Tag Archives: Lymphoma

Why study did not prove Pfizer vaccine causes turbo cancer!

Did a new Belgian study just prove that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine causes turbo cancer?! Take a look at the claim, and find out what the facts really are!

Updated @ 2023-11-30 : Updated info, and corrected some minor mistakes, thanks to Dr. David Gorski from RespectfulInsolence
Originally posted @ 2023-07-09


Claim : New Study Proves Pfizer Vaccine Causes Turbo Cancer!

People are sharing a new Belgian study published in Frontiers in Oncology, which they claim proves that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine causes turbo cancer! Here is an example posted by the Died Suddenly account on X (formerly Twitter):

🚨TurboCancer: New Study proves Pfizer mRNA induced turbo cancer

In a new Belgian study by Sander Eens et al. they injected 14 mice with 2 Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Recommended : Died Suddenly : Anti-Vaccination Movie Lies Exposed!


Truth : Study Did Not Prove Pfizer Vaccine Causes Turbo Cancer!

This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created / promoted by anti-vaccination activists, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : Frontiers Was Labelled As Predatory Publisher

First, I think it is important to note that Frontiers Media – the publisher of Frontiers in Oncology, was labelled by Predatory Reports as a predatory publisher in this damning report on March 2023.

This is important to know as predatory publishers are more interested in maximising profits over the quality of the papers they publish. Predatory publishers tend to minimise or eliminate reviews to publish a lot of articles, because they are paid for each article that is published.

Frontiers launched its first journal, Frontiers in Neuroscience, in 2008; since then, it has started more than 50 journals — together harboring more than 400 specialty sections — covering everything from physics and chemistry to computer science and social sciences.

In 2021, Frontiers published over 85,000 articles. An increase of 77% compared to 48,000 in 2020. To date, Frontiers has published more than 280,000 articles and author fees for most types of articles are $1900.

A 13-page manifesto published on 8 May by 31 Frontiers chief editors alleges that Frontiers not only allows authors to “pick their preferred associate editor“, Frontiers staff can even override editorial decisions!

Frontiers staff interfere with editorial decisions, for instance by moving manuscripts from one editor to another to accelerate review, inviting authors to write a commentary without the knowledge of editors, and sometimes “deliberately overriding” editorial decisions.

Recommended : Is Pfizer Vaccine Responsible For Leprosy Cases?!

Fact #2 : Norway Rates Frontiers As “Not Academic”

Since 2018, Frontiers Media has been rated as “level 0” in the Norwegian Scientific Index by the National Publication Committee of Norway, indicating that the publisher is “not academic“.

Fact #3 : It Was A Case Report, Not A Study

Now, the reputation of its publisher aside, let’s take a look at the actual Belgian study that people say proves that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine causes turbo cancer.

First, let’s start with the fact that it was NOT even a study. It was a “case report” published in Frontiers in Oncology on 1 May 2023.

This was even stated in its title, with my emphasis in bold : B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma following intravenous BNT162b2 mRNA booster in a BALB/c mouse: A case report.

Fact #4 : There Was No Booster Vaccination

The case study confusingly states that the mice were given “booster vaccination”, but from what I can tell – only two doses of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine were given – at 6 weeks and 8 weeks into the experiment.

The Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine is a two-dose mRNA vaccine, taken 21 days apart. The second dose is part of its primary vaccine dose, and is not a booster dose. Only the third and fourth doses are considered “booster vaccinations”.

Recommended : Did CDC Say COVID Vaccines Cause AIDS + Cancer?!

Fact #5 : They Injected Vaccine At Much Higher Doses

To conduct their experiments, the Belgians purchased 28 BALB/c mice, and began their experiment at 12 weeks old of age, which would roughly correspond to a human teenager – 17 years of age.

They split the groups into two – half (n=14) receiving the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, and half (n=14) given normal saline injections (control group). However, it does not appear that the mice were given the appropriate dosage of the Pfizer vaccine.

Human adults and teenagers will receive 30 μg of the Pfizer vaccine in each dose. Given that teenagers have an average weight of 65 kg and a BALB/c mouse weighs about 27 grams, each mice should have received only 0.0125 μg – 1/2400th of the human dose.

Instead, the mice were injected with 6 μg of the Pfizer vaccine – equivalent to 14,400 μg in human dosage, or 480 vaccine doses in one shot.

At the end of this experiment, the mice received 12 μg of the Pfizer vaccine – equivalent to 28,800 μg in human dosage, or 960 vaccine doses in two injections.

Fact #6 : They Injected Vaccine At Large Intervals

Instead of adjusting the vaccine interval to match mice age, they gave the second dose two weeks later – corresponding to about 5.5 human years.

In other words, the mice were given two extremely massive Pfizer vaccine doses at approximately 17 years of human-age, and 22.5 years of human-age.

While the large interval may not matter as much as the massive doses used, it would likely have skewed the experiment results somewhat in human equivalency.

Recommended : Did US FDA Just Ban Pfizer + Moderna Vaccines?!

Fact #6 : They Injected Pfizer Vaccine Wrongly

The Pfizer COMIRNATY vaccine is meant to be injected intramuscularly (IM – into the muscle) – commonly into the deltoid muscle of the upper arm. This site was chosen because muscle tissue have a ready pool of dendritic cells that can take up the antigens and spread them to the T and B cells in the lymph nodes.

However, in the Belgian experiment, the Pfizer vaccine was bizarrely injected intravenously (IV – into the vein) – into the tail vein of the mice. The authors admitted this as much in their discussion:

[T]he BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine was administered intravenously and not via the designed intramuscular route of delivery.

Their reasoning was that accidental intravenous injection have occurred, and the IM injection was said to “initiate an adaptive immune response in the lymph nodes”.

Accidents may well have occurred during human vaccinations, but their choice to inject the mice intravenously was no accident. It’s like crash testing a car with the test dummies not wearing a seatbelt because some drivers were reportedly not wearing them, and then saying – look at how terribly unsafe this car is!

And if they believe that the mRNA vaccine would end up in the blood via the lymph nodes even with IM injections, then why bother with the IV injection?

The Pfizer vaccine was never meant to be injected intravenously. Not only is it less effective (bypassing the lymph nodes), and more vulnerable to destruction and degradation, intravenous injection can cause more side effects including inflammation.

Recommended : Did FDA Admit Pfizer Vaccine Causes Blood Clots?!

Fact #7 : Lymphomas Occur Naturally In BALB/c Mice 

Finally, it is important to point out that BALB/c mice are popular in cancer research because they are more susceptible to carcinogenesis, and can spontaneously (naturally) develop lymphomas.

This study, for example, shows that most of the lymphomas that spontaneously developed in BALB/C mice are of the B-cell type – similar to what was seen in the Belgian experiment.

Considering that only one mice (out of 28) developed B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, that would fall within this “baseline” of spontaneously occurring B-cell lymphomas in BALB/c mice.

Hence, the case report does not prove, or even suggest, that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine causes or predisposes to B-cell lymphomas in mice, never mind humans.

Please help us FIGHT FAKE NEWS by sharing this fact check article out, and please SUPPORT our work!

Don’t forget to protect yourself, and your family, by vaccinating against COVID-19!


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Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


Recommended Reading

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Did Sam Neill Get Blood Cancer From COVID Vaccine?!

Did Hollywood star Sam Neill develop stage three blood cancer from the COVID-19 vaccine?!

Take a look at the viral claims, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Sam Neill Developed Blood Cancer From COVID-19 Vaccine!

Right after Sam Neill revealed that he suffered from stage three blood cancer, anti-vaccination activists immediately claimed that the Hollywood star was a victim of the COVID-19 vaccine he received!

The OpinionistNZ : B-cell lymphomas are associated with chronic inflammation. MRNA vaccines for COVID-19 induce inflammatory responses and there are now documented cases of vaccine induced lymphoma. Like to know if this has been ruled out in Neil’s case.

The All American : Jurassic Park actor Sam Neill diagnosed with stage-three blood cancer. Also a recipient of the Covid-19 vaccine. And to all you members of the Pro Vaccine Gestapo, all those conspiracy theorists were right. The vaccine kills.

In other Covid vaccine news, another young early stage 3 Cancer famous victim.. Is anyone else paying attention to the carnage from the mRNA experiment? #DiedSuddendly

Recommended : Died Suddenly : Anti-Vaccination Movie Lies Exposed!


Truth : Sam Neill Did Not Develop Blood Cancer From COVID-19 Vaccine!

This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created by anti-vaccination activists, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : Sam Neill Was Diagnosed With Lymphoma In 2022

Sir Sam Neill (born Nigel John Dermot Neill on 14 September 1947) revealed that he was diagnosed with stage three blood cancer in an interview with The Guardian on 17 March 2023.

He noticed that he had swollen glands while he was in Los Angeles on a publicity tour for his movie, Jurassic World Dominion. He was diagnosed with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma and underwent chemotherapy in March 2022.

That was when he decided to write his memoir, Did I Ever Tell You This?, in which he started with a candid look at his own mortality:

The thing is, I’m crook. Possibly dying. I may have to speed this up.

Fact #2 : Sam Neill Is Now In Remission

Unfortunately, the first round of chemotherapy did not work, and things were looking grim for the New Zealander. A new and very expensive chemotherapy drug was then proposed.

This new chemotherapy drug is likely on clinical trial, which is why Sam Neill signed a contract with the unnamed drug company to receive it, and that the treatment would then become free if he was still alive after four months. He even joked about it in the interview:

Have you noticed I have a slight look of lab rat about me?

At that time, Sam Neill was the only person in New South Wales, Australia, to have this treatment, and when he moved back to New Zealand, he was the only person in the country to be on it.

Fortunately, this new chemotherapy drug worked, and Sam Neill is currently in remission. However, he must continue to have the monthly treatment for the rest of his life, and endure feeling “shithouse” for two days after each treatment when he doesn’t feel like eating.

I’m not off the hook as such, but there’s no cancer in my body.

Recommended : Did Bill Gates Call For COVID-19 Vaccine Withdrawal?!

Fact #3 : AITL Is Associated With Epstein-Barr Virus

Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) is a rare and aggressive form of peripheral T-cell lymphoma – a type of blood cancer which mostly affects middle-aged or elderly patients. Sam Neill was 74 years old when he was diagnosed with AITL, which isn’t unusual.

But more importantly, angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma is highly associated with latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection.

After getting an EBV infection, the virus remains in your body but becomes latent (inactive), and may reactivate later in life. In rare cases, it appears that the latent EBV infections can reactivate and trigger angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma.

Biopsies of AITL patients were shown to have EBV genomes in the tumour cells. In some cases, people with acute Epstein-Barr virus infections were found to have developed AITL!

AITL is, however, not associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. It is certainly not associated with any COVID-19 vaccine, whether it uses mRNA or more traditional vaccine technologies.

Fact #4 : Sam Neill Is Likely Fully-Vaccinated

Sam Neill did not publicly reveal his vaccination status, but he is likely fully-vaccinated and boosted too, as he has always been supportive of measures to protect against COVID-19, including vaccines.

As far back as February 2021, he spoke out against antivaxxers, and said that “salvation lies in vaccinations”.

He also travelled to the United States and Australia, where it is mandatory for foreign travellers to be fully-vaccinated.

Fact #5 : Claims Of Celebrities Injured By COVID-19 Vaccine Proven False

So far, claims of sudden deaths / injuries due to the COVID-19 vaccine have been proven false at every instance. Here is the latest dozen of other false sudden death claims!

Will these anti-vaccination activists apologise for lying to you? Nope! They will just move on to the next celebrity tragedy…

Please help us FIGHT FAKE NEWS by sharing this fact check article out, and please SUPPORT our work!

Don’t forget to protect yourself, and your family, by vaccinating against COVID-19!


Please Support My Work!

Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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Anthony Rumble Johnson : Cause of Death Not Vaccine!

Did former UFC fighter, Anthony Rumble Johnson, die from vaccine-induced Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?!

Take a look at the viral claims, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : Anthony Rumble Johnson Died From Vaccine Sudden Death!

Right after news broke that Anthony Rumble Johnson died at just 38 years of age, anti-vaccination activists immediately claim that the former UFC fighter died from vaccine-induced sudden death (SADS / VIDS / VDS)!

Was two-time UFC title challenger Anthony ‘Rumble’ Johnson death caused by the DEATHVAX?

An elite athlete dropping dead at 38 is about as rare these days as the surge in FIFA soccer players dropping dead like flies on the pitch. Except since the “vaccine” rollout its not rare.

We should talk about how Anthony Rumble Johnson #rumble

Was killed by the COVID vaccines.

“Former UFC fighter Anthony ‘Rumble’ Johnson dies at 38”

RIP ✝️ Rumble

SAD: Sudden Adult Death?
After Covid vaccine?

Read more : Santino Blanco : Why Face of AR Vaccine Effort Died


Truth : Anthony Rumble Johnson Did NOT Die From Vaccine!

It’s becoming a tradition for anti-vaccination activists to immediately blame all athlete deaths or injuries on the COVID-19 vaccine.

This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created and propagated by anti-vaccination activists, and here are the reasons why… and the current facts that we know so far.

Fact #1 : His Cause Of Death Was Organ Failure From Lymphoma

Anthony Rumble Johnson (born Anthony Kewoa Johnson on March 6, 1984), was an American mixed martial artist competing in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).

On Monday, November 14, 2022, MMA journalist Ariel Halwani broke the news that Anthony “Rumble” Johnson passed away that day, after Anthony’s manager, Ali Abdelaziz cryptically tweeted that he was “heartbroken”.

While some news media said that his cause of death was unknown or undetermined, Anthony Rumble Johnson’s cause of death was organ failure due to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.

In other words, he died from organ failure brought about by cancer of his white blood cells, as well as an autoimmune disorder in which his white blood cells attacked other blood cells.

Anthony Rumble Johnson did NOT die from any COVID-19 vaccine side effect, period.

Fact #2 : He Was Battling With Lymphoma For Over A Year

Anthony Rumble Johnson was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma sometime in 2021.

His condition deteriorated so much he asked his fans for prayers, and wondered if he would make it to 2022, in an emotional Instagram post on September 19, 2021.

Really wish I could go into detail about how ill I truly am. Just know I need as many prayers as I can get and I’ll see you in 2022 God willing…

Never been this afraid of anything in my life but I’ve remained strong with the support of friends and family.

Not asking for anything but prayers 🙏🏾
See you in 2022 hopefully 💪🏾
This is gonna be a battle and I’m gonna have to dig deeper than I ever have before.
Love you all

In October 2022, his manager, Ali Abdelaziz said that Anthony was “not doing well”, and asked for prayers.

Pray for Anthony, he’s not doing well. He’s very strong, spiritually, but pray for him.

Anthony, be strong. A lot of people love you. He’s going to be okay, but he’s not doing well.

Recommended : Keith Farmer : Victim of Vaccine Sudden Death Hoax!

Fact #3 : Unknown If Anthony Rumble Johnson Was Vaccinated

It is currently unknown if Anthony “Rumble” Johnson was vaccinated against COVID-19, so it would be wrong for anyone to claim that he died from COVID-19 vaccine side effects.

For all we know – he may not even be vaccinated! The COVID-19 vaccine is not mandatory in the United States, despite what anti-vaccination activists may claim.

For example, anti-vaccination activists claimed that Kaden Clymer was almost crippled by a 6-foot long vaccine-induced blood clot, but the high school athlete was never vaccinated against COVID-19!

Fact #4 : Claims Of Athletes Dying From COVID-19 Vaccine Proven False

This is yet another example of anti-vaccination activists abusing athlete deaths / injuries to create and propagate FAKE NEWS about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

So far, claims of athlete deaths / injuries due to the COVID-19 vaccine have been proven false at every instance.

Will these anti-vaccination activists apologise for lying to you? Nope! They will just move on to the next athlete tragedy…

Please help us FIGHT FAKE NEWS by sharing this fact check article out, and please SUPPORT our work!

Don’t forget to protect yourself, and your family, by vaccinating against COVID-19!


Please Support My Work!

Support my work through a bank transfer /  PayPal / credit card!

Name : Adrian Wong
Bank Transfer : CIMB 7064555917 (Swift Code : CIBBMYKL)
Credit Card / Paypal : https://paypal.me/techarp

Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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