Here is the partial Jeffrey Epstein name list that was just released. You will need to wait a while longer for the full list!
Updated @ 2024-01-04 : Updated with the partial release of the Epstein name list
Originally posted @ 2024-01-03
Jeffrey Epstein Name List : What Is It?
On September 21, 2015, Virginia Giuffre filed a defamation lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell. This case (Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433) was settled under seal in 2017, with Maxwell reportedly paying Giuffre “millions”.
In December 2023, New York judge Loretta A. Preska ruled that there was no longer any legal justification to continue concealing the names of the 187 “John and Jane Does” mentioned in the records.
It is currently unknown how many people are on the final list, as Judge Preska will keep some names sealed, including those belonging to child victims who have not spoken publicly. However, the final so-called “Jeffrey Epstein list” is expected to number more than 150 names.
Many people have eagerly searching for the Jeffrey Epstein name list, leading to a number of fake lists appearing on social media.
On Wednesday, 3 January 2023, a partial list of 90 names was released, but what you may not know is that this isn’t the full list, which has actually been delayed!
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Why Jeffrey Epstein Name List Has Been Delayed!
It is common knowledge now that Judge Preska ordered the release of the unredacted names after 1 January 2024. What many people don’t seem to know is that the release of the full name list has actually been delayed.
Hence, when the name list of some 90 names was released on Wednesday, 3 January 2023, it was not the full list. Here is the current list of names released so far:
- Ghislaine Maxwell
- Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
- Kathy Alexander
- Miles Alexander
- James Michael Austrich
- Philip Barden
- Cate Blanchett
- David Boies
- Laura Boothe
- Evelyn Boulet
- Rebecca Boylan
- Joshua Bunner
- Naomi Campbell
- Carolyn Casey
- Paul Cassell
- Sharon Churcher
- Bill Clinton
- David Copperfield
- Alexandra Cousteau
- Cameron Diaz
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Alan Dershowitz
- Dr. Mona Devanesan
- Bradley Edwards
- Amanda Ellison
- Cimberly Espinosa
- Jeffrey Epstein
- Annie Farmer
- Marie Farmer
- Alexandra Fekkai
- Crystal Figueroa
- Anthony Figueroa
- Louis Freeh
- Eric Gany
- Meg Garvin
- Sheridan Gibson-Butte
- Robert Giuffre
- Al Gore
- Ross Gow
- Fred Graff
- Philip Guderyon
- Shannon Harrison
- Stephen Hawking
- Victoria Hazel
- Brittany Henderson
- Brett Jaffe
- Michael Jackson
- Carol Roberts Kess
- Dr. Karen Kutikoff
- Peter Listerman
- George Lucas
- Tony Lyons
- Bob Meister
- Jamie A. Melanson
- Lynn Miller
- Marvin Minsky
- David Mullen
- Joe Pagano
- Mary Paluga
- J. Stanley Pottinger
- Joseph Recarey
- Michael Reiter
- Jason Richards
- Bill Richardson
- Sky Roberts
- Scott Rothstein
- Forest Sawyer
- Doug Schoetlle
- Kevin Spacey
- Cecilia Stein
- Mark Tafoya
- Brent Tindall
- Kevin Thompson
- Donald Trump
- Ed Tuttle
- Emma Vaghan
- Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
- Cresenda Valdes
- Anthony Valladares
- Maritza Vazquez
- Vicky Ward
- Jarred Weisfeld
- Courtney Wild
- Bruce Willis
- Daniel Wilson
- Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York
Four names mentioned in the newly released documents remained redacted, while many more names were not included in this release.
This is because Judge Preska ordered the names and documents to be unsealed after 1 January 2024, pending appeals. She gave people whose names would be unsealed until midnight on January 1, 2024, to file an objection or appeal.
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On 20 December, the lawyer for Doe 107 filed a request for a 30-day extension (source), which was approved the next day (source). Doe 107 now has until 22 January 2024, to support her contention that unveiling her name would put her at risk of physical harm.
On the day the current list and documents were released, another person – Doe 110, submitted an enquiry which is currently being reviewed by the Court (source).
Dec 20, 2023 : NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Richard Ware Levitt on behalf of John Doe 107..(Levitt, Richard) (Entered: 12/20/2023)
Dec 20, 2023 : LETTER addressed to Judge Loretta A. Preska from Richard Levitt dated 12/20/2023 re: Doe 107. Document filed by John Doe 107..(Levitt, Richard) (Entered: 12/20/2023)
Dec 21, 2023 : MEMO ENDORSEMENT: on re: 1317 Letter filed by John Doe 107. ENDORSEMENT: Doe 107’s request for a 30-day extension is approved. Doe 107 shall, by January 22, 2024, submit to the Court for in camera review an affidavit (1) supporting her assertion that she faces a risk of physical harm in her country of residence and (2) providing detail concerning the hate mail she has received. Doe 107’s counsel may also provide by this date any additional factual support for Doe 107’s contention that unsealing the relevant records would put her at risk ofphysical harm. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Loretta A. Preska on 12/21/2023) (ama) (Entered: 12/21/2023)
Jan 3, 2024 : ORDER: On December 18, 2023, the Court entered an order (dkt. no. 1315) summarizing its findings following a particularized review of the documents noted therein and immediately staying its order for fourteen days to allow any impacted Doe an opportu nity to appeal. The Court received inquiries from two Does seeking to remain under seal. The first of these two Does is Doe 107, whom the Court granted an extension of time until January 22, 2024, to submit support for her assertion that unsealing wo uld cause her physical harm. (See dkt. no. 1318.) The second inquiry was submitted by Doe 110 and is currently under review by the Court. With the exception of the documents relating to these Does, the parties have informed the Court that they will b egin filing the unsealed records outlined in this Court’s December 18 Order later today. The Court will render its determination on the documents relating to Does 107 and 110 in due course. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Loretta A. Preska on 1/03/2024) (ama)
Until Judge Preska rules on the Doe 107 and Doe 110 enquiries, the Jeffrey Epstein list of names will remain incomplete.
In addition, the current list of some 90 names isn’t complete either. The court documents list 184 “Does”, starting at J. Doe #3 through J. Doe #187.
Even though some names are repeated twice, and some are the names of minors who did not speak out publicly and will remain sealed, the final list of people associated (even tangentially) with the Jeffrey Epstein scandal is likely to number over 150.
Frankly, even the full and final Jeffrey Epstein list is unlikely to be a bombshell, as many of the names on the list are already publicly known, like:
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Gates
- Donald Trump
- Prince Andrew
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
As Judge Loretta Preska noted, many of those who are on the Epstein list had already been publicly identified by the media, or during Ghislaine Maxwell’s criminal trial.
On top of that, many people whose names appear in these court documents are not being accused of any crimes. To be clear – this is not a Jeffrey Epstein “client list”!
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Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.
He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.
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