Eugene Kaspersky Presents Cyberspace – The Survival Guide


As the Chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, Eugene Kaspersky is no stranger to cybersecurity. In fact, he created his first antivirus software while serving in the Russian Ministry of Defense in 1989 – 8 years before he founded his eponymous cybersecurity firm.

His credentials, as far as cybersecurity goes, is impeccable. That is why his keynote speech entitled “Cyberspace – The Survival Guide” was arguably the highlight of the Kaspersky Lab Palaeontology of Cybersecurity conference.

Don’t forget to check out the other Kaspersky Palaeontology of Cybersecurity presentations!


Eugene Kaspersky Presents Cyberspace – The Survival Guide

In this engaging 35-minute talk, Eugene Kaspersky shares with us his opinions on the evolving cybersecurity threats and how we can survive them.

Here are the key takeaway points from Eugene Kaspersky’s keynote talk :

  • Eugene Kaspersky still uses an old Sony Ericsson feature phone, which he says is “unhackable”.
  • Microsoft Windows is still the main target of cyberattacks, because it’s still the most popular operating system and the default operating system for many enterprises.
  • Cyberattacks are increasingly shifting to the mobile platform, targeting the Android operating system in particular.
  • The Mac OS platform is relatively safe because there are still not that many Mac user, or Mac programmers who can craft malware to target them.
  • However, Eugene Kaspersky (pointing at my MacBook Pro) says that Mac OS is much more vulnerable than Microsoft Windows from a cybersecurity point of view. It is only “safer” because there are not many cybercriminals who can exploit this.
  • The threat of Linux malware is growing very fast, because Internet of Things (IoT) devices are mostly Linux-based.
  • iOS attacks are limited because their zero-day vulnerabilities are very expensive for cybercriminals to purchase.
  • Kaspersky Lab collects about 300,000 unique malicious code samples per day, or more than 2 million unique code samples a week.
  • The growth in malware is exponential. Kaspersky Lab took 20 years to collect their first million unique malware code samples, but just one week in 2016 to collect 2.2 million unique malware code samples.
  • The good news is that Kaspersky Lab processes these malware code samples automatically 99.9% of the time using self-learning machine algorithms.
  • Eugene Kaspersky dismisses the tech industry’s use of the term “artificial intelligence“, insisting that they are more accurately described as “self-learning machine algorithms“.
  • Unfortunately, there is a marked growth in highly sophisticated state-sponsored and criminal cyberattacks that cannot be addressed by these means.
  • Cybercrime now costs the world US$450 billion in losses every year – the equivalent of 13 years worth of budget for all of world’s space programmes combined.
  • IoT (Internet of Things) devices are the new frontier. There are now more IoT devices than human beings on Earth. The danger though lies in the fact that most of them cannot be patched, and use common, standard passwords for easier manageability, but makes them easy to hack.[adrotate group=”2″]
  • SCADA industrial control systems are also vulnerable to cyberattacks. There are now cybercriminals that target the SCADA systems of manufacturing and transportation companies, as well as state-sponsored attacks and possible terrorist attacks.
  • Eugene Kaspersky skipped past the Elections and Government Services slide, probably due to the recent US Senate accusations. I made it a point to ask him about that controversy during the Q&A session though.
  • Cybersecurity of individuals and SMBs (small and medium businesses) are easy to solve, because you can purchase and install cybersecurity software that will handle the common cybersecurity threats.
  • Enterprises, however, are under the additional threat of professional, targeted attacks. In addition to end-point protection, they will need to be able to predict and detect cyberattacks, and respond quickly to those that are identified.

Eugene ends his presentation by opining that a lot of work needs to be done to secure the world from from cybercriminals, thanks to the prevalence of cyberspace in our lives.

Don’t forget to check out the other Kaspersky Palaeontology of Cybersecurity presentations!

Next Page > The Cyberspace – The Survival Guide Presentation Slides


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