25,700 Malaysians Hospitalised For Vaccine Side Effects?

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Malaysians are panicking over a report by The Coverage that 25,700 Malaysians were hospitalised for COVID-19 vaccine side effects!

Find out what the FACTS really are!


The Coverage : 25,700 Malaysians Hospitalised For Vaccine Side Effects!

Infamous clickbait + plagiarism website – The Coverage (formerly The Coverage Bureau) is at it again.

Malaysians are panicking over a report they posted with the alarming title – Breaking News : 25,700 Malaysians Report Side Effects After Taking Vaccines – Admitted To Hospital For Further Monitoring

But what exactly are the facts? Let’s take a look…


No, 25,700 Malaysians Were NOT Hospitalised For Vaccine Side Effects!

We investigated this stunning report by The Coverage, and here was what we found…

Fact #1 : That’s A False, Clickbait Headline

Most Malaysians only read headlines, and The Coverage is well aware of that.

That’s why they wrote that clickbait headline, using alarming terms like “Breaking News” and “Admitted To Hospital”.

The truth is they plagiarised this article 3 days after the original website posted it (more on this below), and they were not all hospitalised as The Coverage headline alleged.

Fact #2 : Only 4.4% Reported Side Effects After Vaccination

It is true that the Malaysia Health Ministry received 25,770 reports of side effects as of 31 March 2021.

However, that is just 4.4% of the 580,765 people who were vaccinated.

Fact #3 : Reported Vaccine Side Effects Were NOT Verified

We should point out that the reported side effects have NOT been verified by the Malaysia Ministry of Health.

This is similar to the UK Yellow Card reporting system that have been intentionally misreported as genuine adverse effects (example #1, example #2, example #3)

Anyone who received a vaccination in Malaysia, can freely report any side effects they may or may not have experienced in MySejahtera.

Hence, these reported side effects may not be related to the vaccine, and have NOT been verified by the Ministry of Health.

MySejahtera report side effects

Fact #4 : Only Those With Serious Side Effects Were Hospitalised

The Coverage article title proclaimed that 25,700 Malaysians reported side effects and were admitted to hospital for further monitoring after getting vaccinated.

The truth is their report itself clearly stated that only “those who suffered serious side effects were admitted to hospital for further monitoring“.

We can only conclude that they intentionally used that misleading headline to trick people into sharing, so that their article would go viral.

Fact #5 : The Coverage Plagiarised The Article

The Coverage is notorious for copying news articles from other websites and merely changing their titles to make them more controversial, so you are more likely to share them.

We analysed their article, and discovered that they copied it entirely from a 3-day old FreeMalaysiaToday article.

They only deleted the first paragraph, and changed the title to make it more SHOCKING! This is the very definition of plagiarism.

Coverage 25700 Malaysians hospitalised plagiarism evidence

The Coverage has been doing this for years, making money off other people’s work, and using gullible people to share out their plagiarised articles with clickbait titles.

STOP being their useful idiots. STOP sharing their articles! STOP reading their plagiarised articles!


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Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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