The Complete Samsung Forum 2017 Coverage

Page 2 : Samsung Family Hub 2.0, FlexWash, Wind-Free, POWERbot VR7000, mySamsung Update


The Samsung Family Hub 2.0 & Samsung FlexWash

Malaysia’s very own Elaine Soh, Director of Corporate Marketing, Samsung Malaysia, revealed the new Samsung Family Hub 2.0 smart refrigerator and the innovative Samsung FlexWash washing machine. They represent the future of home appliances – smart, connected a


The Samsung Wind-Free Air Conditioner

Jo Semidang, Director for Corporate Marketing, Samsung Indonesia, revealed the new Samsung Wind-Free range of air conditioners that not just boasts wind-free cooling but also lower power consumption and an integrated PM2.5 air filter.

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The Samsung POWERbot VR7000

Jo Semidang also revealed the new Samsung POWERbot VR7000 series of robot vacuum cleaners. They are not just slimmer and more powerful, but also smarter. And it comes with a unique Edge Clean Master feature!


The 2017 mySamsung Update

Finally, Karen Peck, Loyalty and Retention Director of Samsung Southeast Asia & Oceania, gave us an update on the mySamsung loyalty program.

Next Page > The Official Samsung Forum 2017 Press Release


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6 thoughts on “The Complete Samsung Forum 2017 Coverage

  1. Pingback: The Samsung QLED TV Technology Explained - Tech ARP

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  5. Dawn

    Any ideas on how to block Samsung updates to your phone? I liked my phone before the samsung virus makes it chime at random times 24/7. The Samsung virus overides your notication settings so you get chiming noises. Why Samsung insist on forced updates that make your life hell I don’t know. The last Samsung update took 1-1/2hrs on the phone plus a visit to a technician and guess what? It’s back! I hope all Samsung executives experience the Samsung chimes at 1,2, 3 O’clock in the morning. I’ll never buy Samsung again. Pity because it’s a great product otherwise.

    1. Dr. Adrian Wong Post author

      There is no Samsung virus that makes your phone chime AFAIK. There are also no forced updates. It will ask you to update but you can choose not to update.

      If you go to Settings -> Software Update, you can turn off “Download updates automatically”.


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