Vaccine Registration : Must Change Address In MySejahtera?

A warning to change your address in MySejahtera has gone viral on WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter.

Find out what’s going on, and what the FACTS really are!


Vaccine Registration : Must Change Address In MySejahtera?

A warning to change your address in MySejahtera has gone viral on WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter over the past two days.

This is to share a potential error in vaccination registration using MySejahtera.

If your status is shown similar to the left screen without state and postcode info, your registration is not complete. Update your state and postcode and resubmit.

The correct status should be as shown on the right ,with state and postcode info.

Not only has this person’s post gone viral, it led to many netizens complaining that they were not informed of this requirement earlier, and criticising the Ministry of Health for being so stupid.

Note : We intentionally address the FALSE overlay to prevent this viral post from being further abused.


Vaccine Registration Change Of Address In MySejahtera : The Facts!

Here is the TLDR summary – the viral post above is incorrect and misleading. And here are the facts…

Fact #1 : That Is A New MySejahtera Feature

The inclusion of an option to update your home address is a new MySejahtera feature.

It was probably introduced as part of Version 1.0.34, which was released on 24 April 2021.

Fact #2 : There Is A Separate Address Update Link

On the left is what you would see if you did not update your home address. On the right is what you will see after you update your home address.

What the post failed to point out is that you can update your home address using a separate link, just below the assessment details link – highlighted in red below.

Fact #3 : Only Use It To Change Your Address

When you first registered, you have already submitted your home address.

There is NO NEED to update your address if it’s still the same. You only need to change it if you are moving to a different location.

The feature allows you to change your address WITHOUT going through the assessment again.

But if you need to update your assessment – if you were recently diagnosed with a co-morbidity, for example – the assessment also includes the option to select your state and postcode.

This is an example of what you would see if you are changing the address for a dependent.

Previously, you would just search for your current address or use the GPS locator. Now, MySejahtera adds the option to key in your state and postcode. That’s the only difference.

Fact #4 : Dependents Can Have Different Addresses

You may not know this, but you can set your dependents with a different address from your own home address.

This allows you to manage the vaccine registrations of your dependents if they are living in a different location.

Fact #5 : Address Change Won’t Affect Your Queue Position

Changing your address won’t affect your position in the queue.

So don’t panic if you believed the viral post and changed your address. Your queue position remains safe.

Fact #6 : JKJAV Confirmed This

JKJAV – the Special Committee On COVID-19 Vaccine Supply – confirmed this in a tweet at 10:48 AM on 10 May 2021.


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