Did Bob Saget Die From COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose?

Did beloved actor and comic Bob Saget die from his COVID-19 vaccine booster dose?

Take a look at the viral claims, and find out what the facts really are!

Updated @ 2022-07-17 : Added details of his death incident report.
Updated @ 2022-03-25 : Added details of his Long COVID symptoms.
Updated @ 2022-02-12 : Added more details of Bob Saget’s autopsy report.
Updated @ 2022-02-11 : Added Bob Saget’s autopsy report
Originally posted @ 2022-01-11


Claim : Bob Saget Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose!

Antivaxxers are claiming that beloved actor and comic Bob Saget died from his COVID-19 vaccine booster dose!

Bob Saget died from vaccine complications in his hotel room, on the first night of his fully vaccinated comedy tour.

He just received his COVID booster a few weeks ago.

Another victim of the jab.

To make those claims more credible, they often include a link to an article about Bob Saget’s death.


Truth : Bob Saget Did NOT Die From COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose!

This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created by antivaxxers to scare people from protecting themselves with the COVID-19 vaccines.

The truth is – like Betty WhiteBob Saget did NOT die from the COVID-19 booster dose, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : No Evidence Bob Saget Died From COVID-19 Vaccine

While antivaxxers are claiming that Bob Saget died from the COVID-19 vaccine, they offer absolutely NO EVIDENCE for their claim.

The articles they shared as “evidence” do not mention that Saget died from the COVID-19 vaccine, only that he was found dead in his Orlando hotel room on 9 January 2022.

They only added those article links to mislead you into thinking that they are evidence that he died from the COVID-19 vaccine.

After all, most people don’t bother to click on the links to actually read the articles. That’s the same reason some people believe that Betty White died from the COVID-19 booster dose

Read more : Did Betty White Die From COVID-19 Booster Dose?

Fact #2 : Bob Saget Was Infected With COVID-19

Bob Saget was once infected with COVID-19, and he spoke about how bad it was on a podcast – A Corporate Time with Tom & Dan, just 4 days before his death.

It is not good, it does not feel good. I don’t know if I had Delta or … I might have had a combo.

Maybe at one point they [Delta and Omicron] were working together.

It should be noted that Saget only spoke about the pain of his COVID-19 infection, and never complained about vaccine side effects.

In fact, he joked about the vaccine and called for people to get vaccinated:

I get vaccinated five to six times a day and I feel great!!

Please people, I don’t wanna preach, but please get your visine today. Sorry, auto-correct— I meant vaccine… Help save eyes…Sorry, damn this auto-correct!  I meant save lives.

According to his autopsy report, Saget was COVID-19 positive at the time of his death. However, that may not mean he had an active infection, as a PCR test can detect COVID-19 weeks after an infection.

Fact #3 : Bob Saget Had His Booster Dose A Month Earlier

Bob Saget was fully-vaccinated against COVID-19, and mentioned in his December 13, 2021 podcast, that he got his booster dose a day or two earlier :

I try not to preach you know about — I got my booster shot, I’m 65, so I got it yesterday — day before — and I was hurting… I’ve been telling people I got it in my ass.

If he suffered any adverse effects from the booster dose, they not only would have happened earlier, they would have prevented him from going on a tour.

Yet, Saget not only kicked off his standup comedy tour, he also went on the podcast with Tom & Dan just 4 days before his death.

Saget also tweeted about how great he felt, right after his Jacksonville show and just hours before his death…

Fact #4 : Bob Saget Died From Blunt Head Trauma

All deaths in Orange County (where Orlando is located) are investigated by the homicide unit, and so, an autopsy was performed on his body.

Bob Saget’s official cause of death has been revealed by his family and the Orange County government on 10 February 2022.

His family issued a statement announcing that (with my emphasis in bold) :

The authorities have determined that Bob passed from head trauma. They have concluded that he accidentally hit the back of his head on something, thought nothing of it and went to sleep. No drugs or alcohol were involved.

As we continue to mourn together, we ask everyone to remember the love and laughter that Bob brought to this world, and the lessons he taught us all: to be kind to everyone, to let the people you love know you love them, and to face difficult times with hugs and laughter.

Joshua Stephany MD, the Chief Medical Examiner for the Orange and Osceola Counties issued this statement (my emphasis in bold) :

An autopsy was performed on Robert Lane Saget, a 65-year-old male. Mr. Saget was found unresponsive in his hotel room, on January 10, 2022. All testing and further studies have now been completed.

In consideration of the circumstances surrounding the death and after examination of the body, toxicology analysis, histology, and a respiratory pathogen panel, it is my opinion that the death of Mr. Saget, was the result of blunt head trauma. His injuries were most likely incurred from an unwitnessed fall. A toxicology analysis did not reveal any illicit drugs or toxins. The manner of death is accident.

Our condolences go out to Mr. Saget’s loved ones during this difficult time.

The autopsy report also revealed other details of the injury, and Bob Saget’s health at the time of death :

  • there was an abrasion on his scalp
  • there was a fracture at the base of his skull
  • there were fractures around his eye sockets
  • there was bleeding in the space between his brain and skull
  • there were bruises to his brain
  • he had Clonazepam (a tranquilliser taken for seizure and anxiety) as well as Trazodone (an anti-depressant) in his system
  • he had an enlarged heart, which was 95% blocked on one side, and
  • he tested positive for COVID-19, but there was no inflammation in his respiratory system

Joshua Stephany MD

On March 15, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office in Orlando released an incident report, which stated that :

  • There were fractures around Bob Saget’s eye sockets, and bleeding around this brain.
  • The injury was caused by Bob Saget hitting “something hard, covered by something soft”, such as a carpeted floor.
  • The impact causing those fractures “would have stunned Mr. Saget”, and he would have experienced dizziness.
  • If there was people present, they would have noticed his “confusion, [lack of] balance and/or slurred speech”.
  • There were also no signs of blood on the hotel bed’s sheets or bedspread.
  • The countertops, tables and nightstands were ruled out, but the floor and bed headboard were lightly padded and are thus the “possible mechanisms of injury”.

A toxicology report showed that Bob Saget did not have any illicit drugs or toxins in his body when he died.

Fact #5 : He May Have Been Suffering From Long COVID

On 24 March 2022, it was revealed that Rosalie Cocci – the lead producer of Saget’s show at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall – told Orange County police that Saget was having a hard time recovering from Long COVID-19.

I did hear him say, ‘I don’t feel good but I’m ready to do the show. This is what I do this for.’ He kinda seemed like he was talking himself up.

He stated himself that… it was taking his body a long time to get over [COVID]. He said that his hearing had been off and that was the case that night. He was asking the sound guys to turn everything up.

He said he had been sick the night before, he said he had a sore throat, that he was happy he had lozenges for the stage.

Despite that, Cocci told the police that Saget “seemed okay” and he was able to complete his set without any issues :

He wasn’t sweating, he didn’t miss a beat, nothing slurred. He seemed okay. He really did and it was very surprising the next day… He came out very energetic, and in the half-an-hour, I saw him, he was very much entertaining the crowd.


Bob Saget Won’t Be Last Celebrity To Be Abused By Antivaxxers

Now that Bob Saget’s autopsy report has been finalised and confirmed, there can be no doubt that he died from a blunt head trauma, not his COVID-19 vaccine booster dose.

He died after hitting the back of his head in an unwitnessed fall – the blunt head trauma causing significant brain bleeding that he may not have been aware of.

Sadly, his death has been further abused by antivaxxers to drive the fear of COVID-19 vaccines. He now joins Betty White as yet another celebrity whose death was falsely and maliciously attributed to the booster dose.

Will these antivaxxers apologise? Correct themselves? Nope. They will just move on to the next celebrity death.

Please SHARE this fact check with your family and friends, and help us FIGHT FAKE NEWS!

And please protect yourself and your family by vaccinating against COVID-19!


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Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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