Man Receives Empty Vaccine Injection : How To Avoid This?

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A man claimed that he received an EMPTY INJECTION of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine!

Find out what happened, and what you can do to AVOID a vaccine underdose!


Man Receives Empty Vaccine Injection!

On 6 July 2021, Simon Ng posted a video on the Klang Resident’s Facebook group, and detailed how he was injected with an empty syringe!

Here is our English translation, followed by the original text in Chinese :

#For those going for vaccination, please take note: I have just vaccinated at XXX gov hospital, because I brought my family members for vaccination, I am very familiar with the SOP before vaccination, let patients know that how many ML and the brand of the vaccine, and before vaccination, they will show that the needle is not empty, and empty after vaccination, nothing left. I know some locations may or may not allow video taking, so I asked before shooting, they may possible not hear me, so I continued shooting. During the process, they did not show me anything, only asked me to turn my head, and without realising, the process is completed. And I walked out of the room, and review back the video footage, which is the one footage that I attached.

Remarks: even if I get whacked, they will refuse to let me watch them vaccinate, kept asking me to turn my head away, all those unused needles (they have prepared those needles, but contents are unknown), very obvious that the end of the needle is long (they don’t allow me to take any photos), mine was obviously was already used, they are just acting only. or was that a mistake? are your experience the same? Is the syringe empty? You tell me.

Man Receives Empty Vaccine Injection : How To Avoid This?

#要打疫苗的请注意 本人刚刚在XXX政府医院打疫苗,由于之前有带过家人打疫苗,所以知道根据SOP是必须在打疫苗前,让对方看抽了多少ML什么品牌的疫苗,还没注射前也会给你看那支针不是空针,然后才给你注射,也会给你看注射完了,没有剩。我知道有些地方是允许拍摄有些不允许,我打之前有问了,可能他们没有听到,我就继续录影。过程中,完全没有给我看任何东西,只叫我转头,然后在毫无感觉情况下说,打好了。我就不解的走到房外,然后看我刚刚拍摄的视频,就是你们现在看到的片段,根本就是打空针!(这个视频我已经crop掉我的脸)我是4个孩子的爸爸,孩子不能打疫苗,父母的责任就是要保护好他们,打了等于没打,根本就是浪费时间,这样下去疫情什么时候才能控制下来?我回头找他们理论,最后问我想怎样?我说要求重打,他们要我删掉视频,包括recycle bin以及发给家人whatsapp里的视频,才愿意给我重打(视频我另有存档)。PO这个文,我没有别的意图,是希望大家谨慎,以及记得你的权益,我们是纳税人,我们有基本权益,疫情越来越严重,很多人等了很久也等不到疫苗,如果有打疫苗的却遇到这样的问题,最后死的还是我们百姓!现在大家已经不容易了,不要让公务人员继续欺压百姓!
备注:即使重打,他们也不允许我看,叫我转头看另一边,桌上那些还没使用的针(他们事先抽好,我们也不懂里面是什么来的),很明显针管的尾端是长的(他们不允许我拍照),我的就很明显是已经按完了的,做个样子给我打针而已。或许是误会?你们打的针也是这样?这样算不算打空针?You Tell Me.


Empty Vaccine Injection / Underdose : What Is It?

A vaccine underdose – which can include a completely empty syringe – is what happens when you receive less than the recommended dose of a vaccine, or none at all.

There is always the possibility of intentional underdose by someone who is secretly anti-vaccination.

But it usually happens by accident, especially in high-volume vaccination centres where doctors and nurses administer hundreds of doses a day :

  • Injection volume mix-up
  • Preparation error
  • Accidental wastage
  • Misreading of LDV syringes

Recommended : Vaccine Underdose : What Should You Watch Out For?


Empty Vaccine Injection / Underdose : How To Avoid?

To avoid accidentally getting a partial dose of the vaccine or none at all, please make sure you follow these steps at the vaccination centre :

  1. Check the label of the vial or prepared syringe, to confirm the vaccine you are receiving. Here in Malaysia, that’s Pfizer, AstraZeneca or Sinovac.
  2. The doctor or nurse will show you the syringe, for you to verify that it has the correct volume.
Vaccines Dose Volume
Pfizer COMIRNATY 0.3 ml
AstraZeneca Vaxzevria 0.5 ml
Sinovac CoronaVac 0.5 ml

Please note that if a low dead volume (LDV) syringe is used, you should read the volume from the first ring of the plunger, not the top.

Recommended : How To Read The Volume Of LDV Syringe Correctly?

LDV Syringe : How To Read The Volume Correctly?

  1. Ask that you be allowed to record a video of the vaccination process.
  2. After receiving the injection, the doctor or nurse will show you the syringe, for you to confirm that it is empty.
  3. Before leaving the vaccination booth, go through the video to confirm that you received the dose.
  4. If there is any discrepancy, you can address it with the doctor or nurse, or ask to see a supervisor.


Empty Vaccine Injection / Underdose : What If You Received One?

If you have evidence that you received an empty injection, or a partial vaccine dose, but only noticed that after leaving the vaccination centre, do not worry.

You should reach out to the healthcare provider who administered the vaccine, as soon as you can. There is NO NEED to lodge a police report – this is not a criminal matter.

Ideally, you should be vaccinated again with the correct dose; or a “top-up dose”, if they are able to determine the shortfall.

Man Receives Empty Vaccine Injection : How To Avoid This?

Here in Malaysia, you can reach out to the ProtectHealth Corporation – a private entity created by Malaysia Health Ministry to manage the national COVID-19 vaccination programme.

They will promptly address the issue – either giving you a top-up dose, or a new vaccine dose.


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