVID-19!

Malaysia just approved the Pfizer PAXLOVID antiviral treatment for COVID-19!

Here is what you need to know!


Malaysia Approves Pfizer PAXLOVID Antivirals For COVID-19!

On 3 March 2022, the Malaysia Health Ministry (KKM) announced that the 370th Drug Control Authority meeting has agreed to give conditional approval to:

PAXLOVID (PF-07321332 150mg Film-Coated Tablets and Ritonavir 100mg Film-Coated Tablets)

Registrant : Pfizer (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Manufacturer : Pfizer Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH, Germany and Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Ireland
Indication : COVID-19 treatment for adults age 18 years and above who do not require oxygen therapy, and are high-risk for severe COVID-19.

The Health Ministry warns that PAXLOVID is not meant to replace COVID-19 vaccination and public health measures.


Pfizer PAXLOVID : What Is It?

Pfizer PAXLOVID is an antiviral treatment that consists of two protease inhibitors :

  • two 150 mg tablets of Nirmatrelvir (the new protease inhibitor developed by Pfizer)
  • one 100 mg tablet of Ritonavir (an old antiviral approved in 1996)

Protease inhibitors work by binding to proteolytic enzymes used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to replicate. This prevents the virus from replicating in the infected cells, stopping the infection and preventing transmission.

Drug combinations like this offer a synergistic effect, above and beyond their individual abilities. In this combination, ritonavir helps to slow down the breakdown of nirmatrelvir, allowing it to remain in the body for a longer period at higher concentrations.

Read more : Did Cornell Name Ivermectin Most Effective Drug vs. Omicron?

PAXLOVID was first given an Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) by the US FDA on 22 December 2021, for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in adults and children 12 years and older.

It is meant to be taken by those who are at high-risk of developing severe COVID-19, and must be taken within 5 days of symptom onset. In addition, PAXLOVID must not be taken for more than 5 consecutive days.

The EPIC-HR trial showed that PAXLOVID is able to reduce the risk of hospitalisation or death from COVID-19 b y 88%, compared to placebo.

Individuals who took PAXLOVID have reported side effects like impaired sense of taste, diarrhoea, high blood pressure and muscle aches.


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Malaysia Approves Sinovac Covid-19 Vaccine For 5-11 Yo Kids

Malaysia just approved the Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine for 5-11 year-old kids!

Here is what you need to know!


Malaysia Approves Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine For 5-11 Yo Kids!

On 3 March 2022, the Malaysia Health Ministry (KKM) announced that the 370th Drug Control Authority meeting has agreed to give conditional approval to the Sinovac CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine for use in 5-11 year-old children.

The conditional approval is for CoronaVac Suspension for Injection COVID-19 Vaccine (Vero Cell) manufactured by both Sinovac Life Sciences Co. Ltd. in China, as well as Pharmaniaga Lifescience Sdn. Bhd. in Malaysia.

This makes the Sinovac CoronaVac the second COVID-19 vaccine to be approved in Malaysia for children 5 to 11 years in age, after the Pfizer COMIRNATY vaccine on 6 January 2022.


Should You Get Sinovac Vaccine For 5-11 Yo Kids?

This conditional approval will be a relief for many parents who have been holding out for an alternative to the Pfizer COMIRNATY vaccine, and spur vaccination rates.

Back in October 2021, the KKM ran a Phase 3 clinical trial to determine the efficacy of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine for children 3-11 years in age.

However, the Malaysia Ministry of Health did not reveal what was the efficacy of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine for the 5-11 year old age group, or how it performed against the Omicron variant.

We do know that the adult dose was only 50.4% efficacious in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, and that it has zero efficacy against the Omicron variant (see link and table below).

Read more : What HKU Study Revealed About Pfizer / Sinovac vs. Omicron

Seropositive Rate MN Titer (GMT)
Pfizer Sinovac Pfizer Sinovac
HKU691 Omicron 20% 0% 5.43 Min.
24% 0% 6.42 Min.
Delta 100% 68% 124.7 10.3
Beta 100% 0% 25.7 Min.
Alpha 100% 100% 229.4 21.7

It seems unlikely that the same vaccine would impart better efficacy in children, more so against the Delta or Omicron variants.

Until there are good peer-reviewed Phase 3 results of the Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine for 5-11 year-old children, I believe it is far more prudent to vaccinate our children with the Pfizer COMIRNATY paediatric vaccine.

At least the Pfizer paediatric COVID-19 vaccine has been proven in a Phase 3 trial to be 90.7% efficacious in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infections.

I believe KKM will continue to use the superior Pfizer vaccine in the PICKids vaccination program, while allowing hesitant parents to get the Sinovac vaccine for their children through private clinics and hospitals.

This may be the best way forward for everyone.


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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PICKids COVID-19 Vaccination Open For Walk-In / Booking!

COVID-19 vaccination for kids under the PICKids programme will now be easier, with walk-in and booking options!


PICKids COVID-19 Vaccination Open For Walk-In / Booking!

As of 23 February 2022, only about 18.6% of eligible children 5 to 11 years in age have received their COVID-19 vaccination.

The states with the highest child vaccination rates are Sarawak (34.7%), Melaka (31.6%), Penang (25.7%) and Perak (24.4%).

The states with the lowest child vaccination rates are Kelantan (6.1%), Terengganu (7.5%) and Sabah (8.9%).

To make it easier for parents to vaccinate their children against COVID-19, the Malaysia Ministry of Health (KKM) announced two measures :

Walk-In Vaccination @ Selected PICKids PPVs

From 1 March 2022 onwards, parents will be able to bring their children for COVID-19 vaccination at selected PICKids PPVs.

This will allow parents to vaccinate their children at their own convenience during the school holidays.

The list of PICKids PPVs that will allow walk-in vaccination will be determined and announced by each state’s health department.

Appointment Booking Via MySejahtera

Parents in the Klang Valley had earlier been able to book PICKids vaccination appointments through MySejahtera.

That PICKids appointment booking system in MySejahtera has now been activated nationwide, for vaccination appointments starting 7 March 2022.

Here is the official PICKids video guide by the Malaysia Ministry of Health. Click here for our step-by-step guide.

Read more : How To Select PICKids PPV To Vaccinate Your Children!


Can You Trust PICKids Vaccination For Kids?

You may be wondering whether you should actually sign up your kids for the PICKids COVID-19 vaccination programme. After all, social media is rife with scary stories about vaccine side effects.

The truth is – all approved COVID-19 vaccines have not only been proven to be safe and effective in massive clinical trials, they have also been proven to be safe and effective after BILLIONS of doses were administered.

And why not? Vaccines are nothing more than self-defence classes for our immune system.

All they do is teach your children’s own immune system to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and learn how to make antibodies against it so that they have a better chance of defending themselves against a real COVID-19 infection.

Over 8 million doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for kids have also been successfully and safely administered in the United States. So yes, it is SAFE and EFFECTIVE.

Read more : Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids : What You Need To Know!

People may tell you that kids do not get COVID-19, or they suffer only mild symptoms. That’s not really true.

In Malaysia, 579,624 children (less than 18 years old) were infected with COVID-19 in the last two years!

  • 269,773 (46.5%) of them were children 5 to 11 years in age.
  • 144 children (less than 18 years old) died from COVID-19.
  • 31 children 5 to 11 years in age died from COVID-19.

On top of that, children infected with COVID-19 are at risk of developing serious complications like Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) or long COVID.

So don’t believe naysayers when they tell you that your child will be safe from COVID-19. Not only have children died from COVID-19, others had to be hospitalised, and/or suffer from long COVID symptoms long after they recover.

Please remember – it’s YOUR CHILD, not theirs, that they are putting at risk with such misinformation.

Protect your children. Vaccinate them against COVID-19 through the PICKids programme!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Malaysia : 174 Children With COVID-19 Developed MIS-C!

Malaysia just announced that 174 children suffered from MIS-C, after contracting COVID-19!

Find out what MIS-C is all about, and why it’s so dangerous to children with COVID-19.


COVID-19 With MIS-C : Why Is It Dangerous For Children?

Many children who get infected with COVID-19 run the risk of getting MIS-C, which is short for Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.

MIS-C is a condition in which multiple organs in the child becomes inflamed – heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, eyes, and the gastrointestinal organs.

While COVID-19 may generally be mild for children, many of those who develop MIS-C require ICU care and even then, it can turn deadly.


Malaysia : 174 Children With COVID-19 Developed MIS-C!

On 19 February 2022, the Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Malaysia Study Group released their results.

The group looked at MIS-C cases in 14 Malaysian hospitals from June 2020 to December 2021, and here was what they found :

  • 174 children with COVID-19 suffered from MIS-C
  • 100 (57%) of them were children 5-11 years in age
  • The majority of cases required PICU (Paediatric Intensive Care Unit) care
  • 7 (4%) of them died, despite getting PICU care

Here is the breakdown of those cases by age groups :

Age Group MIS-C Cases
< 1 year old 25 (14.4%)
1 to < 5 years old 38 (21.8%)
5 to < 9 years old 64 (36.8%)
9 to < 12 years old 36 (20.7%)
≥ 12 years old 11 (6.3%)

While the risk of developing MIS-C from COVID-19 is low, the consequences are serious.

The majority of children developing MIS-C from COVID-19 required PICU care, and despite getting that, seven (4%) of them died.

Shockingly, all of the affected children had left ventricle dysfunction, with 68% developing shock and almost 29% developing cardiac failure requiring VA ECMO – a heart-lung machine.

Here is the breakdown of symptoms seen in children who developed MIS-C after contracting COVID-19.

MIS-C Conditions /
Treatment Required
Fever > 4 days + Asthenia * 100%
Left ventricle dysfunction
– Shock
– Coronary dilatation
– Pericarditis
Bulbar conjunctivitis 89%
Digestive Involvement
– Nausea, diarrhoea
– Exploratory laparascopy
Cervical + mesenteric
Skin rash 57%
Red and cracked lips 54%
Neurological signs 31%
Respiratory signs 34%

* Asthenia = generalised physical weakness or lack of energy


MIS-C In Children With COVID-19 : What To Look For?

Parents of children who contract COVID-19 should keep a vigilant eye out for potential symptoms of MIS-C.

Please see medical attention if your child has ongoing fever, with at least one of these symptoms :

  • stomach pain
  • bloodshot eyes
  • diarrhoea
  • dizziness or lightheadedness
  • skin rash
  • vomiting

Parents should also seek emergency care, if their child develops :

  • breathing difficulties
  • persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • confusion
  • inability to wake, or stay awake
  • pale, grey, or blue-coloured skin, lips or nail beds


How To Prevent MIS-C In Children With COVID-19?

The easiest and most effective way to prevent MIS-C in children, is to prevent them getting COVID-19 in the first place.

COVID-19 preventive measures like wearing face masks + face shield, as well as maintaining social distance and hand hygiene work.

However, those measures can only do so much against highly-contagious variants. It is also very important that children be fully-vaccinated against COVID-19.

The approved Pfizer paediatric vaccine for COVID-19 is 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in children 5-11 years in age, while the Pfizer vaccine for adolescents and adults are 95% effective against COVID-19.

So protect your children against MIS-C, by vaccinating them against COVID-19!

Read more : What To Do Before, During, After COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Nurse Caught Emptying Vaccine Syringe For YB KJ’s Son?!

Was a nurse caught emptying the COVID-19 vaccine syringe for Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin’s son?!

Take a look at the viral video, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Nurse Caught Emptying Vaccine Syringe For YB KJ’s Son!

People are sharing this message and a TikTok video, which they claim is proof that a nurse was caught emptying the COVID-19 vaccine syringe, to fake an injection of Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin’s son.

She tried to hide the syringe between the boy and the table when emptying the syringe but was caught in action by the cameraman!

At 0.38 sec we see a repeated emptying of the syringe.

Within 2 secs of the video, she emptied the syringe by shooting the liquid down towards the floor just before pretending to inject the vaccine.

This is how KJ’s son got “vaccinated”. Bastards are conning the public into forced mass vaccination while they secretly protect themselves and their own kids and make policies on Covid for others. If Covid vaccine is so safe, why this scandal? It shows that the vaccine and booster campaign is simply for the politicians to profit.

This raises the question if politicians and their families were really vaccinated?

Khairy should resign immediately and the vaccination of kids stopped pending a full investigation on the safety of vaccine.


Truth : Nurse Did NOT Empty Vaccine Syringe For YB KJ’s Son!

This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS being created and circulated by antivaxxers and people who really should know better…

Here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : The Nurse Was Distracting The Boy

When the video went viral, the Malaysia Ministry of Health released a video of the nurse explaining what she did.

As an experienced nurse vaccinating children, she is aware that they may get anxious on seeing the needle, so she explained that she would hide the needle from their view.

She would then distract them by asking them to count one to ten, and wait until they are calm and not moving, before injecting them with the vaccine.

That was why she appeared to be putting the syringe under the table. But if you watch the unedited video below, you will see that it was placed there so her other hand would block the boy from seeing the needle.

Fact #2 : The Syringe Plunger Was Never Pushed

The fake news creator intentionally zoomed in to focus on the needle for two reasons :

  • the blurry video made the needle look like a stream of liquid
  • to avoid you noticing that the plunger was never pushed

The nurse also pointed out in her video that the white plunger is clearly visible in the unedited video, and it is impossible for any vaccine to be ejected without pushing the syringe plunger.

Here is the original unedited video. Watch from around the 0:54 mark. You can clearly see that :

  • what looked like a stream of liquid in the blurry video was just the needle of the syringe
  • she never pushed the plunger, until after she inserted the needle into the boy’s arm.

Fact #3 : The Syringe Was Not Repeatedly Emptied

The fake news claims that the nurse repeatedly emptied the syringe, suggesting that there was nothing in it. That’s nonsense.

The COVID-19 vaccine is injected intramuscularly. To confirm that the needle is indeed going into the muscle and not a vein, the nurse has to withdraw the plunger to see if any blood goes into the syringe.

Only after she sees that no blood is withdrawn into the syringe, does she push the plunger to inject the vaccine into the deltoid muscle.

Fact #4 : The Cameraman Was Khairy Jamaluddin Himself

The fake news creator removed the original audio in the edited video, so he/she could claim that the nurse was “caught in action by the cameraman“.

The truth is – the cameraman was the Health Minister himself, Khairy Jamaluddin.

If you watch the original video, you can hear his voice saying, “Count to ten, okay? Finish, finish, finish!

Fact #5 : COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids Proven Safe + Effective

The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 year-old children have been proven safe and effective.

It uses the same mRNA vaccine that has been successfully used in BILLIONS of adults and adolescents, just at 1/3 the dose.

In addition, more than 8 million doses of this paediatric vaccine had already been safely administered in the United States, before it was introduced in Malaysia.

Let me speak plainly – the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for kids is safe and effective. That is why I vaccinated my two younger children on the very first day the vaccination centre opened!

Read more : Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids : What You Need To Know!
Read more : What To Do Before, During, After COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids!

The only scandal here is how antivaxxers continue to put our children’s lives at risk by creating such fake news and lying about COVID-19 vaccines.

Stop believing in these fake news, and vaccinate your loved ones against COVID-19.


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Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Did Moderna CEO Delete Twitter Account + Dump Stock?!

Did Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel delete his Twitter account, and dump most of his Moderna shares?!

Take a look at the viral claims, and find out what the facts really are!

Updated @ 2022-02-16 : Added updates from BFMTV
Originally posted @ 2022-02-14


Claim : Moderna CEO Deleted Twitter Account + Dumped Stock!

People are claiming that there’s something fishy going on at Moderna, because their CEO – Stephane Bancel – just deleted his Twitter account and sold off a ton of shares in the company!

Days after Pfizer admitted a safety audit could wipe billions off their stock, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel dumped hundreds of millions of dollars in stock. Probably nothing…

#Moderna CEO, Stéphane Bancell #StephaneBancel , sells all his shares [stocks], and on the same day deletes his #Twitter account for no apparent reason!

Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, has deleted his Twitter account and has been selling his shares massively on the stock market since the beginning of December. His employees are also massively selling their shares.

Is Stephane Bancel leaving Moderna for good? CEO shuts his Twitter account and is reportedly selling his stocks!

Read more : Modern CEO Stephane Bancel Arrested For Vaccine Fraud?


Moderna CEO Deleted Twitter Account, But Did Not Dump Stock!

These are more misinformation, based on some truth… and here are the reasons why.

Fact #1 : Stephane Bancel Closed His Own Twitter Account

Stephane Bancel’s Twitter account, @sbancel, appears to be deleted on or around 11 February 2022. It now shows the error message – This account doesn’t exist.

A new parody account, @stephane_bancel, was just created, apparently to troll antivaxxers. However, that is not his real account.

When reached by BFMTV, Bancel explained that he closed it because “he hasn’t used it since 2019, [and] hasn’t tweeted for 2 years“.

Fact #2 : He Also Closed His Facebook + Instagram Accounts

Bancel also told BFMTV that he closed his Facebook and Instagram accounts as well.

Fact #3 : No Requirement To Delete Social Media Accounts

@sbancel was Stephane Bancel’s personal Twitter account, and does not belong to Moderna (despite the background logo it uses).

Therefore, the suggestion that he deleted his account because he’s going to leave Moderna is nonsensical.

There is no need for him to delete his personal Twitter account even if he leaves Moderna. Neither do companies like Moderna require their CEO or employees to delete their personal Twitter accounts before leaving.

Fact #4 : Stephane Bancel Hasn’t Been Active Since 2019

The last time Stephane Bancel used his Twitter account appears to be 3 April 2019, when he retweeted a Moderna post about his fireside chat at the Needham & Co Healthcare Conference.

The last time he actually posted a tweet of his own was on 2 April 2019, when he tweeted about Moderna building a new mRNA manufacturing site. Since then, he has not posted or retweeted anything else in almost 3 years.

Fact #5 : Stephane Bancel Only Sold Some Shares

Dale Gamble did a great job on this. He did some digging and found that Bancel was only selling 19,000 shares per week.

At an average share price of $160, that nets him about $3 million per week, or about $30 million in the last 2.5 months.

That is a very nice chunk of cash, but nowhere near the hundreds of millions of dollars, or $400 million dollars worth of stock that he allegedly sold since December 2021.

Fact #6 : Moderna Stock Sales Were Pre-Determined

The sale of Bancel’s Moderna shares were pre-determined as per Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.

That regulation allows company insiders to sell their shares at predetermined times, to avoid accusations of illegal insider trading.

Bancel’s 10b5-1 stock sale plans date back to December 2018, and were modified in September 2019 and most recently, in May 2021.

When reached by BFMTV, Bancel explained that his shares were sold every Wednesday and Thursday since 2019.

I sell them automatically. Every Wednesday and Thursday. It has been this way since 2019. The same amount of sales every week. You can check yourself.

Fact #7 : Stephane Bancel Has Plenty Of Moderna Stock Left

If he continues to sell 19,000 shares per week, he will sell about a million shares per year. That sounds like a lot, but is less than 5% of the Moderna stock he owns.

As Dale Gamble explained, Bancel owned 5.7 million Moderna shares directly, and another 16.1 million shares indirectly as of 10 February 2022.

Even if he sells his Moderna stock at a million shares a year, it will be many years before he finishes selling them all. Stephane Bancel remains Moderna’s largest insider shareholder.

This chart of Stephane Bancel’s Moderna stock holdings by Quartz shows just how many shares he still has left – A LOT.

Bancel also told BFMTV that he has about “31 million shares and stock options” in Moderna.

Fact #8 : There Is No mRNA Vaccine Fraud

While people have suggested that Bancel is selling his Moderna stock because of fraud with the mRNA vaccine trial, that’s nonsense.

People have made these claims of fraud in the clinical trials since the mRNA vaccines were approved at the end of 2020, but until today – there is still no evidence of fraud.

It is easy to make such accusations, but pray tell – where is the evidence?

Fact #9 : Stephane Bancel Had Been Selling Before COVID-19

Another interesting fact that conspiracy theorists and antivaxxers conspicuously do not tell you is that – Stephane Bancel had been steadily selling Moderna shares since September 2019.

This was before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and before Moderna announced the development of their mRNA-1273 vaccine in January 2020.

Moderna stock value has multiplied between 10X and 30X in the last 2 years, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to sell them so early or regularly.

Fact #10 : Other Moderna Execs Sold Stocks To Pay Taxes

SEC filings show that recent sales by Moderna’s CTO and Quality Officer Juan Andres, and CFO David Meline were made automatically to cover taxes on company stock that they received as compensation.


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Did Cornell Name Ivermectin Most Effective Drug vs. Omicron?

Did Cornell University just confirm ivermectin as the most effective drug against the Omicron variant of COVID-19?

Take a look at the viral claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Cornell Calls Ivermectin Most Effective Drug vs. Omicron!

Antivaxxers and alternative medicine websites like Mercola are sharing what they claim to be a Cornell University study that names ivermectin as the most effective drug against the Omicron variant.

Here is an example of a WhatsApp message that people are sharing about this Cornell University study.

It’s a long post, so feel free to skip to the next section for the facts.



Researchers used a computational analysis to look at the Omicron variant, which has demonstrated a lower clinical presentation and lower hospital admission rates.

After having retrieved the complete genome sequence and collecting 30 variants from the database, the researchers analyzed 10 drugs against the virus, including:


Truth : Cornell Did Not Call Ivermectin Most Effective Drug vs. Omicron!

This is yet another example of ivermectin FAKE NEWS, created by antivaxxers and alternative health websites like Mercola.

Let me show you just how they maliciously lied to you about this study…

Fact #1 : Study Was Not Conducted By Cornell University

The study in question is called Insights from a computational analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant: Host-pathogen interaction, pathogenicity and possible therapeutics.

The study was conducted by Parvez et. al. – a team from the Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan, and the Shahjalal University of Science & Technology in Bangladesh.

This study on ivermectin and other protease inhibiting drugs has NOTHING to do with Cornell University.

Fact #2 : arXiv Is An Online Library Managed By Cornell University

The study summary in arXiv has a Cornell University logo at the top, which the fake news creator hopes will convince you that the study was done by a Cornell University team.

The truth is – arXiv is an open access repository (library) of scientific papers that is financed and managed by the Cornell University Library. Hence, the Cornell University logo.

That does not mean that the papers submitted to arXiv were conducted or endorsed by Cornell University.

Fact #3 : arXiv Papers Are NOT Peer-Reviewed

The C19Ivermectin website claims that the Parvez et. al. paper has been peer-reviewed. That’s false.

arXiv stores scientific preprints and post-prints (also called e-prints) that any scientist choose to submit.

All papers submitted to arXiv are NOT peer-reviewed, and must NOT be used without proper context.

While papers are typically peer-reviewed before becoming post-print and published (see graphic below), this is not the case for arXiv.

In fact, arXiv specifically warns that their post-prints are NOT peer-reviewed at the top of the page :

Important: e-prints posted on arXiv are not peer-reviewed by arXiv; they should not be relied upon without context to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field.

Fact #4 : Study Used Computer Modelling

The Parvez et. al. study (PDF download) was not conducted in the real world, or even in a laboratory. It was conducted on a computer.

They used computational analysis to analyse the binding potential for ten drugs that target the SARS-CoV-2’s protease protein.

However, this was all done on a computer, and may not necessarily reflect real world results. They must be reviewed (to look for mistakes), and then confirmed in actual lab and real world tests.

As the study authors themselves state, “While these hypotheses hold great value and may provide significant insights into the therapeutic strategies, further research is crucial to authenticate these statements.

Fact #5 : PAXLOVID Consists Of Two Drugs, Not One

The Parvez et. al. paper looked at individual drugs, and labelled Nirmatrelvir as PAXLOVID.

That is incorrect, as PAXLOVID is a combination of two protease inhibitors :

  • two 150 mg tablets of Nirmatrelvir (the new protease inhibitor developed by Pfizer)
  • one 100 mg tablet of Ritonavir (an old antiviral approved in 1996)

Drug combinations like this offer a synergistic effect, above and beyond their individual abilities.

Hence, the Parvez et. al. study does not accurately reflect the ability of the PAXLOVID combination of Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir to simultaneously and synergistically bind to the coronavirus protease enzyme.

And no – you cannot combine or average their results. It doesn’t work that way…

Pro Tip : If you are searching for Ritonavir in the Parvez et. al. study, do note that they wrongly called it Ritonvir.

Fact #6 : In Silico Results Are Least Clinically Important

Computational analysis can help scientists identify potential drug candidates, but the results are not always clinically important.

In this study’s case, it looked at the affinity (ease) at which ten drugs can bind to the protease enzyme of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

While that is a critical feature of protease inhibiting drugs that block the coronavirus’ ability to replicate, it does not tell us other important things like :

  • the minimum drug plasma level to inhibit replication
  • maximum dose a human being can safely tolerate
  • the dose required to achieve the therapeutic plasma level
  • drug interactions and adverse effects
  • plasma half life and drug metabolism

In the order of clinical importance, such computational (in silico) research is the least significant. That’s why we cannot draw any conclusions from such studies.

Fact #7 : PAXLOVID Proven To Work Against COVID-19

Like many people, I am aghast at the high price of the Pfizer PAXLOVID drug combination. However, low cost is not a requirement for FDA approval.

The US FDA issued PAXLOVID an Emergency Use Authorisation (PDF download) because its Phase 2/3 trial results (PDF download) showed an 88% reduction in the risk of hospitalisation or death from COVID-19.

Even so, the US FDA limited PAXLOVID’s use to only treat early cases of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 :

  • Not authorised for severe or critical COVID-19
  • Not authorised as a preventive measure (prophylaxis) against COVID-19
  • Cannot be used for longer than 5 consecutive days

Fact #8 : Ivermectin Not Proven To Work Clinically Against COVID-19

Ivermectin has shown promise against the COVID-19 virus in laboratory tests since April 2020, but that has not translated into actual clinical benefit.

In other words – scientists can only show that ivermectin kills the coronavirus in laboratory tests, but not in actual human beings.

Here is a meta-analysis of ivermectin RCTs (randomised control trials), with three fraudulent studies removed – Elgazzar, Okomus and Niaee. Results towards the left suggest a clinical benefit for ivermectin.

Taken in totality, the latest meta-analysis show that the clinical effect of ivermectin on COVID-19 patients is NOT SIGNIFICANT enough to warrant its use as a treatment.

While it is ridiculous that Pfizer would charge so much for PAXLOVID, there is fortunately a low-cost way to prevent COVID-19 – vaccines.

Getting vaccinated is a cheap way to avoid getting COVID-19, and avoid the use of expensive drugs like PAXLOVID.

If you want to stick it to Pfizer, get vaccinated against COVID-19!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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How To Walk-In For Free Sinovac Booster At Offsite PPV!

Find out how to walk-in for your free Sinovac booster dose at any Offsite PPV nationwide!

Here is what you need to know!


Free Sinovac Booster Dose At PPV?

On 7 February 2022, Malaysia Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin shared that 3.5 million people who were fully-vaccinated with the Sinovac vaccine still have not received their booster dose.

To encourage them to get their booster dose, the Malaysia Ministry of Health (KKM) will offer Sinovac recipients the option of a Sinovac booster dose.

KKM however strongly recommends that Sinovac recipients receive either the Pfizer or AstraZeneca booster dose, because they offer much better protection.

Read more : ALL Seniors + Sinovac Recipients MUST Get Booster Dose!


How To Walk-In For Free Sinovac Booster At Offsite PPV!

On 12 February 2022, ProtectHealth Corporation announced that they will make the Sinovac booster dose available for FREE at all Offsite PPVs under the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK).

Starting Monday, 14 February 2022, you can walk-in for your Sinovac booster dose at any Offsite PPV in Malaysia.

You can look for the nearest Offsite PPV using the ProtectHealth Vaccination Centre search feature.

All individuals who walk-in for the booster dose must ensure that they have a proper digital COVID-19 vaccine certificate in MySejahtera before going to the PPV.

Those who do not have a digital COVID-19 vaccine certificate because they do not have a smartphone, can bring their physical vaccination card to the PPV.

Here is the official checklist of what you need to do BEFORE going to get your COVID-19 booster dose at the PPV :

  1. Get enough sleep
  2. Eat breakfast or lunch before going to the PPV
  3. Be in good health, with no symptoms
  4. Wear suitable and comfortable clothes
  5. Wear a face mask
  6. Bring your identity card / document (e.g. passport)
  7. Bring your vaccination card as proof of completed primary vaccination, if you don’t have MySejahtera
  8. Make sure you are not required to be under quarantine!

Read more : What Should You Do Before / During / After Booster Dose?


Should You Get Sinovac Booster Dose At PPV?

Now that KKM is offering the Sinovac vaccine booster dose for free, should you get it? That very much depends on a number of factors.

Read more :

Are You Allergic To The Pfizer Vaccine?

If you are allergic to the Pfizer vaccine, then you definitely cannot receive a booster dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

You will have to get a booster dose of other vaccine types – viral vector vaccines like AstraZeneca or Sputnik V, or inactivated virus vaccines like Sinovac or Sinopharm.

But with so many better vaccine options available out there, Sinovac CoronaVac should be your last choice, not your first.

Are There Better Options?

If you are given the option to switch to Pfizer or AstraZeneca, you should definitely opt for either one over the Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine.

Of all the WHO approved vaccines, Sinovac CoronaVac is the least efficacious COVID-19 vaccine, offering just over 50% efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19.

And that was before it was tested against the Delta or Omicron variants. Studies have shown that two doses of Sinovac offered less protection against Delta, and no protection against Omicron.

Read more : Pfizer / Sinovac vs. Omicron : What HKU Study Just Revealed!

Seropositive Rate
Pfizer Sinovac
Alpha 100% 100%
Beta 100% 0%
Delta 100% 68%
Omicron 20% – 24% 0%

Must You Get A Chinese Vaccine?

The popularity of Chinese vaccines is partly due to Chinese propaganda, and partly because China offers travel advantages for people vaccinated with Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccines.

People who need to travel to China are still FORCED to pay for Sinovac / Sinopharm vaccines to avoid additional PCR tests.

So here is my advice. If you have to travel to China, opt for the Sinopharm vaccine. It is not only cheaper than Sinovac, it is a far better COVID-19 vaccine!

Vaccine Ancestral Delta Variant Omicron Variant
Infection Severe
Infection Severe
Infection Severe
Sinopharm COVILO 68% 73% 67% 71% 35% 53%
Sinovac CoronaVac 47% 50% 46% 49% 24% 37%


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Is Sinovac + Pfizer Combo Less Effective Against Omicron?

Was the combination of Sinovac and Pfizer proven to be less effective against the Omicron variant of COVID-19?

Let’s take a look at the claim, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Sinovac + Pfizer Combo Proven Less Effective Against Omicron

On 9 February 2022, The Edge posted an article with the title “Combination of Sinovac and Pfizer proven less effective to fight Omicron, says Pharmaniaga“.

The article covers Pharmaniaga’s statement which suggested that a third dose of Sinovac (of which they are the licensed distributor) is better than the Pfizer booster dose.

Let me share the relevant parts of the article, with key segments in bold. It’s a long read, so you can skip to the next section for the facts.

Pharmaniaga Bhd, citing a study conducted by Yale University, said that two doses of Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine with a Pfizer-BioNTech booster dose are less effective and produces a lower immune response against the Omicron variant compared with other strains.

On the other hand, Pharmaniaga, which is the licensed distributor of Sinovac vaccine in Malaysia, highlighted that a separate research by Sinovac Biotech Ltd shows that three doses of Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine produced higher neutralising antibodies in 95% of recipients compared with 3.3% by the second dose against a variant of concern (VOC), including Omicron.


Truth : Pfizer Booster Is Superior To Sinovac Booster Against Omicron

I have not read the actual Pharmaniaga statement, because it is still not available on their website.

However, I had earlier written about the Yale University study, and the statement as shared by The Edge appears to misrepresent what the study actually said.

It also appears to ignore what other studies have said about the poor efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine, including their own Phase 3 trial results.

Let’s go through the claims, and see what the facts really are…

Fact #1 : All Vaccines Are Less Effective Against Omicron

Because it has so many mutations, the Omicron variant is more able to escape the antibody protection that vaccines offer. This is true for all COVID-19 vaccines, not just the Pfizer vaccine.

It seems rather disingenuous for Pharmaniaga to point out that the Pfizer booster dose is less effective against Omicron, compared to other variants… when that is the case for all other vaccines, including Sinovac.

Fact #2 : Booster Dose Will Always Raise Antibody Levels

A booster dose is like a refresher course for your immune system. It will always boost antibody levels against COVID-19.

So the “separate research by Sinovac” themselves (instead of a neutral third party) only tells us that their booster dose is doing what other booster doses are doing – increasing antibody levels.

Abuthen? Did you expect a different result?

Fact #3 : What They Didn’t Say Is Interesting…

You can pick up more information if you note what Pharmaniaga did not say, assuming The Edge did not leave out anything pertinent.

For example, Pharmaniaga did not mention how much was the increase in antibody levels. Why not?

Neither did they confirm that the higher level was sufficient to protect against the Omicron variant. Why not?

They also conspicuously did not claim that the Sinovac booster dose is more effective than the Pfizer booster dose against the Omicron variant. Why not?

Fact #4 : Pfizer Booster Greatly Improves Protection

The Yale University study showed that two doses of Sinovac with a Pfizer booster dose gives protection equivalent to two mRNA vaccine doses.

However, the Pharmaniaga statement left out the very pertinent fact of what that actually meant :

  • 10.1X higher NAb levels against ancestral (original) virus : 
  • 6.3X higher NAb levels against Delta variant : 

The study also showed that two doses of Sinovac with a Pfizer booster offered 40% better protection against Omicron than two doses of the mRNA vaccines.

In other words, the Pfizer booster dose greatly improves on the mediocre protection offered by the Sinovac vaccine, but it may not be at par with 3-doses of other vaccines.

Read more : Why Sinovac Recipients May Need Two Pfizer Booster Doses!

Fact #5 : Cross Protection Not Seen With Sinovac Vaccine

According to Pharmaniaga, the Yale University study showed that no cross protection (hybrid immunity) was seen in Sinovac recipients who receive a Pfizer booster dose.

That is absolutely correct, but it does not mean what they think it means.

Professor Iwasaki specifically pointed out, “Prior infection only synergies with the mRNA vax to elevate broadly neutralizing Ab but not with inactivated vax. This may relate to the persistent GC (Germinal Centre) responses in mRNA vax”.

In other words, this synergistic boost in antibody levels from a COVID-19 infection is only seen with mRNA vaccines like the Pfizer COMIRNATY, but not seen with inactivated virus vaccines like the Sinovac vaccine.

Let me put it plainly – the Yale study showed that if you want cross protection (hybrid immunity), you will get it with the Pfizer vaccine, but not with the Sinovac vaccine.

Fact #6 : Pfizer Superior To Sinovac Against Beta, Delta + Omicron

A recent Hong Kong University (HKU) study showed that while the Pfizer vaccine is less effective against Omicron, the Sinovac vaccine is worse.

  • Sinovac vaccine antibodies were completely unable to bind to the Beta and Omicron variants.
  • Sinovac vaccine antibodies were only able to bind to the Delta variant in 68% of individuals.

Read more : Pfizer / Sinovac vs. Omicron : What HKU Study Just Revealed!

Seropositive Rate
Pfizer Sinovac
Alpha 100% 100%
Beta 100% 0%
Delta 100% 68%
Omicron 20% – 24% 0%

Incidentally, the Yale University study also pointed out that there was NO detectable neutralisation against the Omicron variant in people who received two doses of the Sinovac vaccine.

Even Pharmaniaga themselves inadvertently confirmed it, when their statement mentioned that only 3.3% of people vaccinated with 2 doses of Sinovac had neutralising antibodies against variants including Omicron.

Fact #7 : 3X Sinovac Doses Not Sufficient Against Omicron

A joint study by Hong Kong University (HKU) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) recently showed that 3 doses of the Sinovac vaccine does not provide sufficient protection against Omicron.

  • Three doses of the Pfizer vaccine offer the highest level of protection against Omicron.
  • A Pfizer booster dose given to those who received two Sinovac vaccine doses obtain good protective antibody levels against Omicron.
  • Three doses of the Sinovac vaccine do not provide sufficient protection against the Omicron variant.
  • Antibody levels of three doses of the Sinovac vaccine were roughly equal to two doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

Read more : Pfizer vs. Sinovac : Which Is Better Against Omicron Variant?

Fact #8 : Sinovac Is Least Efficacious COVID-19 Vaccine

The Sinovac CoronaVac is the least efficacious COVID-19 vaccine, barely qualifying for its EUA/EUL with a 50.4% efficacy rate in its Phase 3 trial.

Back when vaccine supply was extremely limited, some protection was better than nothing at all, which is why health authorities deployed the Sinovac vaccine.

Now that we have supplies of better vaccines – Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, etc., there is no longer any reason to settle for the Sinovac CoronaVac.

It is impossible for the Sinovac vaccine to improve its efficacy against the ancestral (original) COVID-19 virus, and it is certainly ludicrous to suggest that a third dose will boost its efficacy from 50.4% to 94%.

Please listen to advice from health authorities, instead of a vaccine manufacturer and/or its distributor.

CITF-B strongly recommends the Pfizer or AstraZeneca booster dose for Sinovac recipients, because they offer better protection.

Sinovac recipients are at the highest risk of a breakthrough infection, because they have the least protection. So make sure you get the best booster dose you can!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Why Denmark Is First EU Country To Lift All COVID-19 Laws!

Denmark is the first EU country to lift all COVID-19 restrictions, fully opening up despite a massive surge in cases.

Find out why they are able to do that… again.


Denmark Is First EU Country To Lift All COVID-19 Laws!

On Tuesday, 1 February 2022, Denmark became the first country in the European Union to lift all COVID-19 restrictions… again.

  • Wearing of face masks is no longer mandatory on public transport, shops and standing clients in restaurant indoor areas.
  • Face masks will only be recommended in hospitals, healthcare facilities, and nursing homes.
  • The COVID-19 digital pass is no longer required to enter nightclubs, cafes, party buses, and to be seated indoors in restaurants, unless required by individual event organisers.
  • There will no longer be limits on the number of people allowed in indoor gatherings.
  • Social distancing measures will no longer be required.

The Danish government no longer considers COVID-19 to be a “socially critical sickness“, even as the country experienced a massive surge in cases.

There is one notable exception though – unvaccinated travellers, or those who were not previously infected between 11 and 180 days ago, must undergo a COVID-19 test before being allowed to enter Denmark.

Read more : Did 10 countries cancel all COVID-19 tests and vaccinations?


Why Denmark Is Able To Lift All COVID-19 Laws!

Some antivaxxers are already touting the move by Denmark as evidence that COVID-19 is not serious. After all, they will point out – Denmark currently has the second-highest infection rate in the world.

That’s an intentionally misleading, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : Denmark Has Very High Vaccination Rates

Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said that “widespread vaccination and boosters have helped the country open up again“, and it shows :

  • Over 81% of people 5 years and older have been fully-vaccinated.
  • Over 61% of people 12 years and older received their booster dose

Jens Lundgren, a professor of viral diseases at the Copenhagen University Hospital said, “We have been very successful in our national vaccine programme throughout 2021, a lot of people have received two vaccination shots, and a lot have received three doses as well, and many of those doses were provided in the fourth quarter of 2021.

Fact #2 : Denmark Has Very Low ICU + Death Rates

Thanks to the high levels of vaccinations, Denmark has experienced very low levels of ICU usage and mortality rates.

Even though they are experiencing a massive surge in new COVID-19 cases, the number of people in ICUs have fallen to only 32.

Even people dying today is far lower than the peak in December 2020, when Denmark experienced far fewer COVID-19 cases.

Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said, “the number of hospitalizations and patients in intensive care is decreasing every day, thanks to vaccination“.

Søren Brostrøm, director-general of Denmark’s Health Authority concurred, “At the same time as infections are skyrocketing, patients admitted to intensive care actually going down. It’s around 30 people in ICU beds right now with a COVID-19 diagnosis, out of a population of 6 million.

Fact #3 : Denmark May Reimpose Restrictions

The Danish authorities held out the possibility that COVID-19 restrictions may return, as it is too early to know whether there will be a new variant that needs to be addressed.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen told Danish radio, “I dare not say that it is a final goodbye to restrictions. We do not know what will happen in the fall, whether there will be a new variant.

Denmark had actually lifted all COVID-19 restrictions in September 2021, but reimposed them in the first of a third wave of infections.

So it will not be surprising if they do reimpose COVID-19 restrictions should a new virulent COVID-19 variant start spreading.

Fact #4 : Denmark May Introduce A Fourth Dose

Despite the elation over the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, the government has warned that Denmark could see a rise in infections in the coming weeks.

Health Minister Magnus Heunicke called on Danes to get tested regularly, so that the country could “react quickly if necessary”.

In addition to the reinstatement of COVID-19 restrictions, the Danish government may introduce a fourth vaccine dose.

I should also point out that Denmark almost exclusively uses mRNA vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. They stopped using AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines, citing the risk of rare blood clots.

Read more : AstraZeneca Vaccine Blood Clots – What To Look For?

We can all enjoy the same privilege as the Danes, by adopting the same common sense approach they have.

Help us reach the same goal, by vaccinating yourself and your family against COVID-19!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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