Predecessor : How To Get This Game For Free!

Predecessor – a next-generation MOBA game – is now free to own for a limited time!

Find out how to get it FREE, and TELL your friends!

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Predecessor : Next-Gen MOBA Game

You and four allies join arms in battle as you fight for glory on the battlefield against enemy heroes on a traditional 3 lane map featuring an interactive jungle, epic monsters, and more!

In a match, 10 players are divided into two teams with each player controlling their chosen hero. No two heroes are the same. Each hero has their own unique abilities and design, meaning there’s a hero to match everyone’s style of play. Heroes complete objectives to collect gold like killing minions, towers, or enemy heroes.

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As a hero collects more gold they can buy items from the shop that influence their heroes in interesting ways – allowing them to teleport to new locations, go invisible, freeze time, and more. Items also allow a hero to get more powerful by giving their hero better attributes such as power, attack speed, health, and various other stats.

Unlike most MOBAs, Predecessor puts you into the heart of the action. The Third-Person perspective fully immerses you into the game as enemies appear from shadow walls, over ledges, or from behind you.


Predecessor : How To Get This Game For Free!

Make sure you follow these steps to get Predecessor for FREE by 12 AM (GMT+8) on 14 December 2023.

  1. Log into your Epic Store account, or create a new account.
  2. Go to Predecessor page in the Epic Games Store.
  3. Click on the Get button.
  4. In the checkout page, click Place Order.

That’s it! It has now added to your Epic Games account, and you can download and install it anytime after this.


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Name : Adrian Wong
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Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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