Is it true that COVID-19 cases are plummeting in India after they started promoting the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine?
Find out what’s the latest miracle claim involving Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and what the FACTS really are!
Claim : India COVID-19 Cases Plummet Due To Ivermectin + HCQ!
The COVID Blog is at it again, creating more COVID-19 fake news with The Gateway Pundit promoting them.
This time, the unnamed writer behind The COVID Blog wrote a piece about how COVID-19 cases are plummeting in India after they started promoting the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
Have no fear. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are here.
The India health ministry updated its guidelines on April 28 for quarantines, treating the asymptomatic and those with mild symptoms of COVID-19. The agency now says that asymptomatic patients should “consider Tab Ivermectin (200 mcg/kg once a day, to be taken empty stomach) for 3 to 5 days.” Caregivers of patients in quarantine are instructed to “take Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis as per protocol and as prescribed by the treating medical officer.”
So what evidence did The COVID Blog offer? The unnamed writer referred to Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance – the main proponent of Ivermectin.
Dr. Kory basically did a live Zoom session to show how new COVID-19 cases in India dropped after India started using Ivermectin.
But we have to label his charts as Misleading, for reasons that we will explain below…
India COVID-19 Cases Not Plummeting Due To Ivermectin + HCQ!
The simple truth is – COVID-19 cases in India are NOT plummeting due to ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, as The COVID Blog or Dr. Pierre Kory claim.
And how do we know this? Let’s dissect the thin veneer of “evidence” they proffered…
Fact #1 : India Updated Guidelines For Mild / Asymptomatic Cases
It is true that India updated their guidelines for mild / asymptomatic cases on 28 April 2021.
Instead of reading the modified copy with The COVID Blog’s watermark all over it, take a look at the official guidelines instead.
But note that these are guidelines for mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 cases that the Indian government wants to self-isolate at home.
It’s even mentioned in the title – Revised Guidelines for Home Isolation of Mild / Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases.
So these guidelines are NOT for the treatment of hospitalised COVID-19 patients.
Fact #2 : India Used Hydroxychloroquine Since May 2020
While The COVID Blog claimed that new COVID-19 cases in India are falling because they started using hydroxychloroquine, that is easily disproven.
At least since 10 May 2020, the Indian government recommended that caregivers and all close contacts of COVID-19 cases be given hydroxychloroquine as prophylaxis (prevention).
Irrespective of what The COVID Blog may write, the updated guidelines only added Ivermectin as an option, not hydroxychloroquine.
Fact #3 : Hydroxychloroquine Did Not Help Prevent COVID-19
Despite the prophylactic use of hydroxychloroquine since May 2020, India’s COVID-19 cases continued rising until they hit a peak of 97,894 new cases on 16 September 2020.
More recently, India suffered a MASSIVE surge in COVID-19 cases, reaching a height of 414,188 new cases on 6 May 2021.
As this chart shows, hydroxychloroquine does not appear to show any ability in preventing COVID-19 in India.
Fact #4 : No Evidence Ivermectin / HCQ Reduced COVID-19 Cases
Despite what Dr. Pierre Kory may claim, there is no evidence that ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine caused the number of new COVID-19 cases to plummet in India after 6 May 2021.
After all, ivermectin is only given to people who are already in home quarantine, and therefore unlikely to spread COVID-19 to anyone outside.
More importantly, many Indian states implemented strict or partial lockdowns :
- Delhi : 19 April onwards
- Maharashtra : 13 April onwards
- West Bengal : 30 April onwards
From the chart, we can see that the curve started flattening around 26 April, before the advisory was updated to allow ivermectin.
It seems far more likely that the lockdowns (which affected large numbers of people) was the reason for the falling numbers, rather than ivermectin (of which there is no evidence of widespread use).
We should also point out that it was a lockdown that brought down the first COVID-19 wave in India, not hydroxychloroquine. And ivermectin wasn’t even in the picture back then.
So we know that lockdowns can and will bring down COVID-19 cases by breaking the chain of infection, with or without ivermectin.
Fact #5 : Ivermectin Only Used In Mild / Asymptomatic Cases
Despite The COVID Blog’s glowing “review” of Ivermectin, the Indian government only said it should be used in mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 cases that are in home quarantine.
Basically – only people who are already at no risk of dying from COVID-19! So what exactly is the point of giving them ivermectin?
It sounds like it’s being given as a placebo – to assuage the fears of people in panic, rather than actually prevent or treat COVID-19.
In fact, the Indian National Clinical Management Protocol for COVID-19 (Version 6) specifically restricted the use of Ivermectin to mild COVID-19 cases.
It is completely removed from the treatment of moderate and severe COVID-19 cases. Interestingly, that’s where dexamethasone and methylprednisolone come in. More on both of them below…
Fact #6 : Merck Warns Against Use Of Ivermectin
Merck – the company that created ivermectin – issued a warning on 4 February 2021 that said, in no uncertain terms, that their own scientists came to these conclusions :
- No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
- No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
- A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
Recommended : Ivermectin Can Prevent / Cure COVID-19? Not So Fast!
Fact #7 : Science Determines Treatment Protocol, Not Patents
The COVID Blog crows about how Big Pharma is freaking out that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been “proven” to work against COVID-19 in India.
It is a common trope that Big Pharma is against drugs that are out-of-patent because they cannot make money off them.
That’s not true. If ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine really work against COVID-19, it would mean BILLIONS of dollars of profit for pharmaceutical companies all over the world, with no extra work!
More importantly, doctors and scientists have proven that they would only follow the science and not patents when they conducted the RECOVERY trial which proved that dexamethasone – a cheap, patent-free drug helped to reduce death in severe COVID-19 patients!
This led to the use of both dexamethasone and methylprednisolone across the world in the treatment of severe COVID-19 patients requiring respiratory support.
Don’t listen to some nameless person creating lies and misinformation about science and medicine. Consider only the facts. They don’t lie, unlike that nameless person behind The COVID Blog.
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