Bagan Specialist Centre : 5 Staff Positive For COVID-19!

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Bagan Specialist Centre just announced that five staff members tested positive for COVID-19!

Find out what happened, and if you should be concerned!


Bagan Specialist Centre : 5 Staff Positive For COVID-19!

On 16 February 2021, Bagan Specialist Centre announced that five staff members tested positive for COVID-19.

They did not reveal their job positions or work locations, only that they tested positive on 15 February 2021.

Bagan Specialist Centre : 5 Staff Positive For COVID-19!

All affected staff members have been isolated and the affected services and areas closed for cleaning.

They also sent all hospital personnel in close contact with the 5 positive staff members for a PCR swab test, and placed them under quarantine.

Bagan Specialist Centre has now resumed normal operations, after an assessment by the Malaysia Ministry of Health (KKM).


Bagan Specialist Centre COVID-19 Exposure : Official Statement

Here is the official statement by Bagan Specialist Centre on their COVID-19 exposure.

Please be informed that five of our staff at Bagan Specialist Centre have been confirmed Covid-19 positive on 15 February 2021. Bagan Specialist Centre has taken prompt action to manage this case according to Ministry of Health guidelines. The affected staff were isolated immediately and the affected services and areas were closed for terminal cleaning to mitigate the risk of spread with stringent infection control guidelines by the Ministry of Health. Contact tracing has b been completed and all hospital personnel who were in close contact with the affected staff have been swabbed for Covid-19 PCR Test and put under quarantine.

After asssessment by the Ministry of Health, the affected services and areas shall resume normal operation on 17 February 2021. The hospital’s consultants and staff are to remain vigilant in the fight against Covid-19. Bagan Specialist Centre will always ensure full compliance with Covid-19 preventive measures to keep our patients, visitors and staff safe.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at 04-371 0000 for further information.

The Management


Bagan Specialist Centre COVID-19 Case : What’s The Risk?

Hospitals are considered high-risk because COVID-19 patients may seek treatment without knowing that they have COVID-19.

However, they are also the best equipped to prevent spread of such infection, by quarantining and testing patients who might have COVID-19.

Their staff would have also been trained to follow the SOP – wear PPE, maintain physical distance and practice good hand hygiene.

They would also have been trained to insist that patients and their caregivers wear their face masks properly, and practice good hand hygiene.

Without additional details, it is not known if the five affected staff members were infected outside the hospital, or by a COVID-19 patient (who could be asymptomatic).

Let this be a reminder why it is critical that you wear a face mask in public at all times – they greatly reduce the risk of infection.

You should also maintain good hand hygiene by cleaning with soap and water, or a hand sanitiser.

COVID-19 is easily destroyed by soap, so even a simple cleaning operation will definitely clean the store of any infectious particles, albeit only temporarily.


COVID-19 : How To Keep Safe!

Here are a few simple steps to stay safe from the SARS-CoV-2 virus :

Recommended : Soap vs Sanitiser : Which Works Better Against COVID-19?
Recommended : Surgical Mask : How To CORRECTLY Wear + Remove!
Recommended : COVID-19 Food Safety : Fruits, Vegetables, Takeouts


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