Stop Using MySejahtera Helpdesk For Vaccine Appointment!

JKJAV is WARNING people to STOP using the MySejahtera Helpdesk to ask for their vaccine appointment!

Find out what’s going on, and why this is just another Internet hoax!


MySejahtera Helpdesk For Vaccine Appointment?

Viral messages have been circulating on the Internet and WhatsApp, advising people on how to get their vaccinations earlier, or to choose their vaccines :


Yang dah lama dafter vaksin tapi masih tak dapat lagi tarikh, buka app MySejahtera dan cuba cara ini:

1) Klik pada ‘Covid-19 Vaccination’
2) Pilih ‘Vaccine Information’
3) Pilih ‘Helpdesk’
4) Pilih ‘Start’
5) Pilih ‘L Other Queries?’
6) Pilih ‘E Other Issues’
7) Taip ‘Nak appointment vaksin’
8) Tekan ‘Next’ dan tekan ‘Submit’


For those who registered long ago but did not get any vaccination date, open MySejahtera and try this method :

1) Click on ‘Covid-19 Vaccination’
2) Choose ‘Vaccine Information’
3) Choose ‘Helpdesk’
4) Choose ‘Start’
5) Choose ‘L Other Queries?’
6) Choose ‘E Other Issues’
7) Type ‘Want a vaccination appointment’
8) Tap ‘Next’ and tap ‘Submit’


Stop Using MySejahtera Helpdesk For Vaccine Appointment!

On 4 July 2021, JKJAV issued a warningSTOP using the MySejahtera Helpdesk to get an earlier vaccine appointment!

The Helpdesk is meant for people to get help from the JKJAV team, not for people to request for earlier vaccination appointments!

The COVID-19 vaccination appointments are automatically arranged according to these criteria :

  • When you first registered for COVID-19 vaccination
  • Your age
  • Any co-morbidities (chronic illness) you may have
  • Where you currently live

JKJAV warns that there are no shortcuts to getting vaccine appointments, and that there is no need to use the MySejahtera Helpdesk for this purpose.

People who have been using this method in the fake post are drowning out genuine complaints by other users.

Someone should tell the Perak Health Department too, because they themselves fell for the fake news!

This “confusion” or “fake news” is likely based on the earlier fake news that senior citizens age 60 years and above can use the MySejahtera Helpdesk to ask for a vaccine appointment.

So please STOP using the MySejahtera Helpdesk to request for an earlier vaccine appointment… and TELL YOUR FRIENDS to stop doing that too!

Recommended : New MySejahtera Vaccine Appointment Feature For Seniors?


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