GE15 SOP + Process For COVID-19 Positive Voters!

COVID-19 positive voters can still vote on the 15th General Election, but they must follow these SPR requirements…


GE15 SOP For COVID-19 Positive Voters!

If you just tested positive for COVID-19, don’t worry – you can still vote on 19 November 2022, when Malaysia holds its 15th General Election (GE15).

On Tuesday, 15 November 2022, the Malaysia Election Commission (SPR) released their SOP for how COVID-19 positive people can vote during GE15.

Please go through it, and follow them, to ensure that you can cast your votes on GE15:

Before Election Day

  1. COVID-19 positive voters must complete a special health form that they will receive via SMS.
  2. Candidates and political party employees who test positive for COVID-19 are FORBIDDEN from conducting any physical election campaign activities. However, they can still conduct virtual campaigns during their Home Surveillance Order (HSO) period.

On Election Day

  1. COVID-19 positive voters are FORBIDDEN from taking public transportation, including e-hailing rides, to get to the voting centres.
  2. COVID-19 positive voters are REQUIRED to wear a face mask, and must often sanitise their hands.
  3. COVID-19 positive voters are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitiser and pen.
  4. COVID-19 positive voters must report their infectious status to Malaysia Ministry of Health (KKM) officials stationed at the entrance to the voting centres.
  5. KKM officials at voting centres will check your COVID-19 risk assessment in MySejahtera.
  6. COVID-19 positive voters are REQUIRED to wear a face mask at all times, except when asked to remove it for identification at the polling station.
  7. COVID-19 positive voters will be escorted by KKM officials to the polling station (Saluran) and given priority, to avoid mixing with other voters.
  8. Safe physical distancing must be maintained at all times, especially when COVID-19 positive voters face election officials and remove their face mask (for identification).
  9. COVID-19 positive voters MUST use a hand sanitiser, before dipping their finger into the indelible ink.
  10. Let the indelible ink dry.
  11. Place your mobile phone in the allocated place and sanitise your hands with a hand sanitiser before making your vote.
  12. KKM officials will monitor the process from time to time.
  13. COVID-19 positive voters must IMMEDIATELY leave the voting centre, after voting and continue with their HSO quarantine at their own homes.

The SPR are advising all COVID-19 positive voters to come at least two hours before the closing time of their voting centre.


GE15 Process For COVID-19 Positive Voters!

SPR also created a flow chart of the voting process for COVID-19 positive persons, which I will summarise in this sequence:

  1. On arrival at the voting centre, you must report your health status to the KKM officer stationed there.
  2. The KKM officer will check you COVID-19 risk status in the MySejahtera profile page, while also checking your polling station (Saluran).
  3. You are REQUIRED to wear a face mask, and clean your hands with a hand sanitiser.
  4. The KKM officer will escort you to your polling station (Saluran), and you will be given priority to avoid mixing with other voters.
  5. At the polling station, you must maintain a safe physical distance from the election clerk and KKM officer when you remove your face mask for identification purposes.
  6. You must use a hand sanitiser to clean your hands BEFORE you dip your finger into the indelible ink.
  7. You must let the indelible ink dry, and then use a hand sanitiser again after placing your phone in a designated spot.
  8. You will then be given your paper ballot.
  9. Now, you can go to the voting booth to mark your paper ballot.
  10. After casting your vote, you must immediately leave the voting center, and return home to complete your HSO quarantine.


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Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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