The IEEE Reverses HUAWEI Ban After Just 4 Days!

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The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) reversed their HUAWEI ban, just FOUR DAYS after announcing it. Let’s find out what the heck’s going on!


The IEEE Announces Its HUAWEI Ban…

On 29 May 2019, the IEEE announced their partial HUAWEI ban to comply with the HUAWEI Trump ban.

It was a perplexing move, coming almost two weeks after HUAWEI ban kicked in, and on the same day the WiFi Alliance, the SD Association and the Bluetooth SIG reversed their decisions to remove HUAWEI as members!

In their press statement announcing their partial HUAWEI ban, they clarified that HUAWEI employees are still allowed to :

  • join and participate in IEEE conferences, events and meetings
  • access the over 4.8 million papers on IEEE Xplore
  • submit technical papers for publication
  • sponsor and accept an IEEE award
  • participate in business, logistics and other meetings, including those related to conference planning

Recommended Reading : The HUAWEI ARM Business Suspension – How Bad Is This?

In addition, HUAWEI or its employees can continue to :

  • earn or exercise voting rights of membership
  • attend IEEE standards development meetings
  • submit new proposals for standards
  • participate and comment in public discussions of standards technology proposals

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The IEEE Reverses HUAWEI Ban After Just 4 Days!

However, to comply with US government regulations, they have to restrict HUAWEI and its employees from non-public activities, including :

  • peer review of submitted scientific papers
  • the IEEE editorial process

IEEE complies with U.S. government regulations which restrict the ability of the listed Huawei companies and their employees to participate in certain activities that are not generally open to the public. This includes certain aspects of the publication peer review and editorial process.

As you can see, the IEEE’s partial HUAWEI ban is really quite limited in scope… and has no real impact on HUAWEI as a company.

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And Then Retracts Its HUAWEI Ban…

But just four days later, they announced that they were retracting their partial HUAWEI ban… claiming that they received clarification from the US Department of Commerce.

IEEE has received the requested clarification from the U.S. Department of Commerce on the applicability of these export control restrictions to IEEE’s publication activities. Based on this new information, employees of Huawei and its affiliates may participate as peer reviewers and editors in our publication process.

Based on that clarification, they announced that HUAWEI employees and its affiliates may once more participate as peer reviewers and editors in the IEEE.

One can only wonder why they did not just wait a few more days… even a week… for that Commerce Department clarification before announcing their HUAWEI ban…

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