Tag Archives: Grasshopper Manufacture

Killer Is Dead – Nightmare Edition FREE For A Limited Time!

The Humble Bundle is giving away the game Killer Is Dead – Nightmare Edition, a 2013 hack and slash game by Grasshopper Manufacture, for just 48 hours! Yes, it’s completely FREE, if you grab it before the offer expires, so head over to the Humble Bundle now!

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Killer Is Dead – Nightmare Edition

Killer Is Dead is a 2013 hack and slash game by Grasshopper Manufacture, that was ported to the PC in May 2014. The PC version comes with a Nightmare difficulty mode, hence the name Killer Is Dead – Nightmare Edition. In this exclusive version for PC, players will be slicing, dicing, and shooting as the suave executioner Mondo Zappa.

  • New difficulty mode called Nightmare Mode. In this mode, enemies can only be defeated using the following attacks: Adrenaline Burst, Dodge Burst, Headshots, so the gameplay requires far more skill and tactics. Players will not be able to use the Final Judgement finisher (QTE mode) to defeat enemies.
  • Theater Mode – Rewatch cutscenes and get extended background information on characters, helping to unravel the story after your 1st playthrough
  • Smooth Operator Pack for console will be included, which includes X-ray glasses, bewitching outfits, stunning beauties, and a killer new mission and boss!


Why Is Humble Bundle Doing This?

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Simple – to get you to register with them, and check out their weekly and monthly game bundles. They can then send you notifications on new games or promotions, and who knows – you might subscribe to their game bundles? 😀

Their game bundles are actually very good deals. Their monthly bundles, for example, gives you US$100 worth of games for just US$12! And if you subscribe for a whole year, they only charge you US$11 per month – that’s $1,200 worth of games for just $132!

Best of all, the games are yours to keep forever and ever, if you stop subscribing at any point in time. So this free game giveaway is their way of letting people know about their Humble Bundle deals.

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