Malaysia Now F-Secure Cybersecurity Hub For Asia Pacific

F-Secure is making a big push into the Asia Pacific region, using Malaysia as their launch pad. The F-Secure Tower in Bangsar South, where more than 170 F-Secure research and development engineers are based, is now the F-Secure cybersecurity hub for the whole Asia Pacific region.


The Asia Pacific F-Secure Cybersecurity Hub

In the F-Secure Tower, security engineers work around the clock to actively track malware in real-time. There is also a Customer Care Centre that provides 24/7 global support in the native language of its customers, such as Japanese, Spanish and all English speaking countries.

The security engineers in the F-Secure Tower currently track and analyse hundreds of thousands of threats on a daily basis. When a new threat is detected, these engineers immediately craft and issue new patches which are deployed to F-Secure customers around the globe.


New F-Secure CEO Samu Konttinen

The importance of the Malaysian F-Secure cybersecurity hub cannot be understated. It is, after all, F-Secure’s only security lab outside of Finland.

Just over 2 months into his appointment as F-Secure CEO & President, Samu Konttinen, made a point to visit the Malaysian F-Secure cybersecurity hub. In a press conference held yesterday, he gave us talk on how “Data Breaches Eat CEOs For Breakfast“. Check it out!


F-Secure Hosts AVAR 2016 Conference

Ingvar Froiland, Director and GM of F-Secure Asia Pacific, announced the forthcoming Anti-virus Asia Researchers (AVAR) 2016 conference, together with Norhizam Abdul Kadir, Vice-President of Infotech Industry Development, MDEC.

The AVAR 2016 conference will run from November 30 until December 2, 2016 at the Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur. There will be 19 industry speakers, including Mikko Hypponen, F-Secure’s Chief Research Officer.


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