Microsoft + IDC : APAC Higher Education Can Double Innovation With AI!

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Microsoft Asia and IDC Asia Pacific just released findings of a study which suggests that higher education institutions in APAC can double their rate of innovation with AI (artificial intelligence)!


APAC Higher Education Can Double Innovation With AI!

The Microsoft-IDC study – Future Ready Skills : Assessing APAC Education Sector’s Use of AI – found that AI (artificial intelligence) will help double the rate of innovation for higher education institutions.

This involves using AI to better manage student performance and enhance student engagements, while optimising operations to reduce work amongst the faculty and administrative staff.

Microsoft + IDC : APAC Higher Education Can Double Innovation With AI!

Based on the study, the top business drivers to adopt AI in higher education include better student engagement, higher funding, and accelerated innovation.

Institutions that have already adopted AI say that they are seeing improvements in the rate of 11% to 28% in those areas.

By 2021, Microsoft and IDC predict that institutions using AI will experience the biggest jump in funding – 3.7X, which is higher than most industry sectors in Asia Pacific.

Microsoft + IDC : APAC Higher Education Can Double Innovation With AI!


AI In Higher Education Case Study

Developing a globally engaged citizenry is one of Japan’s key priorities. However, many students avoid studying or going abroad, as doing so can delay them from taking classes they need to graduate.

The Faculty of Engineering at Hokkaido University, for example, has chosen to implement AI as part of its mission to encourage students to study abroad.

They developed a Microsoft Azure-based e-learning system that leverages AI and automation capabilities. This system lets students keep up with coursework back home, with course preparation streamlined from days to mere hours.


AI Skills Required For The Future Of Higher Education

Both education leaders and their staff are equally positive about the impact of AI on higher education jobs.

A large majority (61%) of both segments believe that AI will either help them do their jobs better, or reduce repetitive tasks.

21% of education leaders, and 13% of their staff also agree that AI will help create new jobs in higher education.

Microsoft + IDC : APAC Higher Education Can Double Innovation With AI!However, the requisite skills for an AI future are currently in shortage. The top three skills that education leaders believe will face a shortage in the next three years include :

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  • IT skills and programming
  • Digital skills
  • Quantitative, analytical and statistical skills

The Study also noted a disconnect with the perception of education leaders of their staff’s willingness to reskill to adapt to an AI future.

26% of education leaders believe that their staff have no interest to reskill, but in reality, only 11% of their staff had no interest to reskill.


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