Fact Check : Science Supports Pig As Haram With Proofs?

Fact Check : Science Supports Pig As Haram With Proofs? Part 2


Claim #5 : Cooking Won’t Kill Pig Parasites

Pigs carry several parasites into their body which doesn’t go off even after proper cooking. One of the biggest concerns with eating pork meat is trichinosis or trichinellosis.

This is an infection that humans get from eating undercooked or uncooked pork that contains the larvae of the trichinella worm. There is a common misconception that these worms die when cooked properly, again it’s a false notion. One in six people in the US and Canada has trichinosis from eating trichina worms (roundworms), which are found in pork.

These worms are found in the flesh of pig and the diseases caused by eating pork are incurable once it reaches beyond a certain stage.

The disease of trichinosis causes typhoid, arthritis, rheumatism, gastritis, meningitis, gall bladder trouble etc. The disease lodges itself in the brain, intestines, muscles and spinal cords.

Our Verdict : FALSE

Trichinella is a parasite that is prevalent in many mammals, not just pigs. Notably, it is a HUMAN parasite – you can be infected by Trichinella parasites even if you have never consumed pork in your entire life.

Trichinella infections in farmed pigs is actually rare. It is more commonly found in wild pigs, home-raised pigs, or free-range pigs because they are more likely to eat food contaminated with Trichinella.

Trichinella is also effectively eliminated by cooking pork properly – 63°C or higher for 3 minutes or longer. So the claim by Mvslimfeed is categorically FALSE.

Claim #6 : Pork Has Twice The Fat Of Beef

Pork contains fat. Almost more than twice as much as beef contains. It has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. America is home to the most obese people in the world.

Our Verdict : MISLEADING

As any chef can tell you, the amount of fat in any animal meat is dependent on the cut. So it would be misleading to claim that pork has twice as much fat as beef.

For example, 100 grams of pork belly has 54 g of fat, yet 100 grams of pork tenderloin only has 3.5 g of fat, while 100 grams of beef tenderloin can contain as much as 25 g of fat.

We should point out that fat is prized in beef cuts, with the rib eye boasting up to 37.6 grams of fat. Connoisseurs pay top dollar for steaks that are well-marbled with fat.

Claim #7 : Pork Eaters Have Hundreds Of Diseases

Pork-eaters aren’t healthy at all rather they store only fat in their body which makes their body home to hundreds of diseases which we even can’t pronounce.

Our Verdict : FALSE

The human body stores excess calories that we consume as fat, irrespective of whether we obtained them by eating carbohydrates (bread, rice) or animal meats (pork, beef, chicken)… or beer.

And anyone who has hundreds of diseases in their body will likely be dead… except in the imagination of the Mvslimfeed writer.

Claim #8 : Pigs Spread Influenza To Humans

Influenza or flu is one of the most lethal illnesses that pigs share with humans. This illness is harboured in the lungs of pigs during summer and tends to effect pigs and humans in the cooler months.

Our Verdict : MISLEADING

Influenza is a very large family of viruses, infecting all kinds of mammals. They do not all transmit from animals to humans, although some do.

The 2009 swine flu pandemic was particularly severe, which was estimated to have killed about 284,000 people across the world.

Even so, it was not a very lethal disease, with a mortality rate of just 0.01-0.03%. It only killed so many people because it infected hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Recommended : H1N1 Pandemic : The Great American Cover-Up Debunked!

COVID-19, which has a bat origin, is far more lethal, with a mortality rate that is 100X higher – 1-2%. It has already killed over 471,000 people as of 22 June 2020.

The 2009 H1N1 swine flu also spread from human to human, and had nothing to do with whether you eat pork or not.

Claim #9 : Pigs Are Toxic Because They Don’t Perspire

One of the reasons why pork is haram in Islam is unlike other animals pigs don’t perspire. Since they don’t sweat all their toxic excretion is absorbed by their meat and these meats are consumed by humans. So, pal if you eat pork, you eat the toxic chemical excretion of pigs.

Our Verdict : FALSE

Pigs have sweat glands but they are not functional (eccrine) sweat glands. That means they are not used to regulate the pig’s body temperature.

Instead, they are apocrine glands that do not secrete sweat but an oily substance. They therefore function like scent glands.

Sweating in mammals is not the main way of excreting toxins. It is, by large, a way to regulate the body temperature. The same toxins excreted in sweat is disposed in far larger quantities in the urine and faeces.

What little minerals, lactate and urea that isn’t excreted in a pig’s (hypothetical) sweat is not absorbed by its flesh but excreted in its urine / faeces.

That is also why people who live in cold climates do not die from toxins building up in their bodies, just because they don’t sweat.

Claim #10 : Pigs Cannot Be Killed With Poison

Pig meats are also poisonous and they can’t be killed with normal poisons such as strychnine. Farmers often put  pigs at the nests of venomous snakes to eat them up while they won’t be affected by the sting of the snakes.

Our Verdict : FALSE

This is such a ridiculous lie. Strychnine is highly toxic to pigs.

According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, the oral LD50 toxic dose is only 0.5-1 mg/kg for a pig. A cat, in comparison, has an oral LD50 dose of 2 mg/kg.

The book, Diseases of Swine, goes on to note that pigs poisoned by strychnine often die in less than 1 hour.

There is also no evidence of farmers using pigs to kill venomous snakes, and snakes are known to attack pigs…


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