Why David Burleson Did Not Die From Vaccine SADS!

Anti-vaccination activists are claiming that 14 year-old David Wayne Burleson died suddenly in his sleep from vaccine SADS!

Take a look at the viral claims, and find out what the facts really are!


Claim : David Burleson Died Suddenly From Vaccine SADS!

Anti-vaccination activists are claiming that 14 year-old David Wayne Burleson died suddenly in his sleep from vaccine SADS!

William Makis MD : 14 year old David Wayne Burleson died suddenly in his sleep on Apr.25, 2023.

“No OD, no allergic reaction, no signs of anything” “Nobody could get a heartbeat back”

If COVID-19 vaccinated, early morning cardiac arrest often fatal

#Diedsuddenly #cdnpoli #ableg

GlobalResearch : 14 year old David Wayne Burleson died suddenly in his sleep on Apr.25, 2023.

アラバマ州センタービル – 14 歳の David Wayne Burleson さんが 2023 年 4 月 25 日に睡眠中に突然死亡しました。


COVID-19 ワクチンを接種した場合、早朝の心停止はしばしば致命的です

Recommended : Died Suddenly : Anti-Vaccination Movie Lies Exposed!


Truth : David Burleson Did Not Die Suddenly From Vaccine SADS!

This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created by anti-vaccination activists, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : David Wayne Burleson Died In His Sleep

David Wayne Burleson was born on February 6, 2009 to Patrick Burleson and Amy Lantz of West Blocton, Alabama.

They woke up on the morning of April 25, 2023 to find David unresponsive in bed. They immediately started CPR, and paramedics who arrived worked on him for over an hour, but never got his heart started. David Wayne Burleson was just 14 years old when he died.

We woke up this morning to find David unresponsive this morning. Started CPR immediately and they worked on him for over an hour. Nobody could get a heartbeat back. They gave him multiples of everything.

Our son, David Wayne Burleson, is dead at 14 years old.

There is no reason as of yet. No OD, no allergic reaction, no signs of anything, just a dead teenager. Prayers are appreciated.

Fact #2 : David Burleson’s Cause Of Death Is Unknown

The exact cause of death for David Wayne Burleson is currently unknown. His parents, and the medical examiner’s office, did not reveal his cause of death.

That does not mean he died from the COVID-19 vaccine, a heart attack, a cardiac arrest, or any other cause of death. It simply means – we, the public, do NOT know his cause of death.

Until his family, or the medical examiner’s office, reveals his cause of death, anyone who claims that David Wayne Burleson died from this or that cause is likely lying to you!

Recommended : Do COVID-19 Vaccines DOUBLE Heart Attack Risk?!

Fact #3 : David Burleson Was Not Vaccinated Against COVID-19!

It is ludicrous for anti-vaccination activists to blatantly claim that David Wayne Burleson died from the COVID-19 vaccine, when they had no evidence he was ever vaccinated against COVID-19!

In fact, his mother, Amy Lantz posted publicly on April 29, 2023, that she and David Wayne Burleson were never vaccinated against COVID-19!

I can NOT believe I am having to make this post!

There are truly just some fucking heartless, idiotic, live with their head up their ass people in this world!

My son did not have the Covid vaccination, nor does it fucking matter if he did or did not! I don’t give a shit about your opinion on this subject! I am grieving my first born child!

This is for all the people that have been contacting me and feel like they want to contact me about whether he had the vaccine or not!



I have had multiple people in the U.S. and other countries contact me over this shit! Yall go the fuck away!


David Wayne Burleson joins the list of unvaccinated people whose sudden deaths were abused by anti-vaccination activists for their agenda – Kris Jordan, Aaron Carter, Kirstie Alley, Stephan Bonnar, and Kaden Clymer.

Fact #4 : David Burleson’s Family Was Not Vaccinated Against COVID-19 Either!

Just in case anti-vaccination activists intend to suggest that David Wayne Burleson may have been injured by “vaccine shedding”, not only is that a fictional concept, his family was not vaccinated either!

Please don’t ask grieving parents about if their child was vaccinated so you can blame it on the vaccine. That is gaining something for your political standpoint, especially with your stupid profile picture!

I am certainly allowed to lash out at whoever I want to, about anything I want to! I JUST LOST MY SON! lam most certainly allowed to lash out at all the idiotic inconsiderate fucking conspiracy theorists who don’t even know my son or my family, who think it’s a fucking fantastic wonderful idea to ask if my son was vaccinated because they believe the vaccine is killing people and want to have more ‘data and proof’ it kills!

If you were truly JUST sorry for his death and not looking for some kind of data use, you wouldn’t have asked a grieving mother that question!

I did not get the vaccine myself nor did I allow my kids to, so go the fuck away! You aren’t sorry for my loss, you all just want data!

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Fact #5 : Claims Of Children Injured By COVID-19 Vaccine Proven False

This is yet another example of anti-vaccination activists exploiting the deaths / injuries of children to create and propagate FAKE NEWS about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

So far, claims of child deaths / injuries due to the COVID-19 vaccine have been proven false in every instance.

Will these anti-vaccination activists apologise for lying to you? Nope! They will just move on to the next child tragedy…

Please help us FIGHT FAKE NEWS by sharing this fact check article out, and please SUPPORT our work!

Don’t forget to protect yourself, and your family, by vaccinating against COVID-19!


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Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.

He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.


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