Did David Martin Testify To UK Parliament On COVID-19?!

Did Dr. David Martin just testify to the UK Parliament at the House of Commons on the true origins of the COVID-19 pandemic?!

Take a look at the viral claims, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : David Martin Testified To UK Parliament On COVID-19!

People are sharing videos which they claim or suggest shows Dr. David Martin testifying to the UK Parliament at the House of Commons on the true origin of the COVID-19 pandemic!

Keith Coley : Dr. David Martin gives expert testimony on the Pandemic and its consequences to the House of Commons. @DrDMartinWorld #Plandemic #Warpspeed #COVID19

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Truth : David Martin Did Not Testify To UK Parliament On COVID-19!

This appears to be yet another example of FAKE NEWS circulating on WhatsApp and social media platforms like TikTok and Twitter, and here are the reasons why!

Fact #1 : It Was A Short Private Meeting

Let me start by pointing out that the video does not show Dr. David Martin giving testimony to the U.K. Parliament at the House of Commons. He was speaking at a private meeting in Portcullis House.

To raise funds, the U.K. Parliament has allowed companies and individuals to rent rooms for private events since January 2014. This COVID-19 meeting was conducted in the Wilson Room, and it was short – lasting just 2 hours.

To be clear – that was not an official U.K. Parliament event, and was merely a private event held in a rented room in Portcullis House. The speakers at that event were only “testifying” to the few attendees in the room, not to the U.K. Parliament.

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Fact #2 : Most UK MPs Did Not Attend

The private meeting was hosted by UK MP Andrew Bridgen, but it was not an official U.K. Parliament event or meeting. In fact, Andrew Bridgen asked the public to write to their MPs to ask (beg?) them to attend that meeting.

Andrew Bridgen : Tomorrow, I’m hosting a historic meeting in Parliament at which doctors and analysts will give expert testimony on the pandemic and its consequences.

All MPs & Lords have been formally invited. Ask your MP to attend using the template below

The choice of Wilson Room though suggests that he did not expect many to attend. After all, the Wilson Room appears to be a small meeting room, with a maximum capacity of 12-16 delegates, with sitting room for another 30 or so people. Obviously, the vast majority of UK Members of Parliament did not attend.

This appears to be a much smaller, UK version of the International COVID Summit III, which claimed to be an official EU Parliament event (it was not).

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Fact #3 : Public Video Streaming Was Not Allowed

Dr. David Martin claimed that “[UK] Parliament turned off the livestream but several [people] recorded it. However, it appears that there was no livestream of the meeting, because the Wilson Room does not permit public footage, except in certain circumstances:

Photography/Filming for private functions: (Committee sessions have different arrangements)

If the chairperson and the other Members present are content, photography is permitted at any meeting in a committee room.

Filming is also OK as long as the members and chairperson are content, the material is for internal use only, the film crew brings in its own hand-held equipment and a permit has been issued by the Events Team. In the case of informal meetings of committees of the House, footage may be made publicly available at the chairman’s discretion. For all other meetings, footage may not be made publicly available.

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Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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